Is the IICRC still in business

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Is it true that the Vegas was a double dealing?
Bought by a member then sold back to the organization at a profit?
Sep 3, 2015
Lonnie McDonakd

No that's not true.
Interesting fiction.
I was on the team looking for buildings.
We looked at several.

We bought a building at the bottom of the market for 1.2 million or so. Negotiated really hard on it.

The commercial market started rebounding and almost instantly was worth more. At the top of the market the building was worth close to 2 million.
Sep 3, 2015
Lonnie McDonakd

There was one more item you asked about that I wanted to ponder my answer.

Where is all going to end up ....

If the current Chairman or someone who believes as he does or supports him is given the Chairmanship in Oct at the elections many see IICRC going further into decline and many wonder if there is not a plan by a few to end IICRC and divide up its assets after they get rid of the Associations.

The Associations shareholders and 3 individual Shareholders control the Articles of Incorporation and the Election of the Board of Directors. Eliminating those Associations eliminates the checks and balances system. If the current state is any indication This would certainly lead to ufathomable abuses ...

There was a plan by the current Treasurer to get rid of Associations and that would be his legacy.
He personally laid it out to me a few years ago at the IICRC Meetings at Planet Hollywood. I was incredibly not in favor.

Now they couldn't do it on the first try disguising it as " Goverance" and trying to turn Shareholders into " Members". Interestingly Article 4.1 says there shall be no members. Such a change would have also placed the Shareholders converted to Members in line to being removed by the Board of Directors.

Now they are trying to flood the Shareholder pool by attempting to vote several new Shareholders in who will " owe them " and this to minimize the votes against the current leaders.

Adding new Shareholders in a state of disaster?
Yes this is a disaster
That's not good business.

I believe the organization needs to change back to the Shareholders holding the Board seats.

If they don't .....
IICRC will continue to be a plaything of a few verse a tool for the betterment of the Firms.
Its credibility will continue to degrade
More companies will leave
It's budget will be cut in half or more

It will continue to loose viability and
Other organizations will take up the slack



Not a matter of "if" , but when it's done


Supportive Member
Jun 15, 2011
Vernon, Texas
Amy Lorance
I have tried to contact them too many times to count. Beyond disappointed in this organization - it’s just shameful how bad it is. If someone will point out any of those SOBs when we’re in Vegas, I would like to give them a piece of my mind and a good kick on their backside… It’s time to get to the nut cuttin’ on this association - maybe they need some women on the board. No, I’m not thinking me before y’all start ripping me a new one.


Oct 7, 2006
May 2014...

"So not to offend anyone...but I have been cleaning carpets since a lot of you were still swimming in your daddy's balls...Yes I was ONCE a Member of IICRC...and was member 322 of IICUC...because I believed it held out hope for a better industry...but I have given up on the whole effort.
when I joined IICUC I made a personal promise that I would do everything in my power to help my customer. Then the name change...
Ed York got slapped in the face by the phcktards who were running iicrc...his Honorary Seat was eliminated...and for years I have wondered at the difference between the whores that work at the Bunny Ranch in Moundhouse NV and the folks that hijacked kidding...they both do little or nothing...and just make their living off the johns that pay them.

I am in no hurry to join anything...especially when the fktards want to spin it out of control to suit their purposes...Remember iicrc was the organization that lent support and credence to the kochk sukkers at cri and their baloney testing...and all of a sudden we are supposed to pay attention and forgive their stupid initiatives?? NO THANKS- Jim

Still feel the same way...get a grip guys are so far out of control...why would anyone give you a dime?

As far as WHY no one except Mr John Downey would comment from the iicrc...I guess he is the only one with NADS enough to speak up...just saying...toenee w should grow a pair and speak up.

And this is not to dis the folks who gave up a lot of their free time and earnest effort to support the organization...thanks for your hard work...but you cannot have one dime
Sep 3, 2015
Lonnie McDonakd

John Downey , while generally the nicest guy, is a paid contractor. With a signicant contract running the Journal.

Totally supporting the administration paying him only makes business sense.
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Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I hope John can take a step back and revisit his journalistic roots and ethics.

I've always respected him, and appreciated his hospitality, both at his home and office. My wife and I were impressed with his children, who reflected well on the family.

I'd love to read his "last word."
Sep 3, 2015
Lonnie McDonakd
That has been my hope too with many involved.

