Powerclean files for bankruptcy

Jack May

That Kiwi
Oct 7, 2006
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Damn!!! Does that mean my Genesis just ROSE in value :roll:

I feel for all the employees, not only of PC, but the various distie's around the globe that may be affected.

Sure, many will have more than one brand, but still, it'll be a knock in a tough climate.


George V

Things are tuff all over!!!!!

This is the worst i've seen in 20 years of scrubbing floors.


It's time to get lean and mean :evil:


Feb 2, 2007
Who will be next ?
I predict Accelerated has maybe 3-4 months before they are DOA.
Amtex, Namco, and Chemtex & just about all the small garage manufacturers .
This is a tough environment and it's going to be with us for years.
It won't end with economic "stimulation" or any other government sponsor circle-jerk.Our nation can't continue to export jobs. That will not work.

Go to any carpet cleaning class look to your left & to your right, of the three of you two will be out of business within 18 months. In the last year I have had 14 numbers of deceased carpet cleaning operations ported over. That is the silver lining.

Any cleaner with huge overhead, the guy buying the warehouse, building a $100,000 rug plant because a seminar he went to, they will be gone. I really don't see it as sad when a operation sinks into the mud. Powerclean was never really established enough, or qualitative enough to be sustained. Business is business, you compete and many will fail.

There are a lot of cleaners closing up shop selling truckmounts off , fewer start ups (tighter credit requirements) and that all adds up to the death of a bunch of truckmount makers. With the deals out there buying new is pretty dumb. Offer 25-30 cents on the dollar. Those deals are getting accepted.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Spend your money wisely.

Think before you release the pressure on that hip pocket nerve.

Learn to live within your means.

Buy what you need, not what you want.

The good times have gone, but they will return.

It's time to not only sharpen your pencil, but also to hone your telephone skills as well as your marketing.

Actively seek new work, don't sit on your clacker waiting for the work to find you.

Dump the deadwood that returns little or no return on your investemnt.

Seek those extra add-ons that will give you more dollars in your pocket before you go to the next job.

Let your customers know everything you do that may stop them shopping around for someone else to do the job.

Many will still go under, be they manufacturers, suppliers or end product users, us, the humble carpet cleaaner.

Powerclean may have filed for bankruptcy, but this may not stop them from trading, I don't know the rules over there. (& I don't really know them here either).

Don't let your pride stop you from working more hours to make the dollars that we all need in these tight times.

Finally, don't see this as what many call it, a global financial crisis, it's only that if that's how you want to perceive it, and if you do that, (in my opinion) you're a loser.

Look at it more as an opportunity to get out and get more work to make more profit.




Nov 16, 2006
Ron Beatty
The companies that provide the best service to their customers, will not only survive but grow. It does not matter if you are a cleaner or manufacturer, providing a great service or product at a competitive price is the best way to survive in this economy. I just finished one of our best weeks ever. I can see things really picking up as we go into the elections.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Holding on to your money only makes things worse. Go out and live your life. You stop spending your money next thing you know your customers are losing their jobs and have no money to pay for your services. Money has to travel or it has no intrinsic value.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Money has no value if it isn't being traded. Well I guess you could wipe your ass with it.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
that's a shame
sorry to hear that..fo-reel

I predict Accelerated has maybe 3-4 months before they are DOA.

I consider your knowledge to be in the top 10%, Randy.
I think you have great instincts too.

But DooWayne has always been a "fly by the seat of the pants" kind of guy.
Those type rarely gain enough altitude that a crash cripples them "permanently"
He can tinker, piddle fart along indefinitely .

The guys with the least overhead, least debt and most adaptable to change "at a moment's notice" are in the best position to survive (and thrive at times) in the long haul.
Cause things will NEVER be the same again..
I'm not a pessimist by any means , matter of fact, this has been one of our best years ever
(by the Grace of God, cause Lord knows I'm a TERRIBLE businessman)
I'm a "realist" though, and can see the wind



May 19, 2007

If you have money and it's in the bank it has value and is being traded.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
No. You would like to think so and that's the trick. If everyone stopped spending and put thier money in the bank (like people are doing now) interest rates plummet (s
A good savings rate is only 1.25% right now) and people start losing jobs. The more jobs lost start feeding on each other because if you don't have a job you can't buy shooed and the shoe salesman can't buy groceries and the grocery clerk can't get thier carpets cleaned and you can't get new tires etc etc. It's all a big shell game but for it to work the shells have to keep moving. If you want real assets guns, bullets and food storage are a better place to "stash your cash".

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Olsen nailed it......this is part of what put the economy in the toilet the way it is now.......when things started turning...... the media made it out to be worse then it was and everyone started to panic and were burring mason jars of money in there back yards afraid to spend it and things went from bad to worse.....once people get out there and dig the jars up and start getting it back out there circulating things are going to turn around......

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
I suppose that's why they haven't credited me for a warranty item. They're just giving me the run around.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni

NOW you're talking !!

I just bought 31 boxes of Federal 9mm ammo yesterday .
I don't even have a 9mm caliber pistol right now...LOL

The dude selling it is broke and needs cash.
I offered him $6.50 a box ...he said he'd take $7..and I happily gave it to him 8)


George V

Jim Martin said:
the media made it out to be worse then it was ......

