PCS , has some explaining to do to my lawyer!


Oct 25, 2008
i took my machine in to be worked on. they was really nice for the 4 hours i was there. when the machine was done , they said ok start it up, i did and no OIL leak, but heavy viberation, i said this aint right ,Tim said its unbalanced( the motor is higher then the blower), i said it never viberated before, and he said oh we never touched the shaft(but there is marks like some1 beat on it that wasnt there . but anyway I said this is not what i brought it up here for , you fix something but you break some thing esle . tim said he was tired of people saying he breaks things while working on there machines , SO I said if the customer says you broke something then you PROBably do.. SO he said , go pay for my ticket and leave. he would not fix his HELPERS mistake.. so while going to the front of office I SAY TIM YOUR HELPER FCKED MY MACHINE UP and he knows it. THEN FROM OUT IN THE SHOP COMES THE HELPER SCREAMING STFU AND GRABS MY NECK AND CHOKING ME SAYING IT DOESNT HAVE A OIL LEAK NOW DOES IT.. SPITTING IN MY FACE .. AND TIM let it happen. i said wtf , why did you let it happen TIM said i almost hit you dude!! i said if i mess something up i fix it right there , especially a mistake .......... after this tim said get out the repair is on us! BUT it never was fixed right.. i called owners cell and told him what happen and he didnt believe me ,all i wanted was my oil leak fixed but ill take what the judge gives me now! YOU NEVER CHOKE A CUSTOMER , even if you feel like it. AND why would the owner be calling me saying are you really going somewhere with this, i say yes . he says ok he is getting a restraining order., they said its to late , he filed after i had report made!i had a protective order on them first.
what would you do if something like that happens to you ? i think they owe me big time , i messed 3 days of work , and have to go to chirpracter IM 28 yrs old , for me im taking it all the way, i was assalted in pcs by an employee, and they will pay
when this happened , i called lawyers and any of them wanted my case, so i picked the biggest 1. i dont care what it cost either, i will pay for everything out of my law suit..


I would have called the law before leaving the premises , but in all likelyhood , It would have probably been a free for all.


May 19, 2007
well I'd definitely find some where else to do business with. Get your machine fixed and bill them for it in your law suit if you go further with it.

You may want to call some other cleaning companys (with your lawyers consent, or he may want to) and try to find some of those who have had similar problems as you to add to your credibility in the suit.


Oct 25, 2008
ive called alot and they have had some problems.. most say it sucks, psc is the only place to go here in town!


Supportive Member
May 17, 2007
No offense but what a pussy way of doing things 20 years ago there was no lawsuits. Yeah the guy shouldnt have grabbed you but it kinda sounds like you where being a bit of a pain in the arse. You where trying to get the guy fired or in seriously in trouble right, emotions get heated when your job and lively hood is at stake ,so take a chill pill and dont go back to that shop for biz, or arange a meeting and let both sides apollogise and have them compinsate you for a couple repair jobs. :D


Oct 25, 2008
pussy hell , ,, thats no way to do business and hell yes he should be fired! let one of your employee choke some1 youd fire him , if not you should be shut down:D
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Wow what a story.

You can get a big payday and send that company packing. They dont deserve to be in business. Dont listen to chad, you have every right to do what your doing. I personally would of taken a pipe to their heads, but I have bad anger managment sometimes, good thing you didnt. Call the BBB too.

Wonder what would happen if a carpet cleaner did this to one of their customers. I doubt a few free cleanings would erase that.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I wouldn't post here about it....

I'd have picked up the closest hard thing and beat him as close to death as possible....
Then I would sue and add the emotional stress of doing that to another human
10 years later I would burn the building down..............
I agree with Fred I wouldn't post here about it.

