Rug cleaning in yer shed

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Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
With regards to the bickering on the SpongoBongo thread and the Rugbludger for sale, a thought popped into my head, (it was like a mini orgasm).

How's Crusty's new rug cleaning premises coming along after his old business was burnt down. ??

I imagine he would have all his own equipment (& friends), in there proudly on display, including the Square Scrub, and nothing leaking anywhere. ??

He should be raking in the $$$$$$$ now, cleaning rugs instead of emptying gullible rugees bank accounts.

I see someone has been MODERATELY active !gotcha!

hey Marty, blow me shiteatinggrin :shock:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Running a Ninja over a froofy rug and then OPing it to get the stiffness out is something any ol' wall to wall hack could accomplish.

According to my spies that is about all you'll get from Luv a Rug.


Hey Shorty when I saw my website name I perked up but I think the way you said what you said says all that needs to be said about what you said. It kind of reminds me of a man pissing into a fan and saying how good the warm shower feels. Maybe you and our host can dig in and demean yourselves further.
Best wishes,
Barry O'Connell


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
I'll make it brief as I have a job to get to.

Sure don't take long.

I've already had a phone call from Crusty.

Gotta go, living in the tropics so we can feel how warm the rain is. shiteatinggrin

Or is someone pissing on me. hey Marty, blow me :shock: shiteatinggrin


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
BarryOC said:
Hey Shorty when I saw my website name I perked up but I think the way you said what you said says all that needs to be said about what you said. It kind of reminds me of a man pissing into a fan and saying how good the warm shower feels. Maybe you and our host can dig in and demean yourselves further.
Best wishes,
Barry O'Connell

demean myself?

you go on Aaron's personal face book page and slam him for buying a certain type of equipment that does not involved you in any sort of possible way and you want to point fingers about being demeaning?

You sir are a pompous asshole.

and a wanna be one at that.


Hey Mikey,
You can’t have it both ways. I told Aaron to have a great time at Rug Summit and I asked him his opinion of Tub Washing while cutting back water usage 500% for flushing and rinsing. I was not nasty or insulting. I asked a valid question. Aaron Grosenclose is a very prominent Industry leader and Trainer. Asking his opinion of controversial cleaning techniques is appropriate. I have a lot of respect for Aaron Grosenclose and if someone asked me today who to go for training and said that they were a Moore Plant operator I would recommend Aaron’s classes with the same enthusiasm that if they said they were a hand washer I would recommend Lisa Wagner’s or Paul Lucas’s classes.
So I say you can’t have it both ways because when asking my friend Aaron a polite question about Tub Washings you can only make it a slam if you admit that Tub Washing or the manufacturer is bad. Are you calling the Blue Guys and their equipment bad?

As for me being a “wanna be” you got me pegged just right, I wanna be a better servant of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I wanna be a better father, husband, friend, and worker. I have so many things I wanna be but being respected and admired by you is not high on my list.

As for slamming Aaron it is better ask him a question to his face than knife him in the back. How come you didn’t pump up his Wednesday night show? You embarrassed him by only turning out about 20 people while you have the largest and most active board of its type on the internet.

I respect you calling me a pompons asshole. It is time to man up and come at me instead of attacking my friends because you are miffed at me. And who said you’d never grow a pair.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell


Hi Mikey.
Hope you are having a great day. Do your shorts fit different? Anyway just so no one thinks I was slamming Aaron I posted this on his FaceBook Wall:
Hi Aaron,
If asking you about Tub Washing embarrassed you I am sorry. I thought because of your accepting a speaking role in the product demo weekend you might have taken a position on when Tub Washing is appropriate and the necessity of rinsing and flushing. I always thought you were big on rinsing and flushing. So if I embarrassed you please accept my apology.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
BarryOC said:
Hey Mikey,

As for me being a “wanna be” you got me pegged just right, I wanna be a better servant of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

Ya sure had me fooled somewhat with your story about pissing in the fan. :shock:

I'm wondering if the current tickles your testicles. :?:

I'm shocked to even think about it too much. :shock:

Guess I never will understand some of you yanks. :roll:

Ah well, time to hit the fart sack.

Have a lovely day all.

:lol: shiteatinggrin hey Marty, blow me


Hey Shorty,
I am a terrible bad sinner. Far worse than all you nice people so I need a savior far more than most people do. Fortunately Jesus died for the sin of the world. So the way I figure since I am such a sinner Jesus died more for me than most people. How about you Shorty are you a believer or a heathen or something.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell
Jul 14, 2011
Ya Know..... it would be nice if we could get some kind of warning on these threads that go so far south :roll: :roll: :?:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
How much is Dusty paying you?

Or do you just get to baby sit his son while he goes on exotic vacations on Clark Lancaster's dime?

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006


Mikey I pulled this post because we should not talk about a little boy. Shame on you for bringing a little 8 year old boy into the discussion. I realize that you are borderline retarded but even you should know better.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I wanna be a better servant of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Let me ask you something Barry,

When you became born again did you try this hard to gain acceptance from your church elders?

