Slow week on Mikey's - this should liven things up

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ron Wrote
SO are you saying that as long as the surface looks clean that's all we need to do?

No, I'm saying as long as the surface IS clean.

We are carpet cleaners, not sub floor or pad cleaners....Well, for the most part.

When we go into a home to clean the carpet, unless there is pet urine or other contamination then we clean the carpet.

All that crap you pull out with an upright looks a lot worse in a canister than it does diluted in a waste tank. Even the solids get dispersed as to not look so horrible. Just black water, which is bad enough.

I like you Ron...I think you're a smart guy and I think you really care about your customers and take care of them well.

But the vacuuming is all a dog and pony show at that point.

Yes, if a carpet obviously needs to be pre-vacuumed....then pre-vacuum it. Makes cleaning easier, save equipment etc etc etc....but it's not going to make for a better end result.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
you're assuming that it makes it to the waste tank. I use a very fine tankfilter, not because I want to but because of local regs. We are "required" to filter our waste water through a 60mesh filter, .25millimeter .

I always get soil on that filter even after the vacuuming, though I never get as much on that filter as I get by vacuuming. Its the surprise jobs that sell me on vacuuming, when I'm getting all kinds of light powder or dust.

Maybe that's why I never seem to get the 1hr or 2hr dry times others brag about. I always try to clean a little deeper than the "surface". If that's all I tried to clean, ie that was my goal to just clean the surface, what would separate me from companies like Stanley or Nationwide or Sears?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I'm not sure that has anything to do with what we are talking about.

You get crap in your tank and tank filter because vacing won't get it all out.

When you say "Surface" do you mean to the top of the backing that you can see when separating the fibers? Or deeper where you can't see.

Sure you will pull some up from underneath but there is not point in that because it will never be felt or shown and you won't get it all anyway.

Face it, you can vac and steam all day and pull crap out consistently. So when is enough enough?...when is going overboard going overboard?

Your vac technique is a sales pitch...and a good one....and that's OK.
I'm not against pre-vac. I'm against my company wasting time where it's not needed.
You of course can do want you want and this conversation is on just that...a conversation.

I'm sure someone will come on here and tell me that I don't care how long my Techs take to clean because of my business structure blah blah blah.

Not true. Although I do want them to take the time to do it right, I don't want them to take forever and do less jobs when it's just not needed or even a good thing to do.

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