Powerclean files for bankruptcy


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Lee Stockwell said:
My sons and I run three machines designed and built by one of the principals of Sapphire, Mike Roden, founder of Prochem.

Prochem and Hydramaster are now owned by pressure washer and vacuum cleaner manufacturers from Europe. Time will tell how long they care to keep them at the top of the heap,....I don't think the vision of the founders is still in focus in the new companies.

On the other hand, when I met Mr Roden recently it wasn't hard to see that he LOVES what he builds, and I think the Sapphire machines that I personally saw are some of the best and most innovative ever. No machine is perfect, but these are close. If they build the 2011 Sapphire version of a Performer 405 , say with a diesel engine, I'd be intrigued. If only our 405's weren't running so well....

Why would we want to buy products that are really owned by foreign investors? I would rather support the US.. That being said......... I am sure Saphire has a big investor, but who are they owned by? Are they in the US? With the garage built machines you get american. SO who is saphire owned by?


Nov 11, 2008
So.. how does this affect my Power Clean rig? How many of the parts are proprietary? If or when things start to break what are my best options for repair?

Bush had a lot to do with what we are facing now, we just weren't paying attention.


John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
I know Mike was a big dog in Prochem, But was it not brother Jim who started the shabang????

Willy P said:
And as I said Mikey - Real pretty- and you could clean with it, but directly to my point- If you can't engineer and design something as simple as an effective porty with long lasting and effective parts- where the heck does that leave you with a TM? When the inevitable winter slow down hits, I've gathered the parts to build a freaking MONSTER machine with no engineering background, just parts and experience.
Damned accident must have loosened the wizwiner on your thingamajig...I coulda swore youse tol me we was alluminum i mean allumni of the biggest enganeering colladge of the worlds,

The school of Hard knocks..

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Bankruptcy doesn't mean gone, but since filing undermines customer confidence it isn't entered lightly. The banks that have screwed up so wildly over the last ten years have swung the other way and won't finance anything, so maybe Powerclean just needs some breathing room to refinance.

Why would we want to buy products that are really owned by foreign investors? I would rather support the US.. That being said......... I am sure Saphire has a big investor, but who are they owned by? Are they in the US? With the garage built machines you get american. SO who is saphire owned by?
In a global economy it can be tough to make a completely local buying decision. 5% of the value of a machine built here might be the final assembly from 95% parts made elsewhere, or that foreign owned company might take only their profit home while buying parts and building machines here.
Sapphire is part of Legends Brands - Claude Blackburn (Washington) and Cliff Zlotnik (Pennsylvania).

PS: Since all truckmount makers are privately owned no outsider has any real idea how they are doing financially.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Legend Brands is owned by an investment group. They bought Dri-Eaz,um-smoke,microban and blueline and created sapphire scientific, pro-restore and RSA. These are all packaged under the legend brands but are sill individually run. Who the investment group is I am sure you could research and find out but I'm sure their are people from more then 1 country with money in it.

I think I covered it all.


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Only the strong survive. I'm glad i bought a spare Genesis for parts. I think that about 95% plus parts on a PC unit can be had elsewhere. Even the diverter unit can be retro'd with a unit from Johns Custom Heat Exchangers. Everything on my unit (except for the consol and frame can be bought or duplicated. I even seen parts from Summit Racing that could be incorporated into the Genny.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
meAt said:
I predict Accelerated has maybe 3-4 months before they are DOA.

I consider your knowledge to be in the top 10%, Randy.
I think you have great instincts too.

But DooWayne has always been a "fly by the seat of the pants" kind of guy.
Those type rarely gain enough altitude that a crash cripples them "permanently"
He can tinker, piddle fart along indefinitely .

The guys with the least overhead, least debt and most adaptable to change "at a moment's notice" are in the best position to survive (and thrive at times) in the long haul.


Precisely, Larry.

I hear about companies like PowerClean and my first reaction is, "How?". They've been doing well, from all indications. But then, I remember going to their place a few years back and seeing that they had a LOT of people on payroll, then they moved to a larger location. My guess is that they have a high overhead for the amount of business they do and Jim seems to me like the kind of guy who wouldn't lay someone off if there was any way around it... even if it meant placing the company under strain.

Depending upon the kind of bankruptcy they're filing, they could be leaning down and reorganizing- not going out of business.

On the other hand, I've been doing this for the most part, single- handedly since inception in 1996. My first place was tiny, with a $800 a month rent. Talk about low overhead...

And now, in the location that I secured 2 years ago, it started out as one big, dirty, 3,000 sq. ft. room. But now it's a big, organized 2,250 room with 3 area offices and a lobby built inside. As a result, we have warehouse rent, but office park amenities.

I've always built our designs around them being simple to work on and have readily- available parts from common sources. That's historically been great for our customers, but not so good for us, in a way. Because, unlike other companies with "proprietary" parts, we don't benefit as much from after- the- sale parts as they do.

But then, if they go under, the reverse is true, the way I see it. Because where can you go for a proprietary part that isn't produced any more? I think that many people in the market for a truck mount these days (as always) look for simplicity- for something that they can understand, work on and get parts for readily.

We'll continue to make non- proprietary- part systems as much as possible. And the proprietary parts that we do build with, as always, will be built to a standard that will outlast engines, pumps, blowers, etc.

Bottom line? Like Larry said, we have a low overhead which results in us having an easy "nut to crack". But if anything ever does happen, no one will be left wondering where to get parts for systems purchased from us.

Now, just to make sure that I don't leave this on a "note" that sounds dismal, I want to reiterate that we're in the process of shifting gears in that we're bringing a large part of the fabrication we depend upon, in- house. That will reduce our costs and speed- up our production / delivery time.

When we get everything in place, I'll do a video "walk through" and post it here...

We're not out of the woods... yet. But then, all we need to do is a few repairs and sell a few chemicals a month to keep the doors open. And we do a lot more than that...

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
The correct information on the ownership of Sapphire Scientific.
Sapphire Scientific is a wholly owned subsidiary of Legend Brands, as is Dri-Eaz Products, Dri-Eaz Ltd. and ProRestore Products. Legend Brands is a fully US owned and operated company. We have been in business for over 30 years with our acquisition of BLUEline we have been in this segment over 10 years now. We have the most experienced management, engineering, training and production teams in the industry.

Numero Uno

Oct 16, 2006
You save,you build,you fortify,then you turn and its dust in the wind...

Nothing ever lasts forever,sad but true...

It will truly be interesting the next 10 yrs,watching who will be next ...

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