I knew you boys would come around


Nov 14, 2006
This is off the ICS board.....................up next is Jimmy, then Terry and I bet Mikey is at super- conference next year.

To Joe Polish......
Posted By Wiley Gordon on 10/14/2008 at 12:42 AM
this has been a very interesting thread.....I hcek the board often, post every once in a while.....I happened to look up and see the banner and thought to myself, no way this guy knows all those people, turns out i had to eat my own words that i posted! however, what is truely funny is now i actually want to check out piranha and find out a little more about it......only reason i am posting this is i do feel responsible for some of the attcks that have been launched from a thread i started.....The reason I am now interested in checking out Mr. Polish's program (not neccessarily to buy, but learn more about) is b/c i am highly impresses with how he handled this whole situation....i have heard lots about how JP is this and JP is that.....to be honest this is the first interaction i have had with him and he has handled himself AND made himself available to a length at which an averave human wouldnt normally respond...he has been quite honest and answered all kinds of questions that he really dn't have too.....a few of the BB's are still giving JP a hard time about particular things he has or hasnt done or not done....but i for one am impressed at the lengths he has gone to make himself available to us...

And before one of u go on and on about him doing it for sales purposes....1) he has way more going on then to be worried about one more CC'er joining piranha....2) how many CC'ers are following this closely enough to have a real marketing impact, 50, 100? i feel as though he realy wants people to know the real side of himself....3) YES!!! "any highly successfull business person HAS to want to grow and promote their business, BUT to be SUPER successful in life u also have to give back" (Robert Kiyosaki) !

Posted By Kevin Jones on 10/14/2008 at 7:57 AM
Joe, in my opinion, is the real deal. He is a good person and his organization is top notch. People who aren't familiar with his program knock him. Just as you did....just as I did. If you'll check the board back in about '04 to '05, I was a Polish basher too.
Then I decided to check him out. How could I judge based on others' comments? So I attended the last Boot Camp. It was great. I met lots of great people and found that several of 'em, (Steve Cameron mainly), called me throughout the following year to see how I was doing.
His stuff was great and it helped put my business over the top.
My lovely wife, who attended with me, and I could never quite agree on how to run our business, so we sold it at a small profit (if we could've hung in there another year or two, we could've made a much bigger profit). We sold it to save a marriage, which is more important to either of us than the business. One of the guys who bought the business has told me that a lot of the leg work I did (as a result of Piranha marketing) is now paying off for the company. (I also have to give credit to Strategies for Success--I think both programs were instrumental).
Do I miss the field? Yes. Every day. Again, though, my marriage is blossoming and I am in the training field now. I won't make as much $$, but I have peace of mind in other places.
An added benefit? Lisa Wagner looks even better in person than in her pics!
;) Sorry, Lisa....I just had to say that.
Go to the conference Wiley. Implement the programs. You'll be glad you did.

Posted By Ken Snow on 10/14/2008 at 8:45 AM
Wiley~ like you, I have wondered for years about JP's stuff and I'm glad to hear your experience. In his comments/replies Joe has shown many facets of himself from his caring about people, his passion for marketing and his toughness/fortitude in the face of grade school type attacks & accusations. He even called his attacker though they havent spoken yet. To me that indicates a person of integrity.

Not one attack I saw had any coherent arguement or point, and they were laced with personal attacks & insults without substantiation.

I thought Joe very clearly answered everything by his one comment that was something everyone should get. He said in effect his style of marketing works for him and his business and that if it didn't he would change it. Isn't that true for all of us? Whether you agree or disagree with his style was not his point nor his desire to convince.


Re: To Joe Polish......
Posted By Ivan Turner on 10/14/2008 at 9:32 AM
Hi Kevin,

I'm leaving tomorrow night to Phoenix for the conference.

At this point I'm actually very excited about the event. I love being around other like minded individuals.

You and your wife made a very wise decision in regards to your marriage.

I admire you for that, among many other reasons.


p.s. Ken Snow looks better in person than in his pics too! He even has very soft hands. :)

Posted By Kevin Jones on 10/14/2008 at 9:41 AM
Thanks Ivan!

I'll have to check Ken out! I've heard from others that he's a real cutie, and like Ms. Wagner, is an astute business person as well!

Just kidding, Ken ;).

Posted By Ken Snow on 10/14/2008 at 9:59 AM
Ivan- Does Lisa (your Lisa, not Lisa Wagner) know you keep fantasizing about me?

Hey have a great time in Pheonix pal and I agree Kevin did the right thing, often hard to do in the thick of things.


Ps Please don't you start too now Kevin, its bad enough having Ivan stalking me.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Not sure what insecurity or disfuntional brain twist would compel soneone to actually take the time to grab posts off one bb and bring them to another, unless there was something relevant to share.

Geez get a frickin life people an start adding value to the world instead of knoking people! (I guess I'm guilty of it in this response)

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