Late nite fun w/pics

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Nice job Brad! I wand the resturants that I do now but it takes ALOT of flushing to get good results... I need a 175 bad!


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
Great job! And I can't imagine why someone wouldn't pre-scrub a job like that. Like he said 10 minutes to make sure you do the best job possible and you'll probably save that amount of time with the wanding anyway. What have you got to lose?

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
Looks great Brad, way to go to take the extra steps

I will gladly take the 450 every 2 WEEKS along with 4 other restaurants done monthly for 350 from one owner that owns these 5 restaurnats that pay me CASH.

there is no reason in the world for an owner to pay you cash so I call BS, hope the restuarant never gets audited because one of the first things he will do is tell about the carpet cleaner he pays $1750 cash to every month

a cimex guy would wonder why you extracted them but he would still think they were clean


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Hey Daniel,
With all the money you make a 90k investment for a NEW Vortex should be just pocket change for you!

I got me a good used Vortex for about 1/3 of a new one , and as far your comments I really don't give a flip how the carpet gets clean and with what equipment as long as I get the best results I can for my client (especially a new one). I may be a little different than some but, I will take as long as the job needs to get the best results I can before I leave a new job. Usaully I may take about 1 hour longer on first visit (sometimes it takes this to clean up the messes) then cut that down about 30 minutes each returning visit until I am getting between 85-100 per hour and I would be afraid to admit to you what I get per sf. so I think my little ole Vortex is just fine for "Me".

I have little to compare my Vortex to except about 4 hours wanding with a Butler on one of my commercial jobs before I recieved my Vortex way back when.

Good Day!


danielc said:
Billy, or The Wizard from Kentucky, you just answered or convinced me that buying a 90,000 dollar machine is really insane. You say your Vortex takes a long time to clean with using a wand and you say you have to pre-srub some jobs. We all might as well use portables. Atleast the carpet will get a good pre-scrub on each and every job. For those of you who have never run a Minute Man, they are the smoothest running buffers on carpet. I wish I had mine back.

Geez dude, with all the money you claim to have, why not go out and buy one, instead of wishing you had it back.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Prescrub with a 300 rpm and the extra ten minutes to buzz out the place would make you actually go faster.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
good job brad awesome job man. I find it funny everyone wants to put in their 2 cents on what someone should have done especialy when you did a great job. keep doin what your doin , great work man
Sep 7, 2008
I have two 175's. A power-flite and an EDIC saturn. I like them but not as much as the minuteman I used to have. The locking mechanism is the only reason I won't buy another one. They do run smooth though. Also. why would I ever pay more than 50,000 for a truck mount when guys using them say they still need to pre-scrub. If you are going to pre-vac, pre scrub, and post pad most of the jobs you do which I think is great, do you really need a monster truckmount or can you get by with a much smaller unit? I would rather use my money to buy houses and rent them out. I purchased my Everest completely set up for 15 grand. Knowing what I know now and after seeing it run, I can see how guys would want a more powerful machine, but isn't the point of buying a bigger machine to save time and increase productivity. By the way the Everest is the sheet. I used it today on a hard surface job running in the low upholstery setting at 1800 psi running 150 feet of hose to clean a greasy concrete floor. The machine only has 25 hours on it and since the machine is able to clean running in such a low rpm, I know the machine will last longer. I am not knocking anyone for purchasing a Vortex because I think they are great machines, but you totally convinced me not to ever buy a new one simply because you state it takes a long time to clean a greasy restaurant with that fire breather unless you prescrub. However, if I found a deal like you did for a third, I would definetely consider purchasing it. Just not a brand new one.

Someone quoted earlier about me saying one of my jobs was killing me. Yes it was because the pos prochem wand streaks the carpet, not because the grease wont come off. I clean the dang restaurant every 2 weeks and the grease is not caked on at all. The rx cleans great but is a little slow for me. That is why I want to order a Greenhorn wand. Then I could get the job done in 3 hours for 450.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
I've got some resties I clean regularly, I never scrubbed them first, just a strong mix of Attack boosted with O2 or Prep,cuts right through the worst.

But the prescrub does make it a lot easier, as Brad said, lot less truck time. And I would imagine if he can stay in there on a regular basis, he'll never have to scrub it again. Great job.
Oct 9, 2006
Fella's I used to do eight of these locations monthly with just the wand. In feb they trimmed some fat on budget and I was cut.

Did what I had to do to get them up to par for every other month here on out.

Thanks for the replies and lookin over the internet is not the same as seeing the gunk in person. I grabbed the tool off the truck and threw down. That is what I am giving them.

Later Tater's


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Hey Daniel,

Glad you like your new Everest sounds like it is getting the job done for you. I like to see everyones posts on their machines. Good luck with it.

I especially like the posts like Brad's that show Resy's because that is 95% of my commercial business and I like seeing other peoples challenges that are like mine. I can't wait for the day I can break into other LARGER commercial jobs. That will be next on the agenda this winter. I have been working hard to establish enough comm to make things go a little better this coming winter because this past one kicked my ass during our re-start up. I miss that 50k account and maybe in the future I will get it back. They were a little upset with me when I bought my truck after their 5k base salary cut because they were trimming to adjust for the economy (I thought the lack of bonuses took care of that). Actually I took the first cut however when they were going to do another cut I said "no way" and left 2 months into my 6 months notice that I gave them after I purchased my truck. I did get a call to clean a house of one of the corporate gals on Friday, so needless to say I did the best my Vortex and I could do with that job so maybe a little foot back in the door.


Oct 7, 2006
Mike Waldron
"That is why I want to order a Greenhorn wand."

Daniel Greenie accepts cash. He wont post on a public forum that you paid him cash. Dont post this over on Truckmount Forums that you are doing cash jobs according to Robert Allen the place is swarming with Federal Agents.

Golden Boy
Mar 28, 2007
omaha ne
steve snail
I will gladly take the 450 every 2 WEEKS along with 4 other restaurants done monthly for 350 from one owner that owns these 5 restaurnats that pay me CASH.

there is no reason in the world for an owner to pay you cash so I call BS, hope the restuarant never gets audited because one of the first things he will do is tell about the carpet cleaner he pays $1750 cash to every month

IRS has 800 new agents in the field. Omabanation needs money and lots of it.

Let's be careful out there

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