Mikeyfest Shout Out

Magic Al

Oct 25, 2006
Just got back from the latest edition of Mikeyfest. Having been invited to each and every one of them, I can tell anyone that it is the best thing you could attend if you want to broaden your knowledge and skills.

For those who don't know, I don't clean carpets or rugs. Matter of fact, the guy who does mine (Tom Meyer) goes every year. And to start off this year, I humiliated myself (not embarrassed, but way past that) when I came in, sat in front of the group and Tom came up to personally welcome me and I looked at him and didn't recognize him! I felt like crawling in a hole.

Anyway, I was asked to speak about stone, and made it an open forum for questions, rather than pontificate about it. I felt that this was for anyone who was interested and had a question, could feel free to ask and have his questions answered. It seemed to work.

However, there were some great additions this year. Each year just gets better and better. This time wood restoration and stainless steel restoration were also added to the party, offering a variety of non-carpet experiences to choose from, as well as the various other hands-on experiences.

Marketing and sales were touched on, machines were demonstrated, and all the usual suspects could be counted on to make it well focused.

As a touting to Mikey, it would be very easy for him to dominate the entire proceedings, given his personality and experience. To his credit, he sits back and becomes another interested participant in the program, rather than lay a heavy hand on it. This involves more and more of the people, giving them a balanced view of the situation (other than his opinion of Vortex, but he's entitled)!

The guys and gals at the conference have become friends over the years (even if dopey here can't remember names too well), and there is a camaraderie that is seldom seen at trade shows, and I have at those for 36 years.

Mikey, take a bow. And everyone else who came and participated, give yourself a round of applause. I look forward to being there next year, if invited.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Thanks a lot Al.

Your words mean a lot to me as I respect you very much.

Also thanks a ton for not ripping the CTI guy a new one. :shock:


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Not remembering his cleaner was priceless... :lol: :lol: :lol:

But he had good reason not to as well...besure to give her all of our thoughts, prayers and thanks for letting you get away for a bit..

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