Phone Script


Supportive Member
Dec 11, 2006
Modesto, CA
So how many of you have one?

I know the big guys have them, but how many of the o/o have them.
I have some questions I ask but this winter some real creative people have been calling. It's like questioning someone on the witness stand and redirecting your questions because they refuse to answer until you give them a price.
I hope to have my wife on the phones next year. I need to develop a good phone script for her since she has no real experience on the phones. She has been in the education system with emotionally disturbed kids for 13 years. What is emotionally disturbed mean, Well these are the kids that grow up and work for Joe with the body at their home and all of the crazy people you read about in the paper. And yes after 13 years it is getting to her and me. Going to have to get the union out of her.

Lets hear your favorite question and response. Not asking anyone to give up the whole recipe to the secret sauce. Or for fun give us your strangest question you have been asked and how did you respond.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
I found this to be one of the most challenging aspects of this business.

I consider it's development a never ending work-in-progress.

Steve Touburen's "SFS gives some great insight regarding this, and has structured a system for this exact dialogue.

Be sure to subscribe to his email weekly tips.
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Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
Lets hear your favorite question and response. Not asking anyone to give up the whole recipe to the secret sauce. Or for fun give us your strangest question you have been asked and how did you respond.

We have a $150 minimum for the Town we are in, Which is San Francisco and a $175 minimum For other cities.

SO a caller asked "So why isn't Mill Valley in San Francisco?"

"Ah-- Because It Isn't!?"- replied my dispatcher


Oct 7, 2006
Jerry Cooper
So how many of you have one?

Louis, it doesn't have to be a big thing, just have/make an outline for her, what are a few of the thing she needs to find out. What town, how soon(most important), any special issues, some info about your biz, owned by you /wife, you do all work.

I'd also try to come up with a VERY short list/few point and how you clean. Example: no extra charge for spots, pre spray included, pre vac AND WHY).

In 2-3 minutes the client should know why they want you and a general idea how much.

Yes, she need a script, you both need to work on it. You also must let her change it and make it her own(she's the one using it).

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
So how many of you have one?

I know the big guys have them, but how many of the o/o have them.
I have some questions I ask but this winter some real creative people have been calling. It's like questioning someone on the witness stand and redirecting your questions because they refuse to answer until you give them a price.
I hope to have my wife on the phones next year. I need to develop a good phone script for her since she has no real experience on the phones. She has been in the education system with emotionally disturbed kids for 13 years. What is emotionally disturbed mean, Well these are the kids that grow up and work for Joe with the body at their home and all of the crazy people you read about in the paper. And yes after 13 years it is getting to her and me. Going to have to get the union out of her.

Lets hear your favorite question and response. Not asking anyone to give up the whole recipe to the secret sauce. Or for fun give us your strangest question you have been asked and how did you respond.

Will cut and paste my script for you in a Private message

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
I found this to be one of the most challenging aspects of this business.

I consider it's development a never ending work-in-progress.

Steve Touburen's "SFS gives some great insight regarding this, and has structured a system for this exact dialogue.

Be sure to subscribe to his email weekly tips.

Me too, i just use the sfs one.

Why reinvent the wheel.


Oct 7, 2006
Jerry Cooper

Mark would you mind sending it to me also? Our script is great, however my "phone lady"(wife) likes to make things up as she goes...:hopeless: Tuff getting her to understand that every call need the same basic info, keep it the same. You wanna add to it(script), GREAT! But don't subtract from it!
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Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Mark would you mind sending it to me also? Our script is great, however my "phone lady"(wife) likes to make things up as she goes...:hopeless: Tuff getting her to understand that every call need the same basic info, keep it the same. You wanna add to it(script), GREAT! But don't subtract from it!

Sent it out....let me know if have questions....



Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
Yes... To a certain extent. It is more of an outline. It changes based on what they are saying and in response to the questions I ask them. Have to be prepared for many different scenarios.

I start by asking if we've cleaned for them before. If yes I skip a whole lot. Just get to what they want and when.

If no, I follow with "how did you hear about us?" If it's a referral from existing client or one of our referral partners, it changes how I handle the call. Typically these people are not shopping price and know they want to use us. That changes the script.

If they found us online... then I know they may be shopping I know I have to handle it differently and ask differnt questions.

