Restaurant Impossible

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Re: Dinner Impossible

Today was the day.

I confirmed the 9AM appointment yesterday to see if all would be clear for us. I was told it was a go.

When we showed up they were anything but ready. The whole restaurant was torn apart, the floors were covered in sawdust, drywall dust and lumber.

Everyone agreed that it would be better for us to return later in the day so I bumped up my two other stops and got back there around 2:30.

Only to find almost nothing much had changed. :shock:

Release forms were signed and were were told we would indeed be part of the show.

The star and host of the show knew we had to do our stuff quickly in order for the doors to open at 6:30 PM so he raised his voice, snapped his fingers and popped his legs and people quickly cleared the carpet for us.


We were to clean the tile too originally but no way was that going to happen. Far too much going on as they completely rebuilt the bar area.
Robert made it a challenge to see if we could really get it clean and dry in two hours. ... ssible.jpg

They recorded quite a bit of us cleaning and a nice interview about the process, tools and chems were were using. No way are we not going to show up...Too cool.

The carpet came out great but the massive crew ****** it all up in no time..


Sawdust was still going every where..


IMO the quality of construction and materials used were very sub par. Not enough time ( a day and a half) to pull off a total face lift and menu restructuring and the wood workers, painters, electricians, decorators and crew are all over each other.

How long with this canvas cotton last?


Should have been laminated.

I really enjoyed the whole freak show..

Got a good laugh when Robert asked if my son and I were brothers..


This episode should air in January.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
What the Fook is that cheap snail fan doing there? Why dont you have some studebakers dryin the carpet? Cheap bastard!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Right on....Jen watches every show....Which means I pretty much watch every show.

I'l keep an eye out for it.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
I can just see the commentary on the show. "Thanks to Davis, the owner of Connoisseur Carpet Cleaners and his son, Studebaker for the great job.:lol:


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Re: Dinner Impossible

Hoody said:
The show is Dinner impossible with Robert Irvine. Same guy that does restaurant impossible. Al and his crew cleaned a restaurant that they were re-doing here in CT, and they got an awesome testimonial from Robert, though were never mentioned on the show.


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Remade Hoffman's unveiled to public: Whirlwind two-day 'Restaurant Impossible' shoot culminates in grand reopening dinner
By TOVIN LAPAN - Santa Cruz Sentinel
Posted: 10/11/2011 09:39:45 PM PDT

SANTA CRUZ — There is no typical shoot for the Food Network program “Restaurant Impossible.”

Each struggling restaurant the program remakes in 48 hours on a $10,000 budget poses its own set of challenges.

Monday, the television show, including celebrity chef host Robert Irvine, invaded Hoffman's Bistro and Patisserie in downtown Santa Cruz. Along with Irvine, designers and a construction crew worked around the clock to revamp the restaurant's decor, menu and service.

Tuesday night, the restaurant reopened more than two hours behind schedule. When Irvine finally emerged at 9 p.m. the patient crowd waiting to dine cheered and snapped photos.

“This was the biggest and toughest job we've ever done,” the chef said. “I think there is blood on everything.”

Even after opening, the renovation was kept under wraps with plastic covering the windows. However, it was clear that the gold paint still on the facade had been replaced inside with walls painted in white and varying shades of olive. Wood paneling was laid over the floor tiles, and the long chain of bakery cases was gone.


The tight deadline invariably leads to last-minute scrambling to finish the last few details before the door.

“The shoots never go smoothly,” said executive produce Marc Summers. “Our initial scouts might have an idea where we are going, and then Robert comes in and goes in a completely different direction ... We've been two hours late with the reopening before, which is never good because you don't want to anger potential customers.”

So much needs to get done during the frantic two-day process that oftentimes certain jobs only end up 90 percent complete.

“You hope the carpets dry in time after being cleaned,” Summers said.
“You hope the paint dries in time. In one episode we had painted chairs that hadn't dried, and then you have to replace the customers' clothing. Basically, it's like cramming 5 pounds worth of stuff into a 2-pound bag in a limited time.”

The show's producers said Santa Cruz has been incredibly welcoming and accommodating, and at least 30 area residents volunteered to help with the project.

The Hoffman family opened their restaurant on Pacific Avenue a decade ago, immediately poured $500,000 into renovations, and has been struggling to get into the black since. The restaurant's business dropped 25 percent during the recent economic downturn, June Hoffman said.

While the family reported doing well with breakfast and brunch, their dinner service has never done well. Many of the people lined up outside the restaurant Tuesday evening said they never knew Hoffman's served dinner.


“This restaurant is in debt and they have nowhere else to go,” said Irvine, wearing his trademark black shirt and blue jeans, during a brief break from shooting earlier in the day. “‘Restaurant Impossible' gives hope to these restaurants that could go out of business otherwise. Hopefully after two days and $10,000 we can help put this restaurant and this family back together again, and give them a new lease on life ... We are behind the eight ball now. Who knows if we will get everything done on time.”

Tuesday afternoon the restaurant, and the parking lot in back, were a hive of activity. Designer Nicole Facciuto reported in with supervising producer Jill Littman to say she found a piece of furniture for the restaurant for $10 at a nearby thrift store.

Workers sawed pieces of wood, arranged new turquoise-colored furniture and filled salt and pepper shakers. On monitors in the parking lot, producers watched a live feed of the filming going on inside in which Irvine went over pricing with pastry chef and owner Ed Hoffman.

Reservations for the grand reopening filled up in a half-hour, said associate producer Justin Leonard, and a total of about 400 people were expected at the renovated restaurant Tuesday evening.

Leonard said they expect the Hoffman's episode, the final one for season two, to air sometime this winter, most likely in January.


Lee Stockwell said:
It will be the LOCAL exposure that you will take to the bank. Good job!

That will be good . His last exposure took him to jail

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