If this was 5 to 10 years ago Clean Fax and ICS and other magazines would have done incredibly probing articles.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
None of this should be a surprise to anyone with any mental capacity to see beyond their noses. Those that are closer to me then others know what I have been saying since the coup happened. This is deliberate and calculated. No way any of this happened on accident. Sure one could suppose they puppet masters could never know how it would turn out but I am 100% sure this was done on purpose. The funniest thing of all though is I am sure the puppets have no idea how and who is/was pulling their strings because puppets never look up that's why they are puppets :)

How does this get fixed? Registrants have to show up, they count on people acting like everyone here bitching but never participating. If anyone actually cared enough to get involved this plan would never have been able to be pulled off. Do you think Tony would have ever made it into ANY position if just the registrants on Mikeysboard showed up at the meetings these things took place at? Seriously how did Tony the Crayola man that couldn't even finish one little test get put in charge of the standards then we he failed miserably at that he gets "promoted" to president? Because non one cares. Bunch of keyboard cowboys bitching for someone to do something about "it" while drinking diet coke and eating Cheetos...

Last IICRC is a standards and certification body. That's all it should be and those that think it isn't needed who the hell do[ you think you are? Nearly every single industry that works inside a home has to be trained certified license i.e. pumbers hvac roofers electricians why do you think we are below or above those trades? I can answer that because as a whole we have a bunch of monkeys that could care less about being a professional, they been doing this for ever they don't need no stinkin' badges they already know everything and they never kil't no one...yet..

The time is coming folks that the government is going to be involved I am absolutely 100% sure of this. We will look back in 5 maybe 7 years and you will see I am right. It is already happening so we can continue to be keyboard cowboys and bitch about the IICRC and wait for it so we can all bitch about how the govment come and took our jobs from us or we can get involved and change things so when the guvment shows up to "help' we are already ready for them..


Supportive Member
Jun 15, 2011
Vernon, Texas
Amy Lorance
I’ve always been an “association” participant. Texas Cattle Raisers, Texas Farm Bureau, Texas Cattle Feeders, American National CattleWomen to name a few just on the cattle side. I also own a laundromat and am a member of the Coin Laundry Association which costs around $250\year and worth every single penny. Those are real organizations run by their members, with real participants. Education and lobbying are their main goals. Don’t understand why it’s so hard for our national organization - IICRC to not have it together and 75% of cleaners don’t respect the association. SAD!
Sep 3, 2015
Lonnie McDonakd

There was definitely a plan.
It certainly wasn't shared in its entirety.
Or even in a scope that would alarm anyone.

Many of the Board of Directors have no idea what the endgame is.

I have likened it to a jigsaw puzzle and they are sold one piece at a time with no idea what it will look like in the end because it's only seen from the back side.....

When I saw what was happening and the writing on the wall , that was not good for IICRC , I pushed back very aggressively.
Next election I was gone.
Other Board of Directors are threatened to toe the line. Threatened by IICRCs legal counsel at the Chairmans direction.

There are those inside still that care , who don't just go along. They are a very small minority.

By before the end of my first year as Treasurer I observed that Chairman was being deeply influenced by he who is now the Chairman. The mentality went from " let's do the next right thing " which was great, to Mr Wheelwright trying to reason with me that all the Honorariums should be raised and that I should present it....( I was in favor of elimination of all honorariums ) so no I didn't present it.

Part of the MO:
He gets others to present his information and ideas so they don't all come from him. He promises things in discussions and then denies it saying of those were just discussions. Leaving people to have bought in because of promises and delivering nothing.

Partial information tints everyone's decisions

If I were a giving you an educated guess the only people with a clear or semi- clear picture of " the plan" are
Past Chairman

Lesser but still buying in
All the VPs
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Just go back and connect the dots. There are no coincidences. Just think hard about what was happening and what happened. Put it on paper and look at who came into play and when and the dots will connect.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
There really is very few people in this industry smart enough to pull something like this off. Thing is though I believe they have left them all to their own demise now. As for ICRA I love Barry he is not only my friend but someone I honestly believe wants to better everyone he meets but I do not feel the same for some of the others involved and that has been why I haven't joined ICRA and not sure I will. I have spoken with Barry many times on all of this and would step in front of a bullet for Barry because he always looks for the good in people even those that are back stabbing POS's you won't hear him say a bad word about them.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton

That defines Barry perfectly John.
Sep 3, 2015
Lonnie McDonakd

To the link you posted.

We certainly can argue that the Transition has had the opposite outcome can't we....

If someone from IICRC mgt or Executive Committee posts. Expect a " Party line" or a discrediting attempt of anything that puts them in question.

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