Royal Man
HARPER said:Dave Yoakum said:Harpo.
Did 2 jobs today $900 total. Both from the net.
Started at 9:30
Done by 2:00
I paid the Yellow pages $1000 a month for 20 years.
Now i get more work and better clients for $15 a month.
Works for me.
2 jobs a daY...."You are "kiCkIng ASS".."... :roll:
And ...Who GAS...what you make...![]() deaD-On...When he points-out....the "BovInE DunG"...smell in your post...!
Brian is right you are a crazy (I would add cranky) old coot!!!
$900.00 for a few hours works for me because I don't have to pay for 3 guys to go on every job, pay for yellow pages or paying for an overloaded box truck.
My point was. I received the work from the net. Which "IS" the topic from the thread (not to blather finding fault and criticizing like some like to do, because they don't have any relevant information to add)and I have been a very long term Yellow Page user.
When I paid the YP $1000.00 a month for 20 years they barely paid for themselves and in the 4 months of winter season it cost more that it brought in.
They used to tie business phone numbers with the bill and many businesses here went bust every year when they had their phones shut off in the winter from not being able to pay their large YP bills.
Now that doesn't have to happen.
The Yellow pages doesn't have a monopoly any more.
So. they (the Yelow Pages)and you Harper can both ace off!!