Nick Nellos and the Judson



Well , if you really think the Vortex can get a carpet cleaner than any other tm take Nick up on his offer that Jim Martin accepted than declined .

I have a feeling that the Butler / Vortex testing of Mikeyfest past has cured you of your false bravado .

Step up to the plate . 90,000 reasons why you should , besides, did that job Jay do skeer ya , or do you think the job he did for your dad was inferior ??

Ya know , with MB wide reaching influence , you coulda found a V in texas somewhere , or was Jay just at the right price ??

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I know Jay personally and knew he would do a good job and be nice to my pops.

My dad thought the world of Jay and his workmanship but he did comment that his TM looked like a real pos.

I believe the words rattle trap were used.

My dad has been out with me in my V many times and has scene first hand the power and awe of it all.
Would he call Jay back again?


So let me ask you James.

You have such a huge hard on for EZs yet you chose a Butler when you bought another machine..

Why is that?


The reason is I bought the Vortex and preferred pto to a slide in unit. Also , training someone to use a Butler is much simpler and less likely that someone can screw it up .

So basically we are back to square 1 with the cleaning capabilites of a given tm . Even a rattletrap tm can do a superior job cleaning carpet - that is what your saying , because I'm sure you wouldnt accept anything less or second best when deciding on a cleaner for your dad .

And my take on the awe your dad had for your Vortex - yea , I get that too , most folks are impressed when they see it , because most have never seen anything as big drive up there driveway . But I also get funny stares when I use encapsulation UNTIL they see the results , then they could care less how I did it .


Marty , hate is such a strong word .
Besides , I dont hate Mikey , without Mikey I would probably have to pick on someone my size.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
James Cooper said:
The reason is I bought the Vortex and preferred pto to a slide in unit. Also , training someone to use a Butler is much simpler and less likely that someone can screw it up.

is it called an EZ because it's EZ to operate or EZ to work on???

and how dum do you have to be to not be able to turn a key and flip a toggle switch???

i just trained the guy who bought my TM teenage son how to op it in about 5mins.!!!

we changed the two belts in about 10mins and cleaned a greasy restaurant with warm water.

this ain't rocket science!!!

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
James Cooper said:
Well , if you really think the Vortex can get a carpet cleaner than any other tm take Nick up on his offer that Jim Martin accepted than declined .

I have a feeling that the Butler / Vortex testing of Mikeyfest past has cured you of your false bravado .

Step up to the plate . 90,000 reasons why you should , besides, did that job Jay do skeer ya , or do you think the job he did for your dad was inferior ??

Ya know , with MB wide reaching influence , you coulda found a V in texas somewhere , or was Jay just at the right price ??

Make up your mind dumb is the machine or the guy behind the wand that makes the difference......
If it is the guy like you have posted more then twice already then what is your purpose wanting to compare machines...


Oct 7, 2006
admiralclean said:
Trying to explain to a TM owner the advantages of upgrading to a V is like trying to tell a porty (or electric TM owner) the advantages of upgrading to a TM.

Some things just have to be learned by experience, and bought on faith.

I can't speak for the V. But as for the Savage (Electric TM) I can compare it to the Butler. I'm making a comparison between 2 positives here. Think Gretzky/Lemieux or Montana/Young. Not like 2 presidential candidates where they both suck ass. Anyway, the Savage w/ a booster can hold its own to a Butler. I'm not saying it's better, but it's in the same league. Mind ya if the Butler had the booster maybe it would be better. Some things about the Savage were better & some things about the Butler were better. Both nice machines. Take your pick of what features ya find more important.

Now if the Vortex is a step up from that, I don't know. At this point though, I don't see a TM as being an upgrade over a Savage.
Jul 12, 2008
Mikey P said:
I'm betting James is a one man show.

He works in the deep south so I can assume he does not get more than .25 a foot tops to clean carpet.

So he probably brings in $300 to $600 a day.

I wouldn't want a V either.

His lame argument that a 90k TM should not need pre scrubbing most likely comes from Nick.

WTF is wrong with making 600 a day? our trucks (running 4 now} average 600-1000 per day start at 8;30 and are usually done at 4 on average.....................and Id rather live here then broke dick

Agitation is needed with any and all methods when dealing with DIRTY carpet.

Extra/excess heat and flow will not over come that basic rule.

James knows that but he enjoys being a dick here.

