INSANE profits in cleaning rugs....

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Good morning Mikey!

If you're just waking up and drinkin your first cup of coffee, you
might want to have another sip and wait 30 seconds before you keep

Ok, ready?

First things First...

You can make INSANE profits cleaning area rugs, and I know you
already know that..

But ya know.. this whole thing about cleaning area rugs on location
has always been kind of a "sore spot" in the industry...

In my opinion, it's prevented a LOT of guys from really getting
into the profits that you can make from rugs.

Like, if you can't take them with you and clean them at your place
of business, you might as well not even THINK about rugs until you
can do it "Right"

Well ya know what? Some People Won't LET You do it "Right"

There are some customers that simply won't give you permission to
take the rug away... it's just too valuable or whatever.. Point
being.. They're just NOT gonna let you take it home.

So, If you've been holding back on the cash you can make with rugs
simply because you're not fully set up to do it "right" yet...

Take heart... You can start grabbing your share of this mega cash
niche as soon as next week!

Although he says it's NOT the best way to do it... Paul Lucas, an
indisputable "Rug Guru" in the industry declares...

You CAN successfully clean area rugs IN THE CLIENTS HOME!

Paul will be in the Pro-Cleaners Network Clubhouse TONIGHT, Tuesday
November 30th to explain TWO different methods you can use to "Do it
Right" in the wrong setting!

If you've been passing on rugs and the money you can make cleaning
them... this is your chance to finally get going!

If you're already cleaning rugs... you probably already know about
the client that won't let you take her rug.. and now you'll know the
BEST way to handle it.

Either way... this is gonna make you moolah. Paul Lucas is on the
CUTTING EDGE of rug cleaning chemistry and he ain't playin around..

Do WHATEVER it takes to be there.. This is gonna be a good one : )

TONIGHT ONLY, Tuesday November 30th..

Paul Lucas... Bonafide "Rug Guru"

"How You Can Successfully Clean Area Rugs IN THE CLIENT'S HOME!"

I guess Lisa Wagner must work for Joe for free as a way of giving back to her community than.. :shock:

IMO, the only way the profits could be considered Insane is if you hack them out in minutes like Snowgopian does.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
customers are funny

charge them .30 a sq to clean the house carpets and then turn around and charge them $1.50 for the in house area rug and they don't say a thing

I cleaned a piss soaked rug a week ago @ $4.50 a sq. ft, when I brought the rug back she wanted an estimate to clean the house. Measured the house carpets and gave her a price for $1.00 sq. ft.

she says it that all it is gonna cost


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
What a load of CRAP.

Any "rug guru" would never use a method that leaves embedded soil and shampoo IN the fibers by surface cleaning it in the home. That is NOT cleaning the rug. Why would anyone let the clients dictate what he/she wants, harming the rug - when as the EXPERT you should be advising against.

Had a client in today who wanted her rug cut up into a smaller piece, and we flat out refused (it was an antique - but she was treating it like a tufted piece of garbage). If I'm a specialist in rug care, my loyalty is to the textile and doing what is the best for that item that will outlive me and my client.

And Dusty should know better, I am disgusted by that email. So... there must be money in this somewhere, which sucks, because the rug side of the business is becoming a big RUG-PIMP-FEST where anyone is recommending everything hoping to make twenty-two dollars extra today to make up for the fact they ain't making it washing rugs successfully.

(Now - I'm just guessing on that...I don't know what kind of revenue any of these rug gurus are making...but Ruth & Jeff never made big money cleaning rugs - LOL.)

The level of integrity in this business is hitting absolute rock bottom.


P.S. Mike - thanks for giving me a place to rant.... no other forum would let me do that. =)
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
LisaWagnerCRS said:
What a load of CRAP.

Any "rug guru" would never use a method that leaves embedded soil and shampoo IN the fibers by surface cleaning it in the home. That is NOT cleaning the rug. Why would anyone let the clients dictate what he/she wants, harming the rug - when as the EXPERT you should be advising against.

Had a client in today who wanted her rug cut up into a smaller piece, and we flat out refused (it was an antique - but she was treating it like a tufted piece of garbage). If I'm a specialist in rug care, my loyalty is to the textile and doing what is the best for that item that will outlive me and my client.

And Dusty should know better, I am disgusted by that email. So... there must be money in this somewhere, which sucks, because the rug side of the business is becoming a big RUG-PIMP-FEST where anyone is recommending everything hoping to make twenty-two dollars extra today to make up for the fact they ain't making it washing rugs successfully.

