JOe pOlish Mind Melt for only


Oct 7, 2006
149 dollars


because it's an infomercial

trolling for more coaching victims and Amway addicts

man glad I was doing other things while listing to your line waiting for the cable guy

why don't you just do it for free and then sign up your victims

paying to go to an seminar disguised infomercial is just wrong

why don't you just call it for what it is.

If you can get folks to pay up to 25 grand why in the world are you messing around with cleaners anymore


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
dude it's not [s:215d7ttl]149.00[/s:215d7ttl]

it's not even [s:215d7ttl]99.00[/s:215d7ttl]

it's an amazing! 97.00 value for the first 50 people that sign up.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Maybe we could talk to someone who signed up and they could tell us what they think of it AFTER...instead of bashing what hasn't happened yet.
Whattyasay Lisa...wanna talk to one of your unbiased attendees to report back to us?

Anyone here signed up? Don't be afraid of Odin...he's just a big teddy bear.

Jack May

That Kiwi
Oct 7, 2006
Palmerston North, New Zealand
I would guarantee you, that if you went with an open mind, you'd get a ton of info even without going further.

A lot more worth than the $100-150 cost and a day not earning.

But I'm not in LA.

There's not yet a course I've go to that I haven't reaped way more than it cost. Some through the course, some through the other people AT the course.



Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Whenever someone has come to clean my home, has done an excellent job, and then asks if I want to have the upholstery or tile cleaned too - I have never yelled at him that his carpet cleaning was an "infomercial" to sell me more cleaning services.

I paid to have him clean my home - and if he delivered great value and service, why in the world would I get upset if he tried to sell me more value?

I'm pointing this out because it is this type of anti-selling mindset, that all "selling" is evil, that is at the root of most of the lack of success in small businesses. When people feel "weird" about upselling, it's because they think what they are doing is wrong - when actually, when they do their best to BE the best, why in the world would they not want to offer more to an already happy customer?

This is no different.

Piranha has been around for 18 years. This is my 11th year in doing work with Joe. We've sold approaching 6,000 marketing systems to cleaners and restorers. We've coached thousands of companies. Our strategies are licensed through all cleaning niches, restoration, pest control, auto sales, health services, fitness trainers, non-profits, remodeling. Our Nightingale-Conant Piranha Marketing program has been their #1 seller for 5 years now on-line, outselling Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy. A top seller because it's tactical, immediately usable, strategies for any business.

Here's the reason why... because "carpet cleaning" is a service no one wants to buy. No one gets all jazzed that they 'get to' get their carpets cleaned. So when we've designed systems to sell carpet cleaning at a higher price, and create a great customer experience - if it works for carpet cleaners, it works even better for any service people think is cooler to buy.

Terry - you would never learn a thing from us (or at least would never admit it) - because you refuse to see value in anyone else's work. You are the 24/7 critic. That's your role. For whatever reason, you work very hard at belittling others and trying to make anyone feel worse about themselves than better. I can't quite remember the last time you've posted a "good for you" compliment to anyone here... unless you do it secretly. It's funny at times. Actually I have fun writing with you because you remind me of my grandmother, who we always have bets on how every single story shared with her ends up rolling into her recent "ailment" that she can complain about. Doesn't matter who the story starts with - it always ends up with her problem, or a friend who died, and how we need to feel bad for her.

It's always all about her.

Someone once told me that everyone on this planet serves a purpose - even if it's to be a bad example. My grandmother has always been able to find the bad in everything... which is probably why I've been the opposite - I see the opportunity in everything. Even when the bad things happen, my tendency is to know that shit happens in life that I cannot control, and I can either wallow in it, or I can use it as fertilizer to grow something different. I still feel the pain and cry the tears - but then I build something out of it.

Even that I work with Joe today, came from the death of my younger brother Bryan. It was and will always be the most painful experience in my life, but it pushed me in a different direction, to teach more, because that was what my brother and I often talked about. I realized that the "some day" when I'd do it more might not ever come - and I needed something to direct the power of my grief into - and that was the event that did it.

So this day of marketing is not meant for you Terry. You already believe that you know it all - so you can't learn anything from anyone, least of all anyone who is saying to this industry that life and work does not have to be as hard as some are making it. That there are some simple strategies that can increase cash flow. They may not be "easy" - but the formulas for success are simple.

