John G according to you all of us don't know how to clean a carpet,
Why do you make this crap up Steve G? You spew this, yet I challenge you to find where I have EVER said any such thing.
This is just BS YOU make up to make an argument.
I have never even THOUGHT that, I have no problem with TM guys and how they clean carpet, I have no problem with any cleaner with whatever method he uses, what I have stated OVER and OVER and OVER again is, "I clean with OP it does a great job, and is another way to skin and cat and skin it well."
It is YOU hwe guys that claim that as an OP'r I can not doing the quality of work I should be doing, funny I have NEVER had a HWE guy come here and clean with me and EVER say that. So those in the know, as opposed to guys like you Steve who make shit up, would say that.
So obviously, your assuming makes me LAUGH, because you don't know crap about what I do, day to day and everyday.
I would like for you to show me, how you clean a carpet, go to mike fest and lets see who the winner is, this question is begging for a showdown
I have gone the extra mile, no actually 6000 miles, this time, come to Kentucky and you will see the straight dope, this time you
all can spend the buck and come here.
. also lets not forget speed should be a factor as well, if it takes an hour to clean a bedroom with OP/resoil and the
V takes 10mins to get the same results, I say the V wins, time spent needs to be within 20% or so
This again shows you have NO KNOWLEDGE of OP. Where do you get the times you state? At .35 a foot I AVERAGE $150.00
and hour and
UP. I often clean much faster than you would with a V or another TM. Ask Tony Wheelright, on the one carpet that was just normal carpet for cleaning, NOT THE ONE FULL TO THE TOP WITH SOIL in Mikeys garage, I took less time than the V and you couldn't tell any difference.
So what you SAY without knowing what in the heck you are talking about means NOTHING. With all the times I hear people telling me that I slam HWE, I challenge you to find that!
I just will not put up with a bunch of people telling me what type of work I do or CAN do with the method I have chosen.
All to often people think that when I post a positve about OP that it is a slam against HWE, simply not true.
Each method has its benefits, and I respect all those benefits, what gets me going is people who deny or slam the benefits of OP with no nowledge of it.
Look I have sold 80% of my machines as TOOLS, get it? Tools, add ons for another method, 20% are sold as stand alone, and YES it will stand alone as well as any other method, but that does not mean it is the end all or the best choice or the fastest choice for all situations.
I personally CHOOSE to do it as stand alone because that enables me to answer and support our customers who need to know HOW to do something that might be easier with another method, with their OP equipment.
Have you seen SHAWN YORK whip out and OP machine and do some jobs with it because it is better suited for a certain type job? HECK NO, but you see no problem with that probably.... LOL
All I ask for is a little intellectual honesty, but the bias seems to run to deep to get much of that.