Unwritten rules of carpet cleaner manners:
1. The first time you meet a competitor, find something to genuinely compliment him on. Nothing phoney.
2. NEVER ask him how much he charges for anything until either he tells you or you know him well enough that you know the name of his spouse and kids.
3. Never comment on the quality of his work or negative things custys may have said about him...unless it's positive.
4. Don't criticize his rig and/or equipment. DO offer suggestions that might make his stuff better, but don't be pushy. Offering to let him try your stuff, and asking to try some cool toy he has are okay if he seems receptive.
5. Give him your card, ask for his, and let him know if you can help him out in any way (borrowing squipment or tool when down, doing the rest of the jobs scheduled that day when you have a major breakdown, covering when sick or on vacation, etc.) you would be happy to and possibly he will do the same for you.
Every competitor I ever met became either a friend or an amiable acquaintance. There were times when we saved each other's asses. I can remember calling another cleaner when my TM broke down on a job after I had pre-sprayed, but only cleaned half a room. It was a major valvetrain problem and the truck was going to be in the shop for a couple days. Competitor finished the job he was on, ran over, sucked out the pre-spray and finished the job for me and the rest that were on schedule that day, took the jobs I had scheduled the next couple days that could not reschedule and refused to take the money. In return, when he went on vacation, I took his urgent custys and did them and handed him the money. he moved from my area down to San Diego area and we lost touch.
Take care,