Low Flow the Way To Go?


Oct 9, 2006
When I first got my glided CMP w/ 4 1.5's my was dry times were amazing. Since then I have added kunkle,2.5 hose and tried doubling or tripling my flow for better flushing. I often use airpaths and still get alot of comments on how much faster my carpets dry than the competition but they are nowhere near as dry as before with standard flow. I've been doing triple dry strokes like everyone else on the board seems to do(???) and just ended up with a sore back all month.
Often I think that it is the prespray and if done prescrub that does all the cleaning. With dry times seeming to be the number one issue to customers I am just questioning whether it might be wise to use standard flow w/ Greenie upgrades for incredible drying times.
Anybody still a fan of standard flow? Next month I will probably be up to 20 flow. But I have to try/test everything. I know when I get it all figured out the money is going to just roll in.


May 19, 2007
I'm all for high flow cleaning. I'm against high pressure cleaning unless you angle the flow the wand or just below the wand as to not flood the backing. It's all about how you wet the carpet and how you can remove it. With truck mounts the biggest problem is heat keeping up with the flow. Drying is usually not the problem, with hole glides for sure.

Also it's hard to compare dry times to what you think you used to get, to what you're getting now. There are too many variables to determine what was better. The best way is to do side by side comparisons so you have same temp, humidty, density of carpet and type of material.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
You are correct that all your cleaning should be done with the Prespray, High flow flushing is just meant to rinse away the chemicals and soil better and quicker with fewer wet strokes. What is your general technique when flushing? Is the wand a true greenhorn, or just an upgraded CMP, do you have jet extenders and are the jets angled towards the edge of the glide? Many questions to answer Grasshopper.


Oct 9, 2006
Mine is a Blueline CMP with all the Greenie upgrades but installed by me. Jets w/ extenders are angled but not skimming the glide and I broke a weld once trying to bend to skim. I'd like to compare it to a purebred Greenhorn. Ideally I'd like 2 wands one high flow for restaurants and trashed and lower flow for nice occuppieds. Also at 43 I am a slow wand mover compared to most. Going to work on getting in better shape this winter.

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

While I agree with "high flow" jetting, I usually don't increase the flow that much.

We use 4 angled #2 jets on our 14" CMP for Residential cleans to maintain very good dry times.

We have several customers who guarantee 30 minute dry times with concentrated prespray, CMP angle-jet wand, and Airpath fan.

For multi-family or commercial, I would use 4 #3 jets.



Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Hmm.. well what specific jet are you running ie.. 950015, 11002...? I did all the upgrades on our wand.. PC quad jet with jet extenders.. hole glide, went from the 950015 to the 11003? Increased flow without any hose upgrades or kunkle valve cut dry times in half from the unglided wand. The hole glide alone helped alot but the extenders and larger plumbing and helped it I'd say about 30% more with more heat reaching the carpet with shorter jet to carpet air time. With pressure at 600 Psi, and with airpaths. we see easily 30minute dry times, and this is with a 1.75" tubed wand@ roughly 150'.. But Our jets are hitting just behind the glide and are angled towards it so its shearing rather than penetrating.. Makes a pretty big difference.

P.S. We doubled the jet size but moisture gain went from 1.4 G/min to 1.9 G/min @ 600 psi in our bucket test.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I go back and forth over this, and at the moment, I am running 11002's on my Titanium wand with angled jets and a hole glide. If the economy stays the way it is right now, and if the price of fuel and other business expenses stay the way they are right now, I may have to cut out in-home estimates.

Pricing over the phone could force me to go to 110015's, lower pressure and a slot glide (since I won't be able to afford to prevacuum as thoroughly as I do now.

And, I have no idea if this will really work, but I may also have to go to 950015's on my two outside jets to cut down on the overspray. That way I can cut out the repetitive dry passes on empties and owner absent jobs.


May 19, 2007
admiralclean said:
I go back and forth over this, and at the moment, I am running 11002's on my Titanium wand with angled jets and a hole glide. If the economy stays the way it is right now, and if the price of fuel and other business expenses stay the way they are right now, I may have to cut out in-home estimates.

Pricing over the phone could force me to go to 110015's, lower pressure and a slot glide (since I won't be able to afford to prevacuum as thoroughly as I do now.

And, I have no idea if this will really work, but I may also have to go to 950015's on my two outside jets to cut down on the overspray. That way I can cut out the repetitive dry passes on empties and owner absent jobs.

Would probably be a bitch to push a slot glide with a vortex since I hear a few complaints for those using hole glides.


Oct 7, 2006
sweendogg said:
...Increased flow without any hose upgrades or kunkle valve cut dry times in half from the unglided wand.

P.S. We doubled the jet size but moisture gain went from 1.4 G/min to 1.9 G/min @ 600 psi in our bucket test.

That sweendog is one smart dude.

in reply to Brian, my only answer with dry and low flow is, is really as clean? I mean was the fiber fully rinsed in the first place? Cause I can turn pressure down, and put .067 jets on and get really good dry times, and even make it "look" cleaner on the surface with a list mist of prespray and a quick rinse.


Aug 1, 2007
sweendogg said:
P.S. We doubled the jet size but moisture gain went from 1.4 G/min to 1.9 G/min @ 600 psi in our bucket test.

Most of us are too lazy to bucket test. It would be interesting to see the differences. I bet some are not running nearly as much as they think because of restrictions and limitations of their pumps.

Check it and then check it using two wands (if you dual wand).

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