My take on MF9


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
Thursday night many of us ate at some Italian restaurant. The food was not very good but it was fun hanging with many guys from the board.

Friday morning after waaay too many donuts I listened to Robert Falzone explain ways to get commercial work.

Greg Cole then gave us some great pointers on marketing. I don’t really believe in his way of business but anyone could learn from his stuff.

After a great sandwich lunch we had to endure an hour of Adam Hall’s endless ramblings.

I then attended the Full Circle gal’s seminar. They really know their stuff and would be a great asset to any business.

Rotary shootout

My opinion

RV360XL I think I will keep the little one. The bigger one is the same thing in a bigger package.

TREX The motor is too small or under powered. It wouldn’t even spin on the thick carpet. The handles are week. It has great potential but too many things need changed.

RX20 The same old battle tank it always has been. Built to last and a complete work horse.

HOSS Thinking out of the box. Runs smooth and cleans great. My next rotary.

Friday night we went out and ate at the Wynn. Good food and great conversation with some of the best guys around. ( Tofurkey anyone) Some of us after went and walked around the Wynn………..I don’t know if my eyes will ever stop burning. Wow what stays in Vegas should stay in Vegas but I think it’s permanently burned into my subconscious. LOL
I am not sure if I have ever laughed that much in one night and I am certain I have never seen anything like that before.

Sat. morning donuts and beagles

I watched Shawn Forsythe’s presentation on Oxidizers and reducers. I learned a lot. Most of what I learned is that Shawn is way smarter than I ever will be. His wife is pregnant with twins so I wish him the best. I would have liked to watch CU give his presentation on crime scene clean up but I didn’t have the stomach for it.

Fred C’s class was great. I learned that I want nothing to do with this web crap and its best to hire it out to someone that understands the stuff because I do not.

Lunch good soup and salad

Scott Warrington’s rug ID class was very informative. He claims to not be an expert but he has forgotten more than I ever will know on the subject. Jimbo helped us by teaching us how to clean fine rugs in people’s homes.

Mike Draper and the Interlink mechanic did a great job teaching us about TM repair and maintenance.

The venders were all fantastic.

The Masterblend guys are top shelf.
Rick from Hydramaster was great.
Rick from SS is the single best asset to that company.
Mike Draper showed off one of the best truck set ups I have seen.
The PMF guy was cool and was cutting deals.

The Interlink staff ( every last one of them ) were the best hosts ever. They all deserve a big pat on the back.

A big thanks to the supporters of the drawing. Some great things were given away. I myself made out like a bandit. I won a Mytee air mover, a Chemspec spotting kit and a Hyraforce Tile Spinner. I cant believe it.....

Sat. night many of us ate dinner at the Hard Rock and had a great time.

The most memorable thing about the trip was hanging with Mike, Studebaker, Jimbo, CU and Charles L all weekend. I conceder myself lucky to have these guys as my friends. I had so much fun with them and many others. It was great to see many old friends and make new ones.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Nicely put.

I was really impressed with Josh, the head mechanic there. He will answer calls to his personal cell 24/7 and makes a habit out of coming to the shop in the the middle of the night to fix busted truckmounts.


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Sounded like a complete blast. I really wish I could've made this one, lots to learn and many people to meet that I haven't met before.
glad it was a comete success.

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I had a great time there as well. I want to thank Adam Hall for persuading me to go. I learned so much. I got up this morning ready to face the day without any "stinkin thinkin" in my head. I was able to bid confidently on a good sized tile job this afternoon because of some of the nuggets I gleaned at Mfest.
Thank you to everyone that contributed. Interlink was awesome. Thank you to Rob from Stone Pro and Lance for giving me some hands on training. Thank you to grout perfect for spending time with me when you wanted to get out of there. And thank you to everyone that gave the prizes to Adam Hall and killed my gas mileage on the way home. :clap:
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