(Now - I'm just guessing on that...I don't know what kind of revenue any of these rug gurus are making...but Ruth & Jeff never made big money cleaning rugs - LOL.)

The level of integrity in this business is hitting absolute rock bottom.


P.S. Mike - thanks for giving me a place to rant.... no other forum would let me do that. =)

I did listen to the webinar and Paul Lucas did emphasize a whole lot regarding cleaning rugs in the home. You know those tufted crap rugs with the latex breaking down and the really cheap rugs. Paul said he knows guys aren't going to listen and still surface clean the rug(s) thereowndamnself. Paul gave information on how they can clean certain rugs on location with a lot of limitations to screw it up. Imho, what Paul Lucas said during the webinar needs to be kept in context.

I myself don't clean rugs on location for various reasons, some of which Lisa posted. We choose not to take that liability.

I agree the way that email was written is a lot to be desired. But that's marketing for you. It creates buzz, same as those motivational speakers like Polish and Partridge dudes....... :p I still love ya Lisa... !gotcha!
Mar 31, 2010
Paul Lucas is no hack. He knows rugs and chemistry like no other.

I'm sure the info was great. Wish I would have known about the event in advance.

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
There is often a vast gulf between the marketing for a presentation and the actual technical information presented.

Dan is good at writing marketing copy. Paul is great source of information on cleaning rugs. Most of us can learn something from both. For the first thing to learn, see the first sentence of this post.

Scott Warrington
Technical Support
Interlink Supply / Bridgepoint Systems


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
LisaWagnerCRS said:
And Dusty should know better

I'm just guessing on that...I don't know what kind of revenue any of these rug gurus are making...but Ruth & Jeff never made big money cleaning rugs

- From my talks with Dusty in the past and others that have been to his shop (the old one) It doesn't sound like dusty wash many rugs he shampoo's/ extracts most most stuff pushing the custy to bring back their slightly less dirty rugs back in under a year for another go around while he's badgering a rugs which is better as you know since you run a wash plant there's far more soil in rugs than a dry dusting system can ever remove ...either he doesn't know any better or doesn't care i'll let you choose!

-The big money is selling to cleaners .... but how many times can someone sell to the same people, a guy like Mikey can only be fired up one time before reality hits the big easy cash cow that isn't ! Truth is, rug cleaning is saturated with guru's, education & equipment and these are trying to find a market it was average cleaner starting a rug cleaning side of the business, then it was restoration companies and now it's 99.00 whole house cleaners.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
There is often a vast gulf between the marketing for a presentation and the actual technical information presented.

Which is unfortunate, but even more unfortunate is that it works to get people to listen. The capper is that however unfortunate, most cleaners don't pay attention to anything that doesn't have either a giant E.Z. or a BIG MONEYattached to it.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Wouldn't tauting insane profits be kind of acknowledging price gouging customers? What % does it take to be considered insane?


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
CleanImage said:
Paul Lucas is no hack. He knows rugs and chemistry like no other.

I'm sure the info was great. Wish I would have known about the event in advance.

Hey Phillip,

I'm not saying Paul is a hack - I know he's not.

What I'm saying is that is you know it cannot be done as well in the home, you shouldn't promote doing it that way simply because "well, I know you are going to be doing it anyway"... that is simply lame.

Now with tufted rugs - some of which cannot be washed without delamination - you are going to have to surface clean because it is the best you can do to clean without damaging the rug. Dictated by the reality of the poor construction - and again not as clean as could be done washing.

Some of these guys who are promoting Odorox (which by the way IS a cool machine) to remove the odor that is in their rugs after they clean them - much of that is simply the rugs were not cleaned properly or thoroughly to begin with.

I don't mind the marketing copy - it takes A LOT to get people from reading something to taking action. What I mind is the focus to highlight something technically on-site that should be done in-plant. That's my only beef with it... and people saying how much money can be made in it, when they've never actually built a highly profitable rug operation. It's no different than professors teaching business who never ran a business well. In theory everything sounds great, in practice reality is much different than "pretend" business.



Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Mikey P said:
So Randy

are YOUR profits INSANE?

No, not insane.

Plenty of guys market rug washing in their "plant" which is really their garage granted some are doing real washing most are not and they use with fancy add copy that says something to the effect that they will "hand wash" "hand clean" or my favorite... "we will carefully test the rug and use the appropriate cleaning method" when all the will really do in their plant (garage) is suck mop @ 3-5.00 Sq Ft... what they would have done in the home...?


this guy at least shows what he does most don't!