Anyone coming to this event will have the opportunity to have their exact needs - whether challenges or opportunities - addressed. It will not be a one-way "presentation", it will be interactive. Many of the most successful cleaners and restorers in our Platinum group will be sharing their insights on how they have built what they have, and specifics on getting the right things done.

For some, that will be enough. They will leave with tremendous value and if they implement, they will create more cash.

Others will want more - and if they do, we will sell it to them. Not everyone enjoys working entirely on their own. Some want a community of people and resources to keep them gaining momentum. It's why I hire a personal trainer and do group classes - I hold myself accountable and push myself more when I am working with others who are HAPPY at my successes.

But here is the deal.... if the carpet cleaner who cleaned my home did a crappy job, I'd ask for my money back, and I'd certainly not buy more services ever.

Piranha has ALWAYS been structured with a 100% money-back guarantee. We were the first to guarantee EVENTS (how many Connections events would you have asked for your money back if you could??? That's why they don't offer one - LOL) - we guarantee every event. This means we have to deliver real value, or we dig a big hole for ourselves.

We are a business structured so that we succeed when our members succeed.

We are doing our quarterly Platinum Event in LA - that is why we are having a day event to help those who want it. It's not free because people who don't pay don't pay attention. People do not value what they get for free. Just like most business owners don't want price shoppers as customers - I'm not a fan of price-shopper cleaning companies. So we don't do free events. But, this is as close to free as you are going to get with Piranha.

If any of you are having struggles right now - or are doing well but looking for an added kick this year - then this is a chance to get some feedback from those who have actually built success, as opposed to many who "pretend" on boards to have their shit together.

This forum is really the only place I can think of where there are a few active members who belittle others who want to create a better business and life. I hope that changes in 2011.

Those of you who have signed up already - I really look forward to working with you.

And even those of you who hate success, and especially those who teach it - I hope you have your best year ever too. You don't need me to do that, I know... but don't attack me just because I want to help others get where they want to go. I've actually helped a lot of companies in this industry with Joe, and it may not be your cup of tea - but that doesn't mean it does not help others.

If you want to sign up ==>

Happy New Year,

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I think Lisa is really trying to help others out...and I believe she has along with Joe.
If you have a talent, you should make your living using that talent. So whay not?

Great post Lisa...I almost signed up. lol. I'm always looking to further my education. !gotcha!

Would you consider bringing back some bullet points from the event for the MMM room? I don't expect you to give away your product...but it sure would be nice to know maybe one or two tidbits. shiteatinggrin
You never know who might read it.


Oct 7, 2006
this is one messed up chick

just call it what it really is

an infomercial



joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Actually I have fun writing with you because you remind me of my grandmother, who we always have bets on how every single story shared with her ends up rolling into her recent "ailment" that she can complain about. Doesn't matter who the story starts with - it always ends up with her problem, or a friend who died, and how we need to feel bad for her.

It's always all about her.


"Most of the SAME bet ..about ..."YOU".... :roll:

Maybe your personal "tRaInEr"...can help you with your "GraNdmoThEr SyNdRomE"... :idea:

He certainly is NOT porducing very good "reSuLT'S" his current position... !gotcha!


Oct 7, 2006
pretty much a dog and pony show and a chance to become a plutonium member at added cost

they will parade some diamond members in front of you ( Amway term )

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
T, have you been to one of these or just speculating?
Have you heard from others about Polish?

Is this just from a bad experience you've had with other events "similar" to this one?

Why do you have this view?


Oct 7, 2006
yes i have heard from many who have been to a polish event the story line is pretty much the same

some one gave a boot camp in a box from one of his events ( thank god for fast forward )

everything is well orchestrated thought out and planned to extract the most money out of the suckers errrrr carpet cleaners.

Tons of hype, peer, pressure almost like a bible belt big tent revival except joe does not wear a white suit


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
There's an old saying down under that goes something like...................

"There are none so blind as those that will not see"

I guess there should also be another that goes along the lines of............................

"There are none so deaf as those that will not listen".

I have to admit, when I first met Joe back down under a decade or so ago, I didn't like him.

