Joe Bristor please explain some more about your stuff

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Ken Snow said:
You never answered Mike's question John. How exactly did Joe screw you?


Yes I have Ken more then once. It is on here and ICS just search for it. My history with Joe is public knowledge. I thought we where friends. I stuck By Joe and defended Joe for a long time. (search ICS and here) Mikey, Greenie, Lisa and nearly a dozen suppliers all told me her would screw me in the end. I told them no way me and Joe understand each other we are FRIENDS. To this day I haven't talked to Joe since he emailed 01/18/07. He did however call Gordon Hanks and had him call me to "back off" on Joe :roll:

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
LOL well if you didn't want to know why'd ya ask? Only reason I even posted was Boil threw out that Greenie had some sort of smear campaign against Joe. MIKEY, LISA, GREENIE and many cleaners and suppliers all had negative history with Joe. It was never a SMEAR campaign just the truth. Now Mikey lets him come hawk his good here and everything is suppossed to be ok? Why? What has Joe done to change? What amends has he made to those he harmed? If you think he hasn't harmed anyone you should read the emails. I don't care what happens you don't call a woman the C word and to do it in an email is in-excusable. To screw over a suppossed friend whom had sold 1000's of your cuffs by email isn't a what I call a friend.

Would I be willing to forgive Joe? Yes but they needs to be remorse before forgiveness and I don't think Joe thinks he has ever done anything wrong.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Good grief John. How long have you known Mikey? Surely it's long enough to know it's all about posting numbers and board interest for him. He's let Hitler post here if he thought it would increase board traffic.

How's he supposed to move to NC and live off the advertisers on this BB, if he doesn't have a bulletin board that draws traffic?


Olson got hurt cause Bristor wouldn't fill an order

it was a smear campaign against Joe and if Mike denies it he's FOS

John , when are you going to realize that when you go up against a distributor you look bad?

remember the Les debate?

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
"Olson got hurt cause Bristor wouldn't fill an order"

I've never heard that.
I do apologize if that's truly the case John.
But I doubt lil' ole me hurt your selling to so-and-so university or whoever else.
In fact I'd have to hear it first-hand to even believe it.
If you recall, I didn't sell to them even when they called asking me to, so it should be obvious I wasn't trying to steal anything away from you. My entire intent was to keep people out of other peoples' backyards - a sacred rule being violated left & right via the internet - and you should remember that fact.

'Smear' is putting it mildly. The people who put a stop to it agreed it was unjust else they wouldn't have shut you up.
Now, I guess anything goes if it serves their cause. OK.

Anyway, you got your apology. Now go check your mail. There might be a little something from me to you for your upcoming CAD. Your welcome.


Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Johnstown new york
Just wait till joe goes off his meds and calls one of you do gooders and leaves a message that he is coming after you and your family. I am still waiting for you to show up.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Joe your donating to the leukimia and lymphoma raffle is greatly appreciated. It is a
great cause you have donated to and we'll make sure everyone knows of your generosity. Joe I have every single email between us going back to 05-06. It's ok you don't remember ending our buisness relationship by email with no warning and leaving me high and dry after all we had been through. I thought we were friends but in the end you did exactly what everyone told me you would. That is what I'm concerned with. What has changed in you that should convince us you wont just turn on people again once they start supporting you again?

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Joe nobody shut me up. I was asked to help make someones life easier. With that said Joe I've always thought we were friends. If your apology is sincere maybe we could be friends again some day.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
hogjowl said:
Good grief John. How long have you known Mikey? Surely it's long enough to know it's all about posting numbers and board interest for him. He's let Hitler post here if he thought it would increase board traffic.

How's he supposed to move to NC and live off the advertisers on this BB, if he doesn't have a bulletin board that draws traffic?

I let you on so I guess you have a point.

only thing is, you've become less and less interesting over the years.

You can't even draw traffic to Coopers board to prove my point.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I was hoping you would say why John that's why I asked. I wouldn't even know how to search for it and like I said I have never had success searching here.


Supportive Member
Jun 3, 2007
Joe has great service, he has been very helpfull. Maybe he is like the double sided blade, if you know it's there you won't get cut. We all have our bad days, some of us react different to them.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
"What has changed in you that should convince us you wont just turn on people again once they start supporting you again?"

Lets see John,
I'm 5 yrs older than the day a customer gave me a sticker that says 'old guys rule',
I gotta deal with another knockoff,
I gotta implement a whole new distribution,
or I gotta go hang with grizzly bears again.
And last time I did that, I only lasted 1.5 yrs.
I ain't any more patient now than I was then so I guess I'm stuck being good ole Joe rather than the normal Joe.

btw, neither the good ole Joe nor the normal Joe does meds, nor ever did (anybody's welcome to research it if you don't believe me). Well I did smoke a lot of pot in my day.
That rumor was mostly just Brevic playing his role.
I'm OK with that.

btw2 if you wanna be friends John I'm OK with that too.
I'll let your kid give me a nuggie for screwing with his daddy.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
john o had a bunch of product sold then up out of the blue for no apparent reason joe just says john no more cuffs, as most of us know john takes alot of pride in his business and goes out of his way to take care of people, no product available left him scrambling.

perhaps joe should explain why he chose to end his relationship with john the way he did that way we all could feel better about allowing joe back in the circle.

for what its worth I ordered some amflex hose from joe and it showed up very very quickly along with some cuffs, amflex seems to work better with the cuffs, the threading of the cuffs IMO more closely matches that of the amflex hose leading to a better seal. this is the first batch of amflex I have tried so far I like it however we will see how it works int he heat of the summer. superflex is junk hose, so is flexhaust super truckmount, I think flexhuast made a special hose for prochem back when the original owners ran the place, this hose was a light blue just like the flexhuast but it is about as flexable as the amflex, it is excellant hose. distys take note don't sell shit vac hose, right now amflex is the only thing decent out there IMO.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
Thanks Bill. Thanks.
Lyman, why you attack me like this yet disappear when I ask you a simply question about resolving differences. Pathetic.
Thang. Thanks. I guess.
Noble – whatdya mean 'splainin to do'? Get your stubbys yet? problem with them or what?

