It's easy for everyone to say "don't leave the house for less than $150" or whatever......There have been many times where a $50 or $60 job has fed me (or bought a lot of cold beverages!). We also never know where that $50 will lead in referrals.....
So, I cleaned 1BR and hall for $55 for a custy's mom that was 3 blocks from her house and I cleaned 2 rugs for her for $60. She went and told people what I charged her for the 2 rugs, and lead to low profit jobs(well 1 was a good one).
I just think working on the cheap end(no upsell) devalues our services, and we all know being in business isn't cheap! It's just bad for our industry..
I had a long time custy call me about a month ago and asked if he could pay me $20.00 per hour.. LOL
I was talking to my accountant this year and she told me across the board the minimum charge for 2 guys in a rig is $100.00 if they preform a service(not just to estimate, or look at something). Little jobs is where I'm losing money.
You can think you are doing OK when doing a $50 job, but look at the price of doing business, and break everything down and you would be better off working for someone else.