SO ??????
Wot's wrong with 23 hp ??
I've been running a 23hp for a decade and a half.
With a liquid ring vacuum that'll suck the skin off'n a cream custard at a hunnerd yards.
Friend of mine with the same machine, run the hoses up 23 flights, boosted his psi to 600, and worked the whole rig for a weekend virtually non-stop.
Had it hooked up to an old RX-20.
Only stopped to re-fuel and change operators.
That was about 12 - 15 years ago.
Any dummy can do a crap job with the best equipment.
A technician can do a top job with gear that others may denigrate.
I don't DUAL (not duel, that's a fight), wand, but I do run a green glided wand, RX-20 (90rpm), and my 360i with it.
But not all at once. shiteatinggrin
I don't give a stuff what other cc'ers say about me or my equipment.
It's what my repeat customers say that puts a smile on Delias face.
(& the bank manager). hey Marty, blow me
Haven't looked at the website in question.
As yet......
Off to brekki.

Wot's wrong with 23 hp ??
I've been running a 23hp for a decade and a half.
With a liquid ring vacuum that'll suck the skin off'n a cream custard at a hunnerd yards.
Friend of mine with the same machine, run the hoses up 23 flights, boosted his psi to 600, and worked the whole rig for a weekend virtually non-stop.
Had it hooked up to an old RX-20.
Only stopped to re-fuel and change operators.
That was about 12 - 15 years ago.
Any dummy can do a crap job with the best equipment.
A technician can do a top job with gear that others may denigrate.
I don't DUAL (not duel, that's a fight), wand, but I do run a green glided wand, RX-20 (90rpm), and my 360i with it.
But not all at once. shiteatinggrin
I don't give a stuff what other cc'ers say about me or my equipment.
It's what my repeat customers say that puts a smile on Delias face.
(& the bank manager). hey Marty, blow me
Haven't looked at the website in question.
As yet......
Off to brekki.