Mikey's Fest Truckmount Demo's

Oct 8, 2006
Not only did it maintained 280 degrees, it also dried carpet within a few minutes not hours.
All attendents viewing truckmounts saw it, at the end it was the most viewed TM.
Units like this have runned 12-14 hours straight without any problems, and with good maintenance can last 15 years plus.

WOW I had no idea that the Genesis had been on the market for so long, Well done Power Clean !!


Oct 7, 2006
There is hope for ya Frank.

Now go back and answer a few left over questions, and we can all be warm and fuzzy again. I hate unanswered questions, it's like talking with Valentine.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Ok lets set some things straight. The Geni59 kicks ass. PERIOD. Second it should NEVER EVER get to 310 degrees! It will hold 220 with 2 RX-20's at 400' each. Don't believe me come to Utah and we'll take a field trip to BYU and watch them run their two machines with each running 2 RX's at 400' almost every day.

Larry at 2900 RPM's it uses about the same as the Everest 650 1-1.25 gph and yes the divertor has been changed for a very long time and the APO Issues have been fixed as well has the belt issues. I have no issues reccommending one. I would sell more of them if they would floor one but as it is Prochem puts machines on my Floor and Powerclean can't and it takes 3-6 weeks to get one. Only reason the 650 is out selling them.

Any more questions I can answer?


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
that 59 did look the biz and the steam out of the wand was good ,310 at the truck i saw it myself. but the burns on my hands i dont need or on my legs from the hose, i dont think i could fix the machine if it broke down , i would not know where to start.
i,ll stick with my 210 judson that i can fix .it,s simple ,neat and gets the job done if i want more heat i,ll add a propane heater

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni

is the rumor true that you and Greenie are pregnant?
and is the dude with the big smile the one that sired you both....
(not that there's anything wrong with that) :mrgreen:




I'm sure the Genny 59 has changed since my 03 Genny. Mine will in NO way go to 310, or 300, or 280. It shuts down at 270, and that's when it goes into overheat mode....ocationally. My APO works 95% of the time. It was leaking from the main pump seal today. I just don't want to tear it down and not be able to repair it....the machine is usless with out an APO. The vac system has an ability to draw water into the filters and vac blower well below the filter line.....if the float in the tank decides to take a break for the day. The ancient Ford engine still burns over 2 GPH, even with the 2.5 system. I've managed to keep my diverter valve working pretty well. The solinoid has been changed, on the new machines, from an electrical operated valve to a vac assisted valve. I have to change the flap at least once a year. Belt wear never a problem.

It's 5 years old now, an I'm sure it will start nickel/diming me to death this year. Would I buy another?? I'd have to check out the new ones.

BUT.....I still use it daily, and it always starts.


Oct 19, 2006
I was in the meeting room while it was being cleaned. I didn't measure but it was about 20 ft by 40 ft. The carpet was a short nylon cut pile. I don't think that it had a pad underneath.

The Genesis cleaned the half length wise closest to the hallway. The Hydramasters cleaned the half closest to the back wall that also had the door that led to where the TM's were parked. The Geni had a Ti wand and the HMs had an Evo wand. It took approx. 40 minutes for the room to be cleaned.

Halfway thru the cleaning I felt the starting point for both machines. The Geni side was almost dry and the HM side was still damp. As the guys were almost done I touched the 1/3 line of the room...the Geni side was dry and the HM side damp. Don't ask what dry and damp is...but understand the Geni carpet even right after a wand stroke is just damp with no water on your hand.

When the cleaning started and I felt the Geni side I was very suprised that the carpet was just damp. Now remember this is a commercial carpet but it's great that it was almost dry 15 minutes after the wand cleaned it.

There was no prespray or agitation but only Frank's emulsifier running thru the Geni....I didn't check the HMs. While cleaning the meeting room there was a big difference between the dirty carpet and the cleaned carpet. You could see that on both sides of the room but I thought the Geni side was just a little bit cleaner.

Greenie, the Geni was at 15" on the gauge and it only had 172 hours on the meter. The temp. was 280 degrees ATM. The waste tank has two hookups and was running one 2.5 inch hose with a 20 leader of 2". The hallway was cleaned with both hookups using 2.5 inch each into a Y with 2.5 inch hose going into the 2inch leader.

While I was cleaning part of the hallway I held the trigger on both up and back witha stroke about 4 ft. long. I felt the carpet right away and it was just damp. Greenie and Lisa were standing next to me and were both impressed when they touched the carpet. Lisa had blue jeans on and when she knelt down in the middle part that I had just cleaned, did not stand up her knee wet. The moisture did not transfer to her jeans.

Most cleaners say you don't need a 59 blower and high heat when you're single wanding. But I think if those cleaners were really honest the would want a 59 to single wand with. If you're looking to upgrade do not pass up the chance to try out a Genesis.

The Geni D-XT is supposed to have even more vacuum. Boo-ya!!!

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Custy service of Powerclean? I heard it's garbeano!! Problems getting parts, tech. support is very poor... Is what I read. What say you?


Oct 7, 2006
Frank, I have to admit I was impressed! The Genesis has Raging Good Heat and Vacuum!