Aug 1, 2007
I dont know about you but when I see, "Insane Profit" I look away. I can't tell you how many losers and wannabes i see chasing after this stuff. Frequently they are the ones who are provide the "insane profit" for someone else. Again and again.

You might be able to make insane profits once or twice on a customer but eventually they will wizen up.

Please don't mistake "insane profits" with well compensated for excellent work. There will always be people who will value that.

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
There is only ONE person I know who is Teaching what he Preaches. Phil Auserehl. What I mean by that is he actually runs his own Rug Plant and teaches and use's his own Plant to teach.

I'm making so much Money I'm thinking of doing it for free! Or at least maybe teaching a Class.
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
Ron K said:
There is only ONE person I know who is Teaching what he Preaches. Phil Auserehl. What I mean by that is he actually runs his own Rug Plant and teaches and use's his own Plant to teach.

I'm making so much Money I'm thinking of doing it for free! Or at least maybe teaching a Class.

I thought Phil retired from teaching?

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
I thought Phil retired from teaching?

That's a secret that he only admits to certain people. :twisted:

I'd heard that too, but his web site is still up. Maybe he's leaving the instructing to others but still running the school.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
i remember reading something to the effect that there's a class next year sometime?

Perhaps the money is too good or maybe he can't get his cash out of the butt load of rugs sucking up space in his shop ?


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
sweendogg said:
Ellen and Aaron teach right out of Ellen's plant just like Phil.

Most of Aaron's courses (RCT) are not taught in a plant. And he and Ellen teach every once in awhile at her plant - they were doing that about once a year - or every other year.

Ellen really knows her stuff.

But the bulk of the classes being taught - all the IICRC classes - are not plant based. They are test based.


Jeff Brown

Oct 11, 2006
Jeff Brown
So it's ok to lay down an antique rug or any expensive rug and walk on it but it's not ok to surface clean it??


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Jeff Brown said:
So it's ok to lay down an antique rug or any expensive rug and walk on it but it's not ok to surface clean it??

Rugs can take the "work" - it's just that surface cleaning in the home is not thoroughly cleaning that rug. And you are eventually causing more damage to that rug over time.

You just need to know that.

If you are going to insist on surface cleaning a woven rug, then at least do it off-site so you can thoroughly dust, clean, and rinse. It's not as good as washing - but it's always better than on-site cleaning.... unless you are a crummy cleaner, which I doubt you are.




Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Jeff Brown said:
So it's ok to lay down an antique rug or any expensive rug and walk on it but it's not ok to surface clean it??

it it doesn't get a rug clean & some rugs are damaged with some surface cleaning systems. However, if thats what the customer wants then thats what the customer gets.

where I have an issue is when a cleaner extracts a carpet in a home and take a custy's rug off site to "wash in his shop" (really his garage) and all he ever plans to do is steam clean, shampoo it but leads the customer to believe he's washing the rug. essentially doing the same thing in his/ her garage for 4.00 Sq ft that was done in home for .30 cents Sq ft.

Thats called ripping people off


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Professor Corky said:
I thought all carpet cleaning was just surface cleaning?

Here's the difference (since you asked) :mrgreen: - when you clean a rug in the home, you are not rolling in your Badger to dust the puppy from the backside in their home. You might vacuum the top beforehand - maybe - but many cleaners rarely even pre-vacuum the carpeting, much less the rug - so you leave soil in that rug, which you proceed to get wet with solution.

You are worried about bleeding the thing, so you want to clean it fast, don't get it too wet (because of the floor underneath), so you don't usually additionally rinse (and if you do rinse you are using a fiber rinse with surfactants which leaves residue behind anyway) - so you leave cleaning solution behind, soil behind, and the part you get "clean" is the tips of the fibers essentially.

With wall-to-wall carpet, you can use higher heat, more solution flow and rinse, and it's acceptable to leave the carpet to dry for several hours - where you'd worry if you do that with a rug, especially if it's wool and it has that wet dog smell while it is drying - nylon does not have that problem. And installed carpeting isn't going to have "migration" issues.

You also are rarely going to clean the dirtiest part of the rug - the FRINGE. Because to clean fringe well, you gotta get it wet, scrub it, and rinse it. You can't bleach it in the home, as that will likely discolor the floor underneath - and using an acid rinse on the rug if you are over specialty stone or marble - you can etch the floor.

If someone is going to "surface clean" a rug - if they do it off-site they can at least do a better job, but natural fiber woven rugs should be washed.

That's my rant. =) I've seen so many rugs ruined by cleaners.... because of the yahoos who tell them to just do them on-site.


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