ACE said:
Ken Snow said:
You seem to have convinced yourself of some things are likely to keep you in the status quo. Not sure of the purpose of the post.
I guess I just needed to vent. Again, I do not expect you to understand this but, if you’re not born with, or do not marry into money you have to work your azz off to build a business and there is a huge learning curve. You make it sound like you built haghopenis from the ground up with nothing but your
superior intellect and the power of positive thought. I’m sure you are a world class business man, but you don’t know anything about sweat equity.
And don’t talk to me about respect you arrogant prick. I paid that CHIMP a living wage bought all his meals at work, gave him the opportunity to learn a trade, dipped into saving and used credit cards to give him hours in the dead of winter plus, gave him $50 cash for fooking Christmas.
You know... your employee probably has a list of what he felt he did for you also. We all have our stories we tell - and every situation has 3 sides, yours, his, and then the truth somewhere in between.
This is like any cleaning job - the more care you put in up front to pre-inspect and communicate with the client, the better the job comes into place.
If you hire someone without a clear idea of what GOOD work is, and the type of person you are looking for, that's no different than going into a bar already drunk to hit on the first woman you see, and then getting pissed because she didn't end up being the love of your life you wanted to marry.
If you want to attract and develop a quality team - or even get one dependable employee - you need to do a little work up front on clear expectations.
Whenever I have cleaners telling me how crappy their employees are... I always know it's because the "bosses" are crappy. If you want better, you gotta look in the mirror and change the message you are sending out there. And you know what, when you see yourself as running a GREAT company, that cares about its clients, its work, and its employees - you will feel you deserve to be charging more money.
There are lots of veterans looking for work. I would prospect for military workers. They've already proven they can work hard, follow procedures, and be detailed. If you give them the opportunity of some flexible hours, some commission opportunities, and raises based on meeting goals you lay out - even if you begin as only part time with them, it's a good place to start.
If you were higher end, and had a big client database, I'd tell you to post for help in your newsletter... but if you are really a bottom feeder, that might not be where to get the best candidates.
Raise your prices 20%. Don't tell anyone, just do it. If anyone bitches, tell them it's the oil prices. Then you can both bitch about Obama.
Then after a few weeks you will have some extra funds, and when you are in a place with extra funds you think a little clearer. Plus... you will see that very few blink at the price change, and it will shift your perspective.
By the way... I didn't marry into money, wasn't born into money, and have worked my ass off for decades in building up several businesses. Hope that counts as sweat equity - LOL. You obviously know nothing about Ken's story.
It's a shame that your anger at your employee and at your life makes you feel like you need to attack people here who are just trying to share advice. Life is not fair. There are some schmucks out there looking for a handout. Big deal. Get over it, and put that anger into doing it better so you will make more money... then you can bitch about something else.