
Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
Steven Hoodlebrink said:
I've noticed on any wand valves i've had to repair or replace is because of the o-rings. Standard o-rings are only rated to withstand 204 degree temperatures constantly.

I came across these. Check them out :?:
They're rated at over 316 C thats 600 F

Your correct about standard BunaN O'Rings.

However, Viton is rated for 400° F.
We stock & use them for all our replacement O'Rings.


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
James Cooper said:
unless you have damaged the valve , that should take care of the problem . buy another valve and I guarantee the problem is solved .

not at mega solution temps, Coop



Jan 28, 2007
My greenglide wand was leaking up a storm. I was at my wits end with it. I was down at central california cleaning supply and was taking to Lou about the wand . He said it was the teflon washer. All he did was turn it around and the leaking stopped. The washer gets marks or scratches onthe face of it letting water through. Try this worked for me. Steve


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I am going to try to get this across to you brain dead people one more time.

It's not the wand valve he's having trouble with. Even when the valve is working properly, it still has water in the line that will leak out of the check valves at high temperature.

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
hek mine leak at low temps.i replaced everything check valves wand valve and it still leaks too.

oh well i just do a lot of extra dry passes.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Problem solved........


the guts don't go into the extensions but into the jet and the ball is not stainless it is Teflon....

complete kit was $55.00....

this was the explanation I our conversation.....


I sell ‘Extenders’ like the ones you probably already have.

Problem with Extenders (well one of the problems) is the spring gets weak over time and jets start dripping again.

It’s a problem with all check valves.

We could use a car spring I guess but then you’d need a 20,000psi pump to overcome the breaking back pressure of the spring.

We compromise with about a 20psi high tensile spring.

When the spring gets weak, you gotta replace the spring AND the Body when you’re using Extenders.

This is because Westpak, the people who make the Extender, don’t sell the ball & spring separately.

And Extenders are kinda pricey, like $7 each.

I treated the problem (at least the Titanium problem) as two separate problems,

One - drippy jets and

Two - the need to lower the lets in line with a preferred feature of the other low profile heads

like the Westpak and CMP 14x2” wands... better heat at the carpet, less humidity into the air, faster & better cleaning etc, etc.

One - I made the Stubby check valve, ‘Stubby’ TO STOP THE DRIPS.

The Stubby screws right into the back of the 1/8” vjet or floodjet.

I even made a special Stubby Jet Screen to stop debris.

Stubbys are short enough to fit easily into even the tiniest jet manifolds – like the Titanium wand has.

Two - I made ‘Extensions’ TO LOWER THE JETS.

My Extensions are precisely machined stainless tubes with a lifetime warranty, whereas Extenders have a 30 day warranty at best.

I make these Extenders in 3 different lengths for all the various wands.

The spring will always be the weak link.

The Stubby check valve spring lasts about a year with full time high heat wanding, about the length of time between recommended jet replacements anyway.

Like a good Dentist, I GIVE your little jets a sucker just for coming in on time every year.

You get FREE Stubbys (regular $3ea) with your jets ($6.99ea for stainless 1/8” vjet AND Stubby installed) when you buy your jets from me.

But only IF you place your order before the one year is up (from the time you bought them last time).

Else you pay the $3ea. plus the price of the jet $6.99 ea.

So you get a lifetime warranty.

IF my Extensions ever crack or otherwise fail you, you get free replacements.

It’s only happened once that I know of, once too many.

Extensions (stainless) were already are much stronger than Extenders (brass).

But after I saw the set that cracked (thanks Bob Baker) I made Extensions thicker walled, about 25% thicker than the Extenders.

This solves another problem – that of dealing with the hassle and risk of replacing jets in the jet manifold.

That is, you will leave your Extensions in there; you never take them out.

This way you will never have to worry about damaging the threads of the Titanium jet manifold ($99each side to replace).

You just put a crescent wrench on your Extension to hold it steady then turn your jet – once a year.

You get a drip-free guaranty on the springs too IF you keep a healthy valve up top.

I recommend the stainless Soft Touch valve as probably the best valve in the industry for the money.

I charge $50 for the stainless Soft Touch (including hardware); a little less for the grass version.

I’ve also prepared detailed installation instructions for all the common wands, free with purchase.

I’ve made conversion hardware that lets you upgrade any wand to the Soft Touch, even the RX20, RV, etc.

And the rebuild kit is only 9 bucks.

I had tons of problems with the Stubby – during the first two years – but that’s all behind us now.

I finally had a custom high tensile, high heat spring made; 50,000 of them in fact, enough for a couple of years of drip–free, clog-free jetting for the whole industry.

Teflon® balls are far superior to the standard stainless balls for our high heat applications.

Teflon balls raise the price of the Stubby to $3.30ea. ($7.29 for jet & Stubby when you buy once a year.)

I’ve sold thousands of these Soft Touch Valves and Stubbys and Extenders with very few problems.

Seems there are a few lemons though and that’s why you got me. I won’t hesitate to help you.

Just don’t take advantage of me.

Sorry for the long-winded response but you’ve probably never heard the truth.


P.S. Feel free to pass this information on to anyone who is tired of drippy (or clogged) jets and has not had a satisfactorily solution

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