It must really be a bitch being a born again asshole and hanging out on ®.

but then again one good phony deserves another.


Jim , I will try to type slooooower so you can understand . Anyone with skill observing the cleaning pie and correctly aplying the principles can get superior results useing any tm as long as it is in working condition.

The point was to show you idiots that claim a vortex cleans deeper or better.

Let me repeat this so you guys can understand. The Vortex is a production machine . Im not talking production . Im talking about end results .

Mikey knows it , folks that were at Mikey fest and saw the tests , (which coincidentally have never been released) know the results .

DannyD said:
admiralclean said:
Trying to explain to a TM owner the advantages of upgrading to a V is like trying to tell a porty (or electric TM owner) the advantages of upgrading to a TM.

Some things just have to be learned by experience, and bought on faith.

I can't speak for the V. But as for the Savage (Electric TM) I can compare it to the Butler. I'm making a comparison between 2 positives here. Think Gretzky/Lemieux or Montana/Young. Not like 2 presidential candidates where they both suck ass. Anyway, the Savage w/ a booster can hold its own to a Butler. I'm not saying it's better, but it's in the same league. Mind ya if the Butler had the booster maybe it would be better. Some things about the Savage were better & some things about the Butler were better. Both nice machines. Take your pick of what features ya find more important.

Now if the Vortex is a step up from that, I don't know. At this point though, I don't see a TM as being an upgrade over a Savage.

Danny , dont sell yourself or your machine short - again , with the proper application of the cleaning pie , your getting superior results period .

Danny Strickland said:
[quote="James Cooper":29ak84on]The reason is I bought the Vortex and preferred pto to a slide in unit. Also , training someone to use a Butler is much simpler and less likely that someone can screw it up.

is it called an EZ because it's EZ to operate or EZ to work on???

and how dum do you have to be to not be able to turn a key and flip a toggle switch???

i just trained the guy who bought my TM teenage son how to op it in about 5mins.!!!

we changed the two belts in about 10mins and cleaned a greasy restaurant with warm water.

this ain't rocket science!!![/quote:29ak84on]

I guess you have just been lucky - it aint rocket science , but there are a lot of guys out there that think the tm is broke if the wand o ring is leaking . Butler is 3 switches and go , 3 switches and off - childsplay , and very reliable .

And its called EZ because its EZ to work on - from the heat exchanger that can be opened to access the coils and replace them to the design which allows you EZ access to work on it. To the ease in finding replacement parts locally to quickly fix it yourself.

Its a machine designed for someone that has the ability and aptitude to work on it himself - if you are uncomfortable working on your machine and need a distributor to do the repairs yourself it aint the machine for you . Buy a prochem or a hydramaster that has more of a natiowide network to service your machine.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Copper........pull your head out of nicks ass and re-read some of my post.....I understand that there are words in there that may be to big for you to understand but I am sure you could find a 5 year old somewhere that could help you out.....I have said many times that it is all about production and being efficient....a guy with a good portable can get the same results as a vortex...but at the end of the are going to put more money in your pocket with the larger machine because your production rate will be much higher....
...your lack of common since is staggering... to say the least...

If you are running your butler (good machine ) and your Vortex and your vortex is not bringing in more at the end of the day....then after 20 years you either do not know what your doing...or your just a bigger dumb ass then we all think........the second option gets my vote........


Jim Martin said:
Copper........pull your head out of nicks ass and re-read some of my post.....I understand that there are words in there that may be to big for you to understand but I am sure you could find a 5 year old somewhere that could help you out.....I have said many times that it is all about production and being efficient....a guy with a good portable can get the same results as a vortex...but at the end of the are going to put more money in your pocket with the larger machine because your production rate will be much higher....
...your lack of common since is staggering... to say the least...

If you are running your butler (good machine ) and your Vortex and your vortex is not bringing in more at the end of the day....then after 20 years you either do not know what your doing...or your just a bigger dumb ass then we all think........the second option gets my vote........

Wow , pussies have reading disabilities and logic processing disabilities too - must be the desert air.

Drunk already this morning ?? - this whole post has nothing to do with production - it has to do with the claim your fearless leader has made saying his Vortex will clean deeper , better, etc. than any other tm . But I am glad to see you agree with me (. a guy with a good portable can get the same results as a vortex..)