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
I must say me and Jimbo where going at it and the Hydromaster when down one of those stupid protection parts acting up had use water pressure off the cds unit. The genesis was awesome truckmount and not too loud either seem to work great with out working hard on the motor it was just purring like a kitten.


I can get 300 out of a WM too,just wait for the diverter(and it will)to break.


Supportive Member
Oct 22, 2006
Able 1 said:
Custy service of Powerclean? I heard it's garbeano!! Problems getting parts, tech. support is very poor... Is what I read. What say you?

Where did you hear that? Cite your source.

PowerClean customer service is OUTSTANDING. Over the five years I've had mine, the few problems I've had were immediately resolved by Frank Perez (Mr. Truckmount, my distributor) or PowerClean factory customer service.

Parts are readily available because there are very few propriatory parts. All quality, industry-standard components. When my exhaust manifold developed a leak, they overnighted me another, free of charge. Frank offered to install it for me, but it was easy to do myself.

If you don't have first-hand experience or can cite a credible source, you shouldn't malign someone.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Maybe location played a part since it's in cali.. again it is what I read.


Oct 7, 2006
Despite Frank's intro post, I am inclined to believe John, I spoke with Frank a few times during the fest, that dude knows those machines to a fine detail, and seemed to be very interested in serving his customers maint. needs, he was very much into "pimping" his customers units to be the best they could be (evidenced by the insane performance of the Geni (good or bad). I also got the impression he sells a fair amount of units and has quite an existing customer base of powerclean users, got to be a reason for that.


I've always been able to get the parts I need for my Genny....either through my dealer or direct from Powerclean. The only time I couldn't was when I needed an angled connector from the exhaust manifold to the diverter. It was Christmas week, and PC was closed. I found the parts at a local plumbing store....1 1/4 steel nipple and a street "el". Went right back together.

As with all machines.....you gotta maintain your equipment.

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
It is amazing to me how different our experiences can be with PowerClean and their equipment. I'm not going to go into my whole story here but I have one(it would end up being one of those long posts that no wants to read). I will say that without any exaggeration that this purchase was the single biggest mistake I've made in my 30yr career. I know I'm talking about a machine they no longer manufacture but there in lies the problem. They dropped the ball and brought a machine to market before it was ready. Initally they tried to remedy the problems but have long since stopped and left me with a machine that has major design flaws. My mistake was to buy based on their previous reputation with the Genesis. Perhaps my experience would have been different if I'd been able to use a quality disty like some on this board but I didn't have that option here in Wisconsin.

PS:Maintence is one thing constant repair is another.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
most who don't PS a carpet and only run a rinse emulsifier are apt hacks around here!!!

a perspray is designed to help water get "wetter" to make oils water soluable right??? so a non PS'ed CGD better dry in minutes using vapor steam!!!


Mar 6, 2009
Obviously heat is not for everyone, temperature can be turned down.
But for does of you who like heat this unit will be able to handle in the near future dual 12 flow wands at 260 at each of those wands.

The Genesis59 nor any other Powerclean unit have any problems when properly serviced & maintained.

I've sold hundreds of Powerclean units, with plenty of repeat Genesis buyers.
There are Genesis owners with 5,000 hrs., 7,800 hrs. even one with over 11,000 hrs/ with all its major components been original.
Oct 7, 2006
Hastings, NE
Eric Valentine
Greenie said:
There is hope for ya Frank.

Now go back and answer a few left over questions, and we can all be warm and fuzzy again. I hate unanswered questions, it's like talking with Valentine.

I have heard Ed V. likes to dodge questions regarding his products. He even claimed I was impersonating him on a certain Canadian board once :mrgreen: .

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
The middle aged, east coast, paternal side of me started out being annoyed at Frank's post.

Then the more I thought of it, the more I got a kick out of his cocky confidence and belief in what he's doing.

At least he didn't booby trap the other units or "set up" the other guys with "special dirt" that only certain chemicals could pull out. The truck mount salesmen of the 70's were into that sort of stuff. (Yeah, I was one of them......)

My favorite part of this thread is that John Olson and Greenie are the ones recommending that Frank be more tactful!

What's next: Marty suggesting people be less sarcastic?

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Back in 1977 when I was 18, right out of high school, and showing truck mounts, we had a "secret formula":

We would add a gallon of Prochem Wide Range Industrial Cleaner to our truck mount's stock solution, which brought the pH up around 12. It worked great on restaruants and apartments, which is what we usually got asked to demonstrate on.

Prespray? What's prespray?

A Prochem salesman from a nearby state used to make a mix of oil and dirt that only would release with this stuff in his mix. At trade shows he'd put it on "his" carpet and dare anyone to outclean him.

Then one day he got brave and poured it on the Hydramaster guy's carpet in front of a bunch of cleaners. The Hydramaster guy punched him out right there in front of everyone. That was the end of the "special sauce demos"

Those were the days.......

Now I'm a middle aged, IICRC shareholder/instructor, and I have a salesperson do the demos and I make him prevacuum and use all of the "right stuff".

I'd no sooner tell him what I did then than I'd tell my stepson the stuff I got away with in school that I'd ground him for if I caught him doing today.

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