I'd be happy to go over with anyone. I don't have it written down. But give me a call. Pretend to be a client and see for yourself how I handle it. Don't tell me who you are until after I go through it all with you...then you can get it authentically. And we can chat about how it would go if you answered differently.


Supportive Member
Dec 11, 2006
Modesto, CA
Thank You Mark. Love the detail.
Did you attend SFS?
So when people call and ask if charge by the SF and then they say how very little carpet they have in the bedrooms. How do you explain that it will cost more than$2.00 to clean the cattle trail around the bed. When they hear sf they think Cleanable carpet. They think you are ripping them off because you charging for carpet you are not cleaning. This is what I have ran into. Maybe it's because I'm in the 5th worse city to live in.
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Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
We charge by the room/area for this reason. It makes is very easy for us to quote accurately so they aren't surprised when they finally do get the sq ft price. I find that most people cannot estimate their sq ft correctly...especially if it's only open areas or minimal furniture movement. So flat rate is flat rate. We find our customers appreciate having an accurate estimate over the sq ft price and not knowing. And because our business model is not one that attracts price shoppers, We don't get people complaining that they aren't getting what they paid for if we aren't cleaning wall to wall.

In the few incidents that they do, I explain that with furniture we move as much as we can and its labor intensive. If we don't have to move furniture because the room is empty we are cleaning more carpet. They can grasp that concept and that usually puts an end to the push back.
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Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
In the script always leave an "Out" or disclaimer. Some cusites will try to pit the dispatcher against the tech with-- "well the dispatcher told me This....!" the tech will reply-- "Maybe, but she also told you that it would depend upon my inspection and the actual work being done-- not based on the info you gave the dispatcher." I had one guy "forget" to tell the dispatcher about an additional room and staircase and still wanted the same price! After realizing we weren't going to come to an agreement - I left. He yelled, "You'll never work in the city again!"--- that was about 15 years ago.
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Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Thank You Mark. Love the detail.
Did you attend SFS?
So when people call and ask if charge by the SF and then they say how very little carpet they have in the bedrooms. How do you explain that it will cost more than$2.00 to clean the cattle trail around the bed. When they hear sf they think Cleanable carpet. They think you are ripping them off because you charging for carpet you are not cleaning. This is what I have ran into. Maybe it's because I'm in the 5th worse city to live in.

I have not had the opportunity to attend SFS and I am really bummed I have not...I even had a free seat a about 5 years or so for the amount of equipment I bought from them....might have even qualified this past year with some purchases if I were to check...

It is a great event that I need to attend sometime and get my game going even better!

On the Bedroom charge.....We charge by the cleanable sq footage in bedrooms especially....I believe it does indicate in that phone script....but we also know some average prices....

So I actually measure around the beds, measure in front of the beds and get and average....sometimes the customer still makes out with some extra free square footage, but I really don't get too many problems with price shoppers.

We have some price shoppers, but we are the highest per sq foot cleaner in the area, BUT, you will see, there are really not extra surprise fees....

We are fortunate to have a good reputation around here for our work and attention to detail (and sometimes known for being a lot of fun I guess too), and that is like gold in my opinion.

I know some areas are more difficult to sell quality, but we really worked on making sure you really got a great service with us (and excellent "Dog & Pony Show" :) )

I hope to touch on some of this again at this years Mikey's Fest in Clearwater Beach in April....


Supportive Member
Dec 11, 2006
Modesto, CA
I always ask what the sf of the home is. When they say idk I know they are trying to pull a fast one. I try to price by the room and always tell them it could be more if the areas are larger.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I'd use the script as a guide but I wouldn't get too concerned with memorizing it word for word. Maybe memorize a few responses.
I'd go over the basics but if they want more info than that ,make up a sheet you can email them or steer them to your website. The thing is, if someone is working you that hard over the phone, do you really want them as a client?

I think you want to be yourself over the phone answer everything you can as professionally and pleasantly as possible but you don't want to waste time with callers that are never going to be your clients.

My experience is problem people at the beginning... are problem people all the way through. :errf:
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bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
mine kinna went lik this:

Hi Mr Bob......i know i'm overdue for a cleaning...
so lets set something up so's you'll
stop calling me every week..............
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