New mod makes my TM have TOO MUCH HEAT!


Aug 22, 2007
This is my Steamway legacy BEFORE the "tweak".


Yes, that's the fire alarm being set off.

Had a friend who runs a HVAC and oil company want to tweak my burner.

Fuel pressure is now turned up to 175psi, and airflow modified to keep pace - done with a gas analyzer shoved up the stove pipe. My TM has heat that you simply can't understand. Rediculous is more like it.

I can run the Cat5cp pump wide open at 4+ GPM and make 300* heat with the burner cycling because it could keep going!

Turned tile cleaning into an art form.

Why might you ask? Actually, the unit is running more efficient and I find my self using less diesel and it burns so friggin clean you can put your face into the exhaust and shrug. Now I just set the T-Stat to what I want and know the burner can keep up with whatever I throw at it and as much as I want.

If you have a Legacy 2100 it's something you might want to look into because it's just a monster right now. Cleaner and meaner.
Oct 9, 2006
Jay did the tech just open the airbands all the way up?

Do you think it will burn clean for long? Mine will sometimes build crud up inside on the fins around the jet.

How long have you been running diesel. Just paid freakin $3.49 a gal for K-1.


Aug 22, 2007
SouthernSteamer said:
Jay did the tech just open the airbands all the way up?

Do you think it will burn clean for long? Mine will sometimes build crud up inside on the fins around the jet.

How long have you been running diesel. Just paid freakin $3.49 a gal for K-1.

No actually he said too much airflow will make it lose efficiency as it will blow too much heat right out of the exhaust before it has a chance to transfer to the coils and water. He found the "sweet spot" between pressure and airflow.

If you are crudding up, there is a good chance your fuel pressure is too low as mine was doing the same thing and pissing me off.

What Jeff told me was at lower pressure the nozzle doesn't atomize as fine, and the large droplets don't actually burn but hit the hot coils and flash evaporate and build up crud. With lower pressure there is also after bleed as the soleniod gets lazy and that's the "puff" you get when you key off.

I can key on and off as much as I like with no after smoke at all, no puffs, nothing. When she kicks on now you can tell the soleniod is snapping open because it has a a deeper more violent roar like I've never heard before in a Legacy.

My local Steamway tech said Steamway told him to never turn the fuel pressure up past 125psi, so he never did. I asked Jeff about it and he said there is no reason to not run higher pressure and it will not affect pump life. As for cruding up, his point was with low sulphur fuels, home oil burners go through 1000's of gallons of fuel before needing a service and this one should not be doing so until the unit has many many many hours on it.

He also stated that diesel has more BTU content then Kero. I found that it does burn hotter with Diesel. We have ultra low sulphur here in CT - 15ppm so it does burn wicked clean.

Lee, it's a Wayne on mine.

A smaller nozzle with the same fuel pressure will just make less heat? Or did you mean high pressure with a smaller nozzle? If so, I probably wouldn't as I'd rather let the T-Stat do the regulating and have a burner that can way out pace the machine.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
It seemed that if a smaller fuel nozzle tip was used, and the combustion conditions maximized as you did, the result would be LESS fuel burned and less cycling of the burner. That would also extend the life of the ignition coil.

We have a couple of 440k btu kero burners used occasionally for big jobs. Jetting them down helped, although we missed the thumping roar that was so impressive.

Reliability was more important.


Oct 7, 2006
Differance betweeen 440K and 215K btus, I think the smaller nozzle would do exactly what Jay suggest, start to be a limiting point in the system.

I know the Legacy is "supposed" to be 105 psi, what i didn't know was that the fuel pump was adjustable to that high ofa setting, or I probably would have turned Mike's up when I was adjusting the airbands, there is a shortage of old steamway mechanics these days to reference.

It all makes perfect sense though.

now Jay, the test is, to replace your K3 jet with a K5 and report back, I'll send it to yuo for free if you will do just that and let us know how your cleaning improves, and if the "cycles" level out wiht the higher water flow.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
ehhhh spittin alot of "moist" air into the toom aint ya???

closer jets


Oct 7, 2006
The only purpose of a heating system to achieve 300 deg. is so that potential can be converted to higher flow, 2gpm at 220 is wicked on candle wax and gum, and flushes as chinese restaurant like no other.

Energy Transfer is the word of the day.


Aug 1, 2009
San Diego
Chris Thomas
Greenie said:
Differance betweeen 440K and 215K btus, I think the smaller nozzle would do exactly what Jay suggest, start to be a limiting point in the system.

I know the Legacy is "supposed" to be 105 psi, what i didn't know was that the fuel pump was adjustable to that high ofa setting, or I probably would have turned Mike's up when I was adjusting the airbands, there is a shortage of old steamway mechanics these days to reference.

It all makes perfect sense though.

now Jay, the test is, to replace your K3 jet with a K5 and report back, I'll send it to yuo for free if you will do just that and let us know how your cleaning improves, and if the "cycles" level out wiht the higher water flow.

You can't beat that.

Steve Smith

Nov 15, 2006
JCoviello said:
This is my Steamway legacy BEFORE the "tweak".

I can run the Cat5cp pump wide open at 4+ GPM and make 300* heat with the burner cycling because it could keep going!

First off, just so you know I'm not anti fuel oil burner machines, I run a Powermatic and 3 Mastermatics.

What testing have you done to make that claim.
The Powermatic would be lucky to heat 2gpm continuous flow to 300 degrees, let alone 3 or 4 gpm.
You would need twice as many feet (total length) of the heating coil, and I still don't believe you could achieve 300 degrees at 4+ GPM.

That said I think it's great that you burner is working more efficiently (better).

I laughed when I read your and Lee's comments on the loud roar when the burner kicks in.
I loved that sound for many years, however, over the last few years, I have been thinking about different ways to quiet the machines down. The thing is even if you dramatically quiet the blower with a larger hospital grade silencer, you still would have to contend with that extremely loud roar from the burner sounding on and off repeatedly.

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