Did you mistakenly pick one click who you thought would move you faster and further up the ranks and then go about gossiping and slandering the others in the congregation to impress them?

Do you think Jesus really gives a shit if old biddies sell blue instead of red cookies at church bake sales?


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Seeing how Aaron and Bill Bruders will be @ MF, yeah, I'd say it would be a good idea for you to stay home.

I'd hate for you to show up six weeks later in the murky water of some rug fag's Centrum Force wash tank.


Why is Bill B. a problem? I always speak well of Sapphire. I have not used Sapphire but I respect them and I have a dear friend who is their biggest booster. I am open to new chemicals on the market. I got samples of Bridgepoints new Rug chems in Vegas and I was very impressed.
As far as Aaron goes we are friends. Why else would he invite me to speak at his class with Ellen A. in Dallas in January. Unfortunately I cannot go but it was really nice of him to invite me.
I am not sure I understand your question on the cookies. I am a Lutheran and I never remember anyone ever serving or selling a blue cookie.
Besides questions about quality, safty, efficacy and cost my big concern with Blue is over the missing rug. Was a rug inappropriately taken from the father of America’s most loved Rug Washer? All I ask is that Papa Smurf make good on the rug. I frown on people who steal from my friends. He promised me that he would talk to the family and straighten things out and months go by.
Please reconsider on Mikeyfest. I wanted to come out for the Rug Badger demo.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
BarryOC said:
Why is Bill B. a problem? I always speak well of Sapphire. I have not used Sapphire but I respect them and I have a dear friend who is their biggest booster. I am open to new chemicals on the market. I got samples of Bridgepoints new Rug chems in Vegas and I was very impressed.
As far as Aaron goes we are friends. Why else would he invite me to speak at his class with Ellen A. in Dallas in January. Unfortunately I cannot go but it was really nice of him to invite me.
I am not sure I understand your question on the cookies. I am a Lutheran and I never remember anyone ever serving or selling a blue cookie.
Besides questions about quality, safty, efficacy and cost my big concern with Blue is over the missing rug. Was a rug inappropriately taken from the father of America’s most loved Rug Washer? All I ask is that Papa Smurf make good on the rug. I frown on people who steal from my friends. He promised me that he would talk to the family and straighten things out and months go by.
Please reconsider on Mikeyfest. I wanted to come out for the Rug Badger demo.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

Did you not refer to Aarons Masterblend as Masterbleed? on ICS.

Let me refresh your memory......

Is Sapphire Scientific in Play Again?
Barry O'Connell on 9/25/2011 at 3:26 AM

No sooner than it is announced that RPM bought Sapphire Scientific then I get the word that RPM is up for sale. RPM who earlier sold 3 brands including Bondo to 3M is now rumored to be ready to sell all of RPM to 3M. My source tells me that the “Due Diligence” paperwork is in process and if legal and financial depts clear the sale RPM will become part of 3M.
Hard to tell just what that means for Sapphire but my source tells me that 3M may sell Sapphire and Chemspec to SEM who is looking at entering the Carpet Cleaning arena. SEM is said to want to expand into carpet since they are a major player in automotive interiors especially auto carpet.
Add to this that some of the big boys took a look at MasterBleed but their shrinking slice is too small to attract any interest. At the same time another very small chemical manufacturer with truly innovative products may end up with a major distribution deal very soon. The cream rises to the top while the sludge falls to the bottom.
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

I don't think the names you like to drop and arbitrarily respect feel the same way about you. In fact I know how some feel about you and it isn't arbitrary.

Maybe you're just a wanna be rug groupie weaseling into the gatherings to be seen with the real-deal rug washers who have earned their street cred. Don't believe for a second this group here can't pick out the posers.

The dogs need a new chew toy...


The mouse has roared!

The mouse has roared!
Good to hear from you Bob. I am who I am. Am I a carpet cleaner? Nope but I first worked as a carpet cleaner 36 years ago. Am I a rug washer? Nope. But I have washed rugs professionally. Am I a rug dealer? Nope. But I have been. Do I have an opinion? You betcha, on a wide range of topics.

God is very good to me and he has chosen to give me a job outside of rugs. I would do more in rugs but I can’t afford to. So why do people listen to me? I suspect it is because I have done more to document hand woven area rugs than anyone else in the world. Maybe because I spend a great deal of time helping people in this business to do a little better, make a little more money, maybe because I care about them.

Maybe they listen because I don’t have my hand out. I have the NYC Rug Tour coming up in two weeks. I am not charging a nickel for it. There is no product or service pitch. There is nothing to buy. I am not charging $600 for a Summit (Product Demo) or $6,000 for a 5 day course in Dallas. I don’t sell soap or equipment. I do cohost Dusty’s marketing webinar every Thursday but I do not get a cent for it. I do it because I want to see more Rug Washers realize the good life.

So Bob, chew on that.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
BarryOC said:
The mouse has roared!
Good to hear from you Bob. I am who I am. Am I a carpet cleaner? Nope but I first worked as a carpet cleaner 36 years ago. Am I a rug washer? Nope. But I have washed rugs professionally. Am I a rug dealer? Nope. But I have been. Do I have an opinion? You betcha, on a wide range of topics.