In case you haven't noticed , there are thousands of business owners out there that do production and do it well . Not too many fleets of Vortex out there making it doing production work . Even Venturi decided it wasnt worth it and I beleive they run a few more tms than you.

Then of course theres Stanley Steemer , etc. - in other words , your big truck market is really such a small part of the pie its just a blip on the radar . So maybe you need to put the bottle down and rethink your approach .

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
it does clean deeper ..dumb ass........

A cds will give you a deep clean ..but you will be taking extra steps and working harder to get the same results...stop listening to your boy toy and start thinking for yourself...everyone knows your just chasing your tail....think about what a company like Stanley steamer with a fleet of large trucks....they are a marketing monster and then ( unlike yourself ) if they actually knew how to use the truck and had quality people..they would be un-stoppable in there production rate....

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

Mikey P said:
Oh and btw, I took those pictures of Nicks POS TM and wand, not Tony.

and I never told/promised that I would not post them

For the record...

You & Nick met here at our plant in Dallas.

Nick politely asked you NOT to take photos...

but you did anyway...

and later posted them.


P.S. Quite a few cleaners in the SOUTH have Vortex or AT TM's ...
And run good numbers.


Oct 8, 2007
All TM's do a decent job of cleaning carpet and it has more to do with the operator and how much time he has.

My Prochem Legend does a great job, I'm happy with it, my customers are very happy with the results, wether it's a trashed filthy rental or a high end "dirty" carpet.

But if I had the $$$ and the business to justify it, I'd have a Vortex or A/T tomorrow and so would 90% of truck mount operators out there.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Larry Cobb said:

[quote="Mikey P":3u1ldfw1]Oh and btw, I took those pictures of Nicks POS TM and wand, not Tony.

and I never told/promised that I would not post them

For the record...

You & Nick met here at our plant in Dallas.

Nick politely asked you NOT to take photos...

but you did anyway...

and later posted them.


P.S. Quite a few cleaners in the SOUTH have Vortex or AT TM's ...
And run good numbers.[/quote:3u1ldfw1]

I remember him asking about that wand but not his truck.

I didn't post the wand pics for a long time but when he went on his anti mike/gg campaign I said **** it. Bombs away buddy.
Jul 12, 2008
admiralclean said:
Mikey P said:
I'm betting James is a one man show.

He works in the deep south so I can assume he does not get more than .25 a foot tops to clean carpet.

So he probably brings in $300 to $600 a day.

I wouldn't want a V either.


600 dollar aint bad.......

Id rather live here then kAlifornia...........

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
admiralclean said:
I just can't see myself putting a couple of techs in a Vortex.

I curious why not, Marty?

if they're a more efficient TM/set up, why wouldn't you want to minimize labor costs by maximizing efficiency?



Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
It's not a performance related issue, Larry. It's simply an issue of the V's size. I might could put a crew in a Vortex if I had a business that was profitable enough to pay top wages. If I could pay health care, retirement benefits and give my lead techs enough money so that they could purchase a house and plan for the future while with me, then I could probably attract an better employee pool with a older average age ... more maturity. That's difficult to do anywhere in America while offering premium bulletin board cleaning techniques and the high prices that have to come with it. It lowers the customer base numbers and makes it harder to survive. So, down here anyway, high end cleaners tend to be loners, or they have a couple of crews staffed with young 20 years olds making $10 an hour.

No way I would put that in something the size of a Vortex. They'd wreck it in a week.


admiralclean said:
It's not a performance related issue, Larry. It's simply an issue of the V's size. I might could put a crew in a Vortex if I had a business that was profitable enough to pay top wages. If I could pay health care, retirement benefits and give my lead techs enough money so that they could purchase a house and plan for the future while with me, then I could probably attract an better employee pool with a older average age ... more maturity. That's difficult to do anywhere in America while offering premium bulletin board cleaning techniques and the high prices that have to come with it. It lowers the customer base numbers and makes it harder to survive. So, down here anyway, high end cleaners tend to be loners, or they have a couple of crews staffed with young 20 years olds making $10 an hour.

No way I would put that in something the size of a Vortex. They'd wreck it in a week.

absolutely agree . While the turning radious and ability to manuever the v is exceptional , finding affordable talent is difficult. I have even tried the overpaying route , and it still got me bozo's with little or no motivation .

I am currently training a new guy to run the Butler and am so far optimistic .

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