Depending on the layout and furniture moving requirements...
VLM (including vacuuming)
Up to 2200 sq ft per hour, per machine with 17" OPs... But we average about 1250 per machine, per hour. About 750 sq ft per hour, per machine in restaurants including moving tables and chairs.
About 1500 sq ft per hour with a 20" rotary & shampoo brush...
HWE (including vacuuming)
400-800 sq ft per hour on commercial with a TM and a 12" wand depending on the condition... Sorry no rotary jet extraction #s... That's including a quick post bonnet/OP with Snake Oil.And how tired I am... LOL
350-450 sq ft per hour on residential... But we're vacuuming, prescrubbing, moving furniture, gabbing with the customer and spotting and post bonneting in that figure... & managing hoses is a PITA for me... lol