I thought he was a smarmy fast talking pusher that knew SFA about carpet cleaning.

Appearances can be deceptive.

I've maintained this view of him over the years.

Earlier this year I started looking back on what stuff ups I had made during my life.

I believe that missing his talk way back then was monumental.

He may not know much about carpet cleaning, but he bloody well does know how to market.

Have to admit, he's made a lot of people a lot of money.

Yes Terry, he's also made a lot of money as well, & I bet you haven't made as much as him, have you ??

If I was over there, I would attend.

Okay, I gotta go and do something that you forum guru's don't do much of, I gotta go and clean some carpets. shiteatinggrin

Have a great day/night while I'm gone, and don't dribble in your milk. !gotcha!



Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I'll have to go to one of them and see for myself.

I can't defend them anymore than T can bash them because I'm pretty sure neither of us know first hand.


Oct 7, 2006
" I now have the tools to take my business to the next level"

Paul Douglas


Nov 14, 2006
Hey ottis
Give it up on Douglas....what was that 20 years ago?

Get with the 21 st. Century

Got any new material?


I,ll tell you what it was like

the best part so far is ....i a pm to Lisa and asked her not to tell Odin i was going or he would never let me live it down


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
HARPER said:
Actually I have fun writing with you because you remind me of my grandmother, who we always have bets on how every single story shared with her ends up rolling into her recent "ailment" that she can complain about. Doesn't matter who the story starts with - it always ends up with her problem, or a friend who died, and how we need to feel bad for her.

It's always all about her.


"Most of the SAME bet ..about ..."YOU".... :roll:

Maybe your personal "tRaInEr"...can help you with your "GraNdmoThEr SyNdRomE"... :idea:

He certainly is NOT porducing very good "reSuLT'S" his current position... !gotcha!

Hey - at Mikeyfest we will see who is more "fit" - we can see if I can touch my toes and if you can see yours.

As for Grandmother... she was one of my greatest teachers in her own way. And she came from a generation where women had it a lot tougher than I have, so I do give her respect for that. It was the alcohol that made her have that bad edge - and alcohol does that to a lot of people it seems.

But I appreciate you worrying about my health and my family. =)



Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Brian R said:
Can we stay on topic please?

Lisa, what do we get for the admission price?

It's a full day of training and interaction with Joe and I and Platinum Members in all fields of cleaning, restoration, and reconstruction. There will of course be a bonus page of strategies to take away from the event, but the power of this particular one will be having the opportunity to get direct consulting on the specific challenges/opportunities you have right now - so truly the day will unfold based on who is there, and what is asked.

Several dozen Platinum Members will be there from all corners of the US and Canada, commercial and residential, small loss and large loss, family one-truck and franchise multi-truck. There will not be a question that will not have a specific strategic answer. Not in theory, but in practice.

So you will be paying for short cuts. Not from blowhards who pretend they know how to build a business, but from people who have been EXACTLY in the spot you are, and know how to get out of it.

Terry asks why we waste our time in the cleaning niche when we have a growing $25K group.

Joe may be in much different circles these days... but me, I'm a cleaner. Well, I'm a cleaning entrepreneur - but this is the world I choose to be in. It's my family, it's my career, it's the friends I love to share time with (the Piranha community... and a few of you yahoos too... just a few...) :mrgreen: - I know some do all they can to escape this business, but it's an always growing opportunity for me.

So we are "wasting" our time with it Terry, because I want to.

There are a lot of people struggling in this business right now who don't have to.

So if we get satisfaction from making a difference in this way, then you should be happy we have not "escaped" too. =) We know marketing for this niche like the back of our hands...and until we get bored of it, we will keep helping cleaners. And will keep (cover your ears Terry) SELLING to them too.


I would love to see you upsell a customer Terry... um... I know you don't want to buy this... but um... I thought maybe the tile could use a little work... and I do that... but um... maybe next time - bye!

If you are proud of what you do you should sell it to everyone who you can make into a happy client who will want to tell everyone else about you.