As for the rest of Fred's post.....I agree too! :shock:


Oct 25, 2008
i dont get mad,,,,, i get even :D , i know how far this can go,, THEY WILL pay big time................... and as far as me posting here why not?

it doesnt matter i could have said anything i wanted to say to them, YOU NEVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON SOME1.. if they say i was mouthy why not say leave, or they call cops on me. i would have left, instead they assaulted me!!!!!! i only got mouthy after that 6-3 250 black man , was choking me,, and spitting in my face then i got mouthy , wouldnt you ?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
James check with your attorney but I wouldn't think he would want you releasing details, if you do decide to pursue a case you could be damaging it.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I always considered Oklahoma to be a backward type of state and this confirms it.

And their football teams suck at the BIG games too.


joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
I don't know ABC or PCS but.............................

You should have called the police & filed a CRIMANAL report of assult.....

Your are never going to get a DIME without a CRIMANAL TRAIL. You can
not even get to a CIVIL court trail w/o that verdict......"remember OJ"

If you are the victim here ??? SHUT-UP...Otherwise their attorney will be
counter suing you for SLANDER...If a jury reads these post of you threating
to CASH-IN from the employer.....They may decide you were just as COPABLE
as the employee in this altercation. Even though you were PISSED.......Their
"witnessesssss" may say that they felt that your verble abuse was about to
become VIOLENT....They had already ask you to leave & said there was NO CHARGE!!

If you come in my place of business & call my employee LIARS....I would have
KICKED your @ss too......Some of you guys need your @sses kicked for just
how how FILTHY you let your Equipment get....I hope you BRUSH your teeth
before you go to the DENTIST?????? Stick your head in sombody elses WASTE TANK
8 hrs a day & see if you don't want to CHoke that MF"s neck....

I'M sure this is NOT what YOU wanted to HEAR either....SO GO AHEAD & SUE ME TOOO.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
My God. Sue the shit out of them. The guy assaulted you and you showed tremendous restraint. I don't know what I would have done, but possibly killed him with my bare hands. I've always walked away from fights with punk idiots because I don't want to go to jail for assault or homicide, but it hurts really bad to not react in a human fashion. Not to mention the guy injured you.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I would rather throw hands than sue but if they won't throwdown sue.

You can always get money but there is a limited ammounts of physical confrontations in the world that you get in trouble for


May 19, 2007
As adults we have to handle things like adults and that don't mean getting revenge with your fists.

As adults we have courts and lawyers to handle these things. Fists and other means of revenge will just get you a free trip to prison/jail.

He has done the right thing, however proving it and winning isn't gonna be easy. But you're gonna have to find someone else to work on your stuff. A small engine mechanic or an industrial engine mechanic. Just because your equipment is for carpet cleaning don't mean there isn't someone who can fix your stuff local. Just look at marty he had his PTO rebuilt by some tractor rednecks.....

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
I find it hard to believe a mechanic would have physically assaulted you UNprovoked. He may have but you have to worry how the states attorney AND a jury will see it as well. PARTICULARLY after the other side is told.

rhyde said:
The only winners here will be lawyers

The preceeding quote is the only fact I see.

Harper seems pretty accurate as well. You don't go into someones place of business screaming at them. The guy should not have put his hands on you. He should have called the police and had you removed if you were out of hand. You both made bad decisions. You need to be adults now and work it out with out making the lawyers rich and waste tax payer money. That is my opinion.


Oct 25, 2008
is HARPER THAT STUPID? HE MUST WORK FOR THEM OR SOMETHING , did he get credit on chemicals for opening his loud mouth..:D. he needs to read it and understand it before speaking , he reminds me of my EX wife she never knew when it was the right time to talk:D i never called them a lier , i said they suck at their job if they cant fix their mistakes , nowonder every1 says dont come here .Now is that slander? im the 1 they said was the lier, now im proven them wrong !!
oh there was a witness, and there will be a lie detector test ..... thats why i dont say the whole story , let the attorneys do the rest. trust me im tried of taking it there and something else is wrong after wards, they know what their doing is wrong.. they over charge and break shit at our expense , i was making a point and they got mad.. MY POINT IS FIX YOUR MISTAKES , YOU DONT TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THIS ,BECUASE THEY ARE UPSET AT HOW YOU DO YOUR WORK, YOU TRY TO FIX IT own your time not theres they wanted me to wait a for them to fix it , it took 15 mins to level it out mind ya , i knew he didnt do it right the gears in the shaft wasnt lined up , but he insisted they was , but they wasnt..