I blame this whole mess on OBAMA!

Things were clipping along good until he started shoot off his mouth about how bad things were during the campaign. Every time he opened his mouth the phone stopped ringing instantly.

Self full-fulling profecy.




Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
he had his hand in it as well but the media.......... IMO is also to blame.......



May 19, 2007

Everyone isn't holding on to their money. More people are making better financial decisions in my opinion. Many of us are in debt and have over spent. Most people money burns a hole in their pocket so there is no way that nobody will hold on to their money. That's the price you pay for an over stimulated economy, it has to balance out with a recession. People like to spend money but when you have none you can't spend it.

And just to clarify what I was talking about with the banks. When you deposit your money in the bank, they are required to keep a certain % of your money. The rest they can use for loans as they please to make money. The banks are having problems because they had lent money and weren't getting repaid for bad loans, not because they have unused money in the bank. The banks are having to be much more cautious than they used to right now but that doesn't mean they have stopped lending. That lent money is used for purchases.

There are people who are holding on to their money but not everyone is doing it. People who have plenty of money and secure jobs are the ones at fault in my opinion. So you are partially right but just because it's in the bank doesn't mean it has no meaning and is sitting there. But I also think that much of the major problem we have is because we are buying from other countries who don't purchase from us.


I don;t know who sounds more clueless...

rug suckers tawking ecOnOmICs ....or .....the CRI taLkiNG reAl dIrt?

Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007
Jim Martin said:
he had his hand in it as well but the media.......... IMO is also to blame.......

They are both in collusion...Obama and his lap dog "main stream media". The media is NOT a public service...they are a FOR PROFIT enterprise. Most American's do not agree with the left-leaning socalist kool-aid drinking so-called media, and thus they have lost a major marketshare to other sources of media. The "main stream" media needs marketshare to be able to sell advertising to pay all the socialists reporters their salaries.

Well, they have no viewers, they have no advertising and they have no way to pay those socialists.

So...make news, create fear, don't report on real news, report on the sensational stuff and watch everyone trip out. And many of the stupid sheep (followers) in this country eat it up, not stopping for a minute to wonder if what they are watching on ABC, CBS or NBC might be true.

This "problem" in America, of so many followers, I blame on the public school system, not teaching anyone to have a thought for themselves, but to trust what others tell them as gospel. They don't teach how to think, and accept other's opinions; rather the teacher's liberal-socialist idealogy is the only acceptable thought allowed without scorn and derision.

So...according to Lora Olson...some of the biggest problems in this country are the main stream medial and the public school system, with the biggest being the current socialist administration.

Thus ends my rant...


May 19, 2007
Lora Olson said:
[quote="Jim Martin":h7zkp2aw]he had his hand in it as well but the media.......... IMO is also to blame.......

They are both in collusion...Obama and his lap dog "main stream media". The media is NOT a public service...they are a FOR PROFIT enterprise. Most American's do not agree with the left-leaning socalist kool-aid drinking so-called media, and thus they have lost a major marketshare to other sources of media. The "main stream" media needs marketshare to be able to sell advertising to pay all the socialists reporters their salaries.

Well, they have no viewers, they have no advertising and they have no way to pay those socialists.

So...make news, create fear, don't report on real news, report on the sensational stuff and watch everyone trip out. And many of the stupid sheep (followers) in this country eat it up, not stopping for a minute to wonder if what they are watching on ABC, CBS or NBC might be true.

This "problem" in America, of so many followers, I blame on the public school system, not teaching anyone to have a thought for themselves, but to trust what others tell them as gospel. They don't teach how to think, and accept other's opinions; rather the teacher's liberal-socialist idealogy is the only acceptable thought allowed without scorn and derision.

So...according to Lora Olson...some of the biggest problems in this country are the main stream medial and the public school system, with the biggest being the current socialist administration.

Thus ends my rant...[/quote:h7zkp2aw]

I agree with the media being a major fault.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Geez it started with the oil. People wanted to influence the election so oil shot up. People couldn't afford gas, food their mortages. The liberals had pushed through the "everyone" has a right to own a home. When the people who should never got a home loan do to the government couldn't pay the snow ball turned into an avalanche. Now I really don't think the evil folks that drive up the gas prices to make the governing party look bad had a clue what the havoc they where about to unleash. It is easy to track. The Dow was 14k the only thing the lbs had against the republicans was the war. Right in the middle of the campaign oil goes through the roof (and it hasn't been back up there kinda funny don't ya think) anyway it isn't rocket science to figure out. If you really want to blame someone blame that Peter puffer Barney Frank.


May 19, 2007
The reason oil went up was cause china was consuming a ton, to be ready for the Olympics with construction. They are still consuming more than they did so the price hasn't gone way down, and it wont go down because of the demand that china has for oil now that they have shifted their economy. Also the dollar has weakened because of various reasons mentioned above. Interest rates being low is another reason why the dollar has weakened. There are many many factors for every fault so we can't point the finger at one thing. But the major problems are. The housing market, it was over inflated by low interest rates because people were payment shopping, and house flippers. Gas as mentioned above. China and trade deficit. The media. Lack of experience with our new global economy to predict global/macro economics, cause if you ask me their understanding of economics is still a crap shoot, at least when it comes to predicting where it's going (it's like predicting weather, you can predict some things but you're never always right).

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