Anyway... that's what you get for your hundred bucks. And if spending the day with me asking any questions you have, outside of a forum where Terry or others may make fun of you for even asking for help, is not by itself worth the hundred bucks - then don't come. But if you've gotten any value from me - for free - on this forum and others, then you know you will get real value when you come to this event. But if you think my advice here and other places sucks - then don't bother. And I won't take it personally. :shock:

Damn... you guys are some of the toughest nuts to crack on trying to make your business grow. You'd think I'm trying to make you change religions instead of trying to help you create more cash and a more fun business.

Thanks for the battles!


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
steve said:
Thanks Joe

Thanks Ottis......for giving me the chance to say it again

Hey Steve - we will be out east later in the year, hope to see you and Caryn there. :mrgreen: Please give her my best.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Thanks Lisa,
I'm sure T doesn't have a problem selling his product but not knowing what a product is before you buy is a tough "nut to crack".

Problem is, with your product...if you tell someone just what it isn't sell-able to them anymore because...they know what it is.

Man, I'm not sure that even made sense. lol...but I'm sure you get it.

In my opinion, information has got to be the hardest thing to sell to skeptical people and the easiest to sell to the dreamers.

If you're selling a truck can test it out, look at all the components and get real stats on how it's worked for others.

If you're selling do they test drive that?

I think you've done well in the "test drive" dept by starting off at a very low level and letting the $100 speak for itself.
If it's worth it or better....the thought of moving up to a higher level isn't so hard to swallow.

So when are you coming do Dallas? lol
If I was to go to one of your events, you can be sure I would let the cat out of the bag as to if it's worth it or not.
Unfortunately, flying to LA isn't really an option.


Oct 7, 2006
I'll have to call one of my life coaches

everything you do is so scripted

big deal touch your toes

How about lets see Lisa on ice?



Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Whenever someone has come to clean my home, has done an excellent job, and then asks if I want to have the upholstery or tile cleaned too - I have never yelled at him that his carpet cleaning was an "infomercial" to sell me more cleaning services

You are missing out on a lot of fun

I paid to have him clean my home - and if he delivered great value and service, why in the world would I get upset if he tried to sell me more value?
I do very little upselling in the home on other services. I do make recommendations on things they may consider doing. I always ALWAYS get compliments that I wasn't a jerk pushing everything and pressing them and making them feel uncomfortable like SS, Sears and chem dry and another large local company. I am there to do the job I was contracted to do. I will upsell on the phone and tell them about other services

I'm pointing this out because it is this type of anti-selling mindset, that all "selling" is evil, that is at the root of most of the lack of success in small businesses. When people feel "weird" about upselling, it's because they think what they are doing is wrong - when actually, when they do their best to BE the best, why in the world would they not want to offer more to an already happy customer? This is no different.
I personally don't like being sold to by people who do services for me and I want an enjoyable experience for my customers. My company continues to grow at a fast pace and I am limited in my time I can commit to it. I would say that upselling in the home isn't the end all be all.

Piranha has been around for 18 years. This is my 11th year in doing work with Joe. We've sold approaching 6,000 marketing systems to cleaners and restorers. We've coached thousands of companies. Our strategies are licensed through all cleaning niches, restoration, pest control, auto sales, health services, fitness trainers, non-profits, remodeling. Our Nightingale-Conant Piranha Marketing program has been their #1 seller for 5 years now on-line, outselling Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy. A top seller because it's tactical, immediately usable, strategies for any business.

I own it and was happy when I got a call from Joe and an email thanking me for my purchase. I was impressed with that but overall ehh seemed a little used car salesman for me

Here's the reason why... because "carpet cleaning" is a service no one wants to buy. No one gets all jazzed that they 'get to' get their carpets cleaned. So when we've designed systems to sell carpet cleaning at a higher price, and create a great customer experience - if it works for carpet cleaners, it works even better for any service people think is cooler to buy.

Maybe that is a problem with Piranha members because my customers are psyched to get their carpets cleaned. I was explaining this to a few people once that when I was VP of Operations for a national company and I showed up to a location, no one was happy to see me now it is a different story. I have a very loyal following who continues to refer me because I do a fantastic job at a good price.

I am hoping to listen to my Pirahna Cds again this winter and take notes, go through my SFS material and see what I can do with it. Originally when I bought piranha I wasn't sure how much of my money I wanted to invest in the company on some of the things in the step by step program but now the company is flush with cash and I may follow it a little better and see what happens.

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