God is very good to me and he has chosen to give me a job outside of rugs. I would do more in rugs but I can’t afford to. So why do people listen to me? I suspect it is because I have done more to document hand woven area rugs than anyone else in the world. Maybe because I spend a great deal of time helping people in this business to do a little better, make a little more money, maybe because I care about them.

Maybe they listen because I don’t have my hand out. I have the NYC Rug Tour coming up in two weeks. I am not charging a nickel for it. There is no product or service pitch. There is nothing to buy. I am not charging $600 for a Summit (Product Demo) or $6,000 for a 5 day course in Dallas. I don’t sell soap or equipment. I do cohost Dusty’s marketing webinar every Thursday but I do not get a cent for it. I do it because I want to see more Rug Washers realize the good life.

So Bob, chew on that.

OK Barry, expound on the clearly negative inferences of the

$6000 Dallas rug course


the Masterbleed remark


the accusation of a stolen rug

I could bring up others.

What's that all about? Tell us.

You're FOS.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So who gives a better reach around when you are out doing their dirty work, God or Dusty?

Do you realize that in the short time you've been on the Boards you've managed to repulse all but two or three guys in this industry?

Good job Spongo!


What is negative about charging money for a rug class? Are you a socialist Bob? Some people charge well for what they do and I am not.
As for masterblend. I am dyslexic and dysgraphic. Spelling suffers at time. Either that or I was joking.
As for the rug I have no intention of saying whose rug in public but TM did admit there was an issue about a missing rug in an email to the senior core of ARCS. Ask TM whose rug. Maybe if TM won’t say the victim will go public.
It is good to see you stand up on your hind legs Bob. You always seem to cower in front of Mikey as some sort of pretend moderator.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
You always seem to cower in front of Mikey as some sort of pretend moderator.

Does Dusty tickle your prostate when he feeds you his lines Barry?

You do realize that Bob is in the same town as him right?

You do know Bob has seen and experienced the shame of bringing back a rug that was to be hand WASHED and only got the OP song and dance?

I'm sure when the Great Spongo shows up at Dusty's world famous, state of the art garage that he puts on his best clown shoes and goes out of his way to impress you. He may even run his Badger north and south instead of just east and west.

Poor Bob on the other hand gets the embarrassment of bring back a soiled and stiff rug.

Bob is too nice to say anything, but me?, I'm a grade A asshole and will tell you the ugly truth your goofy friend..

Speaking of ugly, Christians and puppets.. :shock:



Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Mikey P said:
FredC said:


:lol: I figured since the thread wasn't about religion it was best to remove it (and figured Bob would anyway) but :

I know this will bunch some panties up...and probably cause some people to stop paying me but..god damn christians are a sickening bunch. (is that close?)

and they are...if someone volunteers to me that they are born again, has a jesus fish sticker on their car, bible quotes on there sites/ads or tells me to have a blessed day I know to avoid them like the plague......usually a big red flag that they are deceptive/disingenuous least in my experience


thought it might be RR material...happy now?

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
BarryOC said:
What is negative about charging money for a rug class? Are you a socialist Bob? Some people charge well for what they do and I am not.
As for masterblend. I am dyslexic and dysgraphic. Spelling suffers at time. Either that or I was joking.
As for the rug I have no intention of saying whose rug in public but TM did admit there was an issue about a missing rug in an email to the senior core of ARCS. Ask TM whose rug. Maybe if TM won’t say the victim will go public.
It is good to see you stand up on your hind legs Bob. You always seem to cower in front of Mikey as some sort of pretend moderator.

Hey Splooge..

Its true. He will never see anymore of the few that I personally don't wash that I was sending him. His Ninja powered faux-cleaning "rug studio" let me down so badly it probably cost me a VIP Stark/Axminster/Chenille 40 rug 7000 square foot house customer. This was in spite of the very direct and verbose instructions that he personally received and gave assurances for on the handling of these pieces.

I wash most of my rugs but up till recently I chose not wash larger ones or more sensitive pieces due to size and cleaning environment capabilities. I now have my own facility to wash them in.

Do you have any idea how your buddy luvs rugs?

This is how.

dust it
spot it
spray it with prespray
hack it on the floor with a 150 psi Ninja porty
clean and groom the fringes
hang it
and then giggle the wand marks out of it with an OP machine

Tell me that's good work. That's how most of the rugs are cleaned at that place. Not the exception - MOST OF THEM.

Kind of like going to a 5 star restaurant and being talked up by your waiter about Kobe beef but really what's happening is the chef is microwaving TV dinners and re-plating them to serve to trusting customers who are paying for something else. **** that.

So if you want to strut around being the foo foo rug expert telling everyone which side of the mountain the sheep came from for some rug go ahead but know who you're endorsing.

and who you alienated yourself from

You crap on Aaron Groseclose, infer others are thieves. You get all pissy with Ellen because she saw through the house of cards (that I think is falling and will collapse soon )?
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