Mikey P
Pre vacuuming greasy carpet is about as useful as teaching Marty about PTO sequential gear ordering.
Ron Werner said:Can save a lot of water by prevac'in the snot out of the carpet first. Reduce your wickbacks tremendously.
I don't have a pad machine so its not an option for me, plus I never wanted one anyway.
The only jobs I could see the use for it would be a commercial berber, glued down or with pad, and it has a ton of soil in it that could never be vacuumed out. The post padding would even out the wicking or remove it.
I smell DEnile.
I Smell "Avoidance".
it would kick the shit out of that recoil you are so proud of, cost of ownership isn't as bad as you might thinkMikey is right; and don't think there's any better equipment available for cc than a V ! Wish I could afford one!!
Doug Cox said:I don't do it because my dry times are fine and I would rather charge more without doing more work. Amazing Curtis, with 9 years under his belt would pick a fight with guys with 20-25+ years under theirs. Just a punk I guess.
admiralclean said:It is. It adds a rediculous amount of time to the job, and gives no appreciable drying benefits and little visual benefits.
It's just method masturbation.
meAt said:C Pennington said:Whatever..It works for me very well and my custys love it, quicker dry times
well and good, Curt.
have at it if you can get the dough for the extra step/time.
I'm not "anti" post Dobs.
[quote="C Pennington":3fkrlxf1]
less wicking and BTW my wand tech and equipment is way....good.
admiralclean said:Well, well ... have I just read my first post from a Floridian that is not an idiot?
sweendogg said:MIkey... was it not you who posted the post padding video of a restaurant not to long ago and bragging about how clean it was??
Yeah here it is:
C Pennington said:So your one of those guys who never has wickback or callback...LMAO..wickbacks happen I dont care who you are or claim..unless you do one job a day and its not dirty.
admiralclean said:You'll have to forgive Curtis. He lives in Panama City Florida. For those of you who aren't from this area, folks who live in Panama City Florida come wired differently. I think it's all the illegal drug, alcohol and sin they grow up using, abusing and living in. It screws with the mind.
I'm sure he's also a huge Nascar fan
And lives in a double wide.
PS Nothing wrong with the double wide.
steve frasier said:not worth the time on residential, I have test padded residential carpet and it didn't dry any faster then my HWE side of the carpet did, actually took longer to feel dry to the touch and it you prelube the bonnet like you should and it will only absorb so much water I doubt it really works like you say it does
it can be worth it on commercial
Ricky, what happen to you saying OP cleaning rots carpet?
it would kick the shit out of that recoil you are so proud of, cost of ownership isn't as bad as you might thinkMikey is right; and don't think there's any better equipment available for cc than a V ! Wish I could afford one!!
Raedan said:Do you think post padding would have made a difference?
Carpet was dry in 30 minutes. Airpaths. No post padding.No wicking.
And those are shadows.....
admiralclean said:This argument was regarding the drying benefits of post padding, Mellon. Not if it removed more soil.
Having said that, let me ask you this, can you SEE a benefit from the extra soil that is removed (on the carpet, not the pad) by post padding?
If not, then it's just more method masturbation ... and the 13th step in your "process."
Do you think post padding would have made a difference?
Carpet was dry in 30 minutes. Airpaths. No post padding.No wicking.
And those are shadows.....
Do you actually read a whole post before you reply?
Read the post again. Shadows........Duh....
Able 1 said:Oh, by the way I only use a carpet brush to agitate!