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
tim said
As adults we have to handle things like adults and that don't mean getting revenge with your fists.

that is why there are less oppurtunities, so given the oppurtunity I would gladly take it if there were no repurcussions. the whole mutual combatant thing. I am a guy who likes to throw down.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
ME STUPID :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

wher did ya lerrrn yer grammer s-kills :?: :?: :?: Your little whining voice
irratates the s@it out of me & I can't even hear you :x :x :x Your x-wife
probally choked your @ss too.....I assume that you named your co. ABC
because that is all of the alphabet you have mastered....By the way...your
website is down.....I really hate that....I'm sure that would have been a blast :wink: :wink:

However I do apoligize for the Denist remark.......It is clear by your 2nd. post that
you have no TEETH :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:


Oct 25, 2008
becuase im not stupid enough to pay for something that doesnt help .. i dont need adverstizing ..i cant keep up now:D you need to think about when your machine is done and it isnt right, and u know they fcked up ,you would be angry too! ,.. abc stands for america's best clean and its trademarked . so dont fck with trying to still it :D now for my teeth im 28 yrs old you idiot i do take care of my self , its bad enough you have to bring teeth in here becuase , you wish you had some yourself .. grammer has nothing to do with typos . it doesnt matter what you think anyway , we are competitors we are not suppost to please each other with our looks, but we can with our skills .and to run SS out of town. we are IN oklahoma , arkansas , and comming soon to TEXAS . do you want me to open 1 up in florida to so you can learn how to clean carpets (THE RIGHT WAY) :mrgreen: ill be glad to show you how lol im teaching 4 guys your age now old man , but they have hair and teeth ............i dont need his money , it just happened this way .. its not my fault his empployees are like they are ,
dont hate becuase everything you do, i do better :D :D :D :D

hell after this i might open 5-6 more up , ill have the equipment:D


Oct 25, 2008
i cant help it he cant go without there support :eek: id say something to if i needed the extra credit :shock:
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Fighting over the BB is such a waste of time. OKC your doing the right thing, despite what people say. You were assulted in a place of business by the employees. You have more than every right to sue, file a police report, file a report with the BBB. The company shouldnt be allowed to operate like that. I dont understand why someone would suggest letting a matter like this drop and be swept under the rug.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

Im just wondering :? :? :? :? what is your I.Q anyways :?: :?: :?: :?:
I'm assume that it is about your (SHOE SIZE)...."if you own your own shoes?"

I would love to stay & chat further with you....But I'm pretty sure now........ that
your a WINDOW LICKER on one of those SHORT BUSES :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

"WHATS THAT" :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: DO ya heeer dat guuuubber :?: :?: :?: U better go
now....fur ya mis da ABC short buss :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

You surely know that it is a FELONY in FL................................
To have a BATTLE of WITT'S with an UNARMED PERSON :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

And I surely don't want to be hearing from your attorney :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

ps dos yerr attorny still hav dat DRIVE THRU WinDeR :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Brent said:
Fighting over the BB is such a waste of time. OKC your doing the right thing, despite what people say. You were assulted in a place of business by the employees. You have more than every right to sue, file a police report, file a report with the BBB. The company shouldnt be allowed to operate like that. I dont understand why someone would suggest letting a matter like this drop and be swept under the rug.

You can make that judgement by only hearing one side of what happened? DAMN you are good. I feel VERY confident in saying he is leaving ALOT of shit out that happened. But before this gets too deep, let me qualify that I really don't give too much of a shit. I just have no sympathy for anyone that thinks they can do or say anything they please to someone and expect them to just take it. It is a damn shame.
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