Rug cleaning in yer shed

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Amen Chris! I guess now that he is going to compete with Dusty he wants to muddy up Dusty's reputation. What a sleazeball. Mikey just seems like a failed rug washer with a big chip on his shoulder. I think he is ticked off that he booked Aaron Grosenclose at the same time same night as our show on PCN and we creamed him A nobody like me pulls three times the audience as the great lecturer, author trainer Mr. Aaron Gosenclose gets on the World's Greatest Carpet Cleaning Forum (sheesh!).. So Mikey who has fall temperature smarts gets mad. But Bob Foster is as sleazy and sneaky as they come. Foster attacks a guy too polite to fight back just to gain a business advantage.
Then he threatens me that I am going to be the new chew toy. But when I push back he attacks Dusty. What a pair of pussys. They go after the easy target. Maybe Foster can get Mikey to teach him how to be a rug washer, that would be priceless.
So now I suppose the pair of them will call me a few names and then attack Dusty. If Bob the scumbag Foster loves Aaron so much lets see if he writes the $6,000 check for a class. BTW I am ridiculing Bob false friend Foster not Aaron. I don't think he would take Aaron's class unless he got it for free and could afford the ticket to Dallas.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Bob and Mike are......."SlunKer'S"..... :oops: :oops: :oops: kicking your ASSes.... :shock:



Hey Bob,
I am so sorry. I just found out about the mental illness. Lets cool this. I had no idea. If you have meds take them if not get to your Doctor right away. Just stay cool. If you start to feel like you want to do the bad thing call the Suicide HotLine. I was a little angry with your behqvior but no one wants you to do anything rash. These things happen, get stabilized and safe. Then you can call Dusty and apologize, I am sure he will understand. I had a friend with your condition and he went off his meds and died far too young. Nothing has happened that cannot be undone.
I am praying for you buddy, its going to be OK.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
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Hey S-BOB...... :!:

They are NOT on-line... :cry:

They are all on SkYpE...."planning your DemIsE"....background check is being compiled ..!

Are you ...A-ScaRed... :shock:

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Actually Splooge, the only one who can affect Dusty's business is Dusty himself. I'm focused on my business.

As for the Wednesday night stuff, same thing. I couldn't care less what he does.

But you seem to be fixated on everyone else's business. What's with that?

I'm not going to Texas anytime soon however I'll be in Pittsburgh next week with Lisa Wagner and Jim Pemberton for the intensive hands on section of their TextilePro program for fine rugs and textiles. Its the first of its kind in North America with an innovative and fresh approach for committed professionals to develop advanced skills. I feel privileged to have be selected to be a student in the inaugural program. I've been participating in the first of three phases of this program for over 6 weeks. This is the third of three good rug courses I have participated in and it is by far the best.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
it's funny, when I listen to Barry, I can hear that gay lisp of Dusty's even though his lips ain't moving.

the Rug Fag world is morning the loss of one of their thought to be premium members with this thread.

It's become all too clear that Barry O Bongo is out of his fooken mind.

At this point I dont see any reason to continue to converse with the clown as every thing he says is coming straight from Dusty's drooling mouf.


So Dust, how many more pals are you going to burn on your way to the bottom?


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
It's funny I guess, but as I read these posts, I noticed a mention of Skype.

I couldn't help but reminisce on a Skype conversation I had with Crusty last year.

Back then I was still a mod of the rughub.

Anyhow, I managed to catch the crusty one on Skype one day and we had a bit of a talk.

I asked why he hadn't been on the rughub for nearly a month, and his reply somewhat shattered me.

"I sell more equipment on Facebook than I do on the rughub".

End of conversation.

Well, being somewhat of a slow thinker, I pondered over this for a while before announcing on several forums that I had pulled the pin on the rughub and was no longer a moderator.

I did receive some emails from Crusty asking what terrible thing he had done for me to take this action, and that he really wished I hadn't of posted what I did.

Even yesterday he said he still does not know what he did to make me take this action of resigning from the rughub.

Maybe he will now understand that money is not everything in life, and that many people do have principals that tell them not to rip off everyone they meet.

Also that not everyone enjoys having father and son invite themselves into their home uninvited for a week or so, all expenses paid.

I may never have much in life, these are only monetary items that boosts ones ego.

What I do have is many friends in and out of our industry and a wonderful loving wife and children, albeit they are all adults now.

We don't need to bash the bible to show how good we are in front of all and sundry, He, (if there is such a person), will decide when we stand before Him (or Her). hey Marty, blow me

For the likes of bongospongo and crusty, they don't pay my rent and I can do without both of them in my life.

I wish them both well for the future, as long as that may be.

Probably until the overseas trips dry up, and debtors wish to be paid for monies due.

I reckon that's all that needs to be said on those points.

In the meantime..............

I don't regret my past, I just regret the times I've wasted with the wrong people.

Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.

Ooroo, shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin shiteatinggrin

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
And with that I'm going to put this thread to bed.

Barry is being used by a person who will stoop to incredibly low levels to trunk a profit.

If he wishes to continue, let him do it on TMF with all the other phony christians.
I would reccomend you do your due diligence a bit more thoroughly when picking friends to fight for. This boy Steven Roberts did you no favors as he humiliated you in front of an industry you are trying so hard to get accepted by.

Im headed to out on a four day ride to the eastern and a prefer not to have to babysit the board so please behave yourselves.


Do your due diligence Mr Sponge a little better in the future
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