How would YOU deal with this?



Hey guys,

I had a good size job lined up this morning for the brother of a very good client of mine. It was a 2 hour drive away from my home for a property they just purchased, but hadn't closed on it yet. Normally a 2 hour drive would never happen, but I'm still rather slow, and this was for a good client, and was getting compensated for the mileage and time.

He initially called me last Tuesday to set up an appointment for Monday the 9th. Fine. We get all the details worked out, 1000 square feet of carpet, 250 miles round trip, yadda, yadda, yadda.

I call him Friday afternoon just to confirm our appointment, he tells me he was running late and would have to close on the house Monday, pushing my appointment to Tuesday (today) at 8:30 AM. Not a problem, I told him I'd ink him in for that slot, but he would need to call me at least 24 hours in advance if he needed to cancel for any reason. So I gave him both my home number and cell (business) number, and told him I would see him Tuesday morning, unless something came up. I didn't hear from him, so that brings us to today.

So I pick up my helper and start making the journey. We hit some pretty nasty rush hour traffic in Milwaukee, which causes us to run a tad late. Once I figure out our E.T.A. I give him a call to tell him when to expect us, and he tells me that he called me Sunday and left a voicemail telling me we need to make it some other time, since he hadn't taken possession of the house yet. I'm already more than halfway there by now, and first hearing about it...WTF???? :evil: :evil:

OK, I try to play it cool. After all, I was out of town all weekend, and might have missed the message. At this point I'm kicking myself in the ass, and call my wife and tell her to check our home phone voicemail, which is where he claims he called. Anything there? NOPE!! Anything on the cell? NOPE!! I call him back and explain to him that we have nothing on our end at all. I explain to him that I'm already more than halfway there, dealt with rush hour traffic, AND had to pick up my helper. He apologizes, and still sticks to his story that he called, but may have dialed the wrong number, which at this point means diddly squat to me, but I don't want to lose my cool, or the client for that matter. So I tell him that there is going to have to be an extra charge for the gas, needless wear and tear to my van, and time spent paying my helper.

Question is, what should I charge him? Mileage? Percentage? I was thinking of charging at least an extra 25% of the final total. Should I go higher??

He obviously didn't call, only claims he did so he can say he gave me more than 24 hours notice, avoiding any further charges. When I called him back to tell him there would be extra charges, he didn't put up any fight at all, only said we'll work something out. Considering he's not fighting me, I'd say he KNOWS he didn't call, and just got caught with his pants down. :oops:

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
It's really hard to tell on a job you wouldn't normally do. I wouldn't push him too hard, you don't want to lose your time and the job, but at the same time I think some compensation would be appropriate.


Jayhawk2218 said:
I would have called the night before to confirm, but thats just me.

Yeah, I agree, looking back I should've. Hindsight is always 20/20.

But I did call Friday, which was one BUSINESS day before the original date (Monday).

It was his idea to switch to Tuesday, and he was informed about calling to cancel.


c_adkins said:
It's really hard to tell on a job you wouldn't normally do. I wouldn't push him too hard, you don't want to lose your time and the job, but at the same time I think some compensation would be appropriate.

Exactly what I was thinking.

So what's reasonable? I agree with Jayhawk, I should've called Monday to play it safe. But it still doesn't excuse him from not calling me, and expecting the same price.

I was thinking 25% of the total bill.....originally was going to go up to 50%, but I'll eat half of the cost, since I could've alleviated the problem, too.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
damn...4 hours travel time, 250 miles for 1000sf of carpet??

DUDE.. :roll:

too late now, but i'd of sho 'nuff called to confirm before heading out on that one
(live and learn from that one, Bro)

as far as what to charge, guess that's up to you.
you mentioned you were being compensated for miles and travel time.
You also mentioned you were half way there.
half way there and back home means 1/2 of the full travel/mile charge.
That and your wing man's labor cost would be one formula to use.

I am a tad curious though, why would you pay a helper all that "seat" time for 1000sf EMPTY house you could easily do yourself?
''specially if that slow?



meAt said:
damn...4 hours travel time, 250 miles for 1000sf of carpet??

DUDE.. :roll:

too late now, but i'd of sho 'nuff called to confirm before heading out on that one
(live and learn from that one, Bro)

as far as what to charge, guess that's up to you.
you mentioned you were being compensated for miles and travel time.
You also mentioned you were half way there.
half way there and back home means 1/2 of the full travel/mile charge.
That and your wing man's labor cost would be one formula to use.

I am a tad curious though, why would you pay a helper all that "seat" time for 1000sf EMPTY house you could easily do yourself?
''specially if that slow?


I agree, Meat. I'll take some of the blame, too.

I brought my helper (brother) because he's laid off from his job at the moment. I figured I could help him out with some extra coin, and help shorten my day, too. I had 3 jobs booked for today, this one, and 2 others. The others were 1300+ square feet each, so between the square footage and the travel, it worked out better having him with.

Yeah, 250 miles is ridiculous, I was only doing it as a favor for his brother who is one of my best clients. I'll figure something out that we can both agree upon.


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
I would charge him some referrals from people in your area and make him and his brother huge chearleaders for you just suck it up and do a good job and charge nothing less than what you had agreed on. Make someone pissed at you its a lot harder to recover from then someone that you went out of your way to please. It will pay off.


Nov 2, 2006
He is thinking you going to charge more for the service now. So he will call somer one else an you want here from him again.David

Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
How many $$$ was this job worth? Is it worth it? It would have to be worth some serious $$$ for me to do 1,000sq ft AND drive all that way! :shock: How about call the guy and say.....FORGET IT!! Not worth it!!!!


ODIN said:
goes under the tough shit and suck it up category

Words of wisdom, Odin. :roll:

easy1dave said:
He is thinking you going to charge more for the service now. So he will call somer one else an you want here from him again.David

Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I have a pretty good track record with his brother. There are plenty of cleaners cheaper and closer, but they like the quality they get from me, which is why they keep using my services.

Fred Homan said:
How many $$$ was this job worth? Is it worth it? It would have to be worth some serious $$$ for me to do 1,000sq ft AND drive all that way! :shock:

It was worth it, Fred. I'm not going to give the price because I prefer to keep that info to myself, but it'll be worth it if he uses me, especially with an extra trip charge.


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
i agree with t...suck it up . and turn it around. it will be much better for you if the custy tells his brother (one of your best custys)that you where cool with HIS f up then for him to if buying the house was,nt a big enough pain but that dick head carpet cleaner is pissed at me too....and he did,nt do that good a job


ODIN said:
trust me Telly been there done that

sucking it up is the best policy and move on to the next


I agree, Odin.....I was just being a sarcastic ass! :D

cu said:
i agree with t...suck it up . and turn it around. it will be much better for you if the custy tells his brother (one of your best custys)that you where cool with HIS f up then for him to if buying the house was,nt a big enough pain but that dick head carpet cleaner is pissed at me too....and he did,nt do that good a job

cu, I'm not worried about the job I do, I've never let them down, and won't start now. I'm not going to show my emotion, I was totally civil with him on the phone. In fact, my brother was cracking up at me and how calm I was on the phone, it was when I hung up that the obscenities flew! :lol:

I've been doing this long enough, plus I was a truck driver for many years and dealt with many asshole custy's. One tends to get some thick skin over the years. :wink:
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