“perhaps joe should explain why he chose to end his relationship with john the way he did that way we all could feel better about allowing joe back in the circle.” – Steve Garrett.
OK. I’d heard complaints from several distributors where other distributors were selling truckmounts, etc to ‘their customers’ and so as I setup my distribution I didn’t want to contribute to it. Funny, the ones who cried the loudest were in fact the ones I was getting the most complaints about. Nowadays, it’s rampant so I don’t care anymore. I don’t think John meant any harm participating in a growing trend. I take the blame for trying to prolong an old one. It’s just as much the cleaners’ faults for not staying loyal to their local storefront supplier(s) as much as it is the pirates invading others areas. Today, it’s like one supplier told me, there’s no longer any meaning in the words “my customer.” Another told me, “trust no one”, then he said it again, and again throughout the conversation. He sounded like a stuck record but I guess he’s right. Dog eat dog ain’t it?

Glad you like the hose Steve. Amflex probably IS the best name for it as Amflex IS the source. Lots of suppliers sell it now. A distinctive feature is the blue liner. Read all about how it evolved:
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
Bob, what would you like to know about me? Honestly, I filled out the required info when I re-joined the board recently.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
my thinking is getting mad at customers using other disty's and getting mad about it is like me getting mad at a competitor in the carpet cleaning business. I don't mind competition and I don't have a problem being a friend with another cleaner in my back yard. I do my best to provide the best work, let the chips fall where they may. so far I have never heard one of my customers say steve, we use the other guy he does a better job.

I just read about the lil better hose, perhaps people would be alot more happier with their cool cuffs if they also used the amflex hose as well. the cuffs fit right on much better than they did on my other hose, I will be putting a dab of silicon to hold them on a bit more no biggie.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
NobleCarpetCleaners said:
Bob, what would you like to know about me? Honestly, I filled out the required info when I re-joined the board recently.

Noble the boards decided to clamp down on this. Yes we would like you to fill it out completely because many don't really know or remember details about you that can be relevant to how they deal with you.

It works two ways.


Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Johnstown new york
Okay, here is my problem with joe. I bought a 50 foot 2 inch hose from him. After 2 months of use, the hose breaks about 6 inches in back of the wand. This happens 2 times in a week. I call joe and tell him about the hose. He tells me that he had a bad batch of hoses but thought they were all gone. Now if I want a new hose, the hose had to break 4 more times and I had to cut the sections out and send to him for proof I wasn't screwing him. I can't take that risk with my customers, so he tells me no hose. We get into the ussual internet pissing match and he calls my number and threatens me and my family. That is why I hate joe and will be a thorn in his side forever. Pathetic, good word for you .

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
Can ANYONE reading recount a 'story' similar to the one Lieman just told?

I say it's BS what you just said and dare you to show proof it's true.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
I take my hose warranties very seriously.
To date, I can’t recall any I’ve handled improperly. I know I handled yours the way I do any of them. I know I did!

You refer me to a post I’ve already read.
You changed your words in that post then as you’ve changed your words here today. You said there was no warranty, then you said there was. You’ve changed your dates from there to here. You admit it’s because you want to be a thorn in my side, then you remove those words. Why? They were the only truthful words you've written.

Lyman I won’t replace a hose just because somebody wants me to, not even you.
It won’t happen.
If you want to start over and state your case then we will re-look at your claim. But you won’t change the facts to suit you then later admit that you did it to be a thorn in my side because I won’t bow down to you. You can play little schoolyard boy and call me names (scum bag) but you still won't get free hose.

The only way you’ll get hose replaced is to go through the same steps anyone else would have to and that is by showing me and the manufacturer that it’s a defective hose. You have not even come close to doing that.

I tell anyone with a claim that if it’s bad, it’s gonna fail in several places in a short time. So go stress it out and make it fail. Most guys would go try to make it fail and get back to me if it did. But not Lyman.
You went immediately to the bulletin boards to badmouth me in an attempt to damage my business.

Personally, I have no respect for you Lyman and I just want the class to know that's your true passion – to be a thorn.
Just because I wouldn't replace a hose for you without question? Get real.
You are the first and only customer who's ever had that expectation.
What does that say about you Lyman?
But you go on being a thorn in my side.

Every time you come running in here behind Olson or in the past behind Greenie with your thorns of false accusations, petty name calling and baseless claims, I will come asking for facts and proof. Eventually, everyone will know you for who you are (if they don’t already).

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Ummm Joe we where just starting to work on moving forward so let's not drag me into any other issues k :) I will say if and I say if you threatened him and his family in any way it needs to be addressed.

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