Some changes..

green gurl

Dec 3, 2010
Cary, NC
coming from a man that doesn't even clean carpets... so what do you have to offer besides over compensating for the lack in size of your penis?! car detailing... whoah!!! that's some real money there!!!??? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
You must be a big shot! blowme blowme blowme

I have read your post and all you have to say is something negative. Leave mikey alone... stop harping on him about the search engine or organization of the rooms. What are you doing here!!!???!!! you're just a waste of space!!! Mikey has a succesful cc company and he runs a very succesful site here... and you do what??? clean vomit outta somebody's car?! FOE ME PLEASE!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I BEG YOU!!!!

green gurl

Dec 3, 2010
Cary, NC
Mikey P said:
if you ask me the GGs have added more to this board in one week than Lance has in 4 years.


thank you!!! I am so sick and tired of this SOB!!! He's like all those little boys in elementary... they have a crush and are too retarted to express how they truly feel, so they pick on you. Lance I'm taken thank you very much!!! Go pick on some other chick!!


Oct 19, 2006
I wouldn't want a piece of shit like you if you were the last piece of shit left on earth.

Keep sucking dick so that you can feel like somebody. You don't even have a clue. Keep blowing all that hot air out talking about yourself, then you'll have plenty left to suck all the dick you want. You really are pathetic.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
wow, Lance does your wife know you talk to women this way?

you sir are a real piece of SHIT. :!:

perhaps you'd fit in better on Rob's board.

He treats his wife like crap too.


Hey lance thats going a bit far , and no way to talk to woman, any woman...mind you manners


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
lance said:
I wouldn't want a piece of shit like you if you were the last piece of shit left on earth.

Keep sucking dick so that you can feel like somebody. You don't even have a clue. Keep blowing all that hot air out talking about yourself, then you'll have plenty left to suck all the dick you want. You really are pathetic.


I can tolerate assholes on this board, and can be one myself, but that's way over the line.


Oct 19, 2006
Mikey i couldn't care less what you think. You are such a two-faced jerk and your credibility as mr. perfect went down the drain a long time ago.

It's sad that you have lowered your standards just so an idiot blowhard can make dick jokes and stroke you at the same time. BFD

Go drink some more wine so you can feel like everybody really gives a crap about your opinions. I guess nobody ever cleaned carpets until they met you, uh? I forgot, you created the process of using a 175 to scrub with didn't you? Only you could have come up with an idea as great as that one.

You call areotech when you needs parts for your V, right? I know they you said many times on this board that they would be out of business within a year or two. Wrong again.

You have a lot of hot air too but you do actually help people that have problems. That is what the Clean room is all about. Not some loser from junior high who thinks everybody needs to hear about her over and over again. Her crap belongs in the bird room. You put up the thread in the clean room because you love drama. The clean room is for carpet cleaning and business......Not for someone as shallow as her who can only insult with small dick comebacks (so original) and putdowns because they don't make a lot of money (how much is that?).

But she makes you feel good and that's all you care about.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
Wow,...............He's still here after that???

lance said:
I wouldn't want a piece of shit like you if you were the last piece of shit left on earth.

Keep sucking dick so that you can feel like somebody. You don't even have a clue. Keep blowing all that hot air out talking about yourself, then you'll have plenty left to suck all the dick you want. You really are pathetic.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'll make you a deal Lance, you let me run my board and I'll let you decide if you should use Armor All or Blue Coral on your dash boards.

until I ask for your suggestions just shut the **** up and stay out of Stephanie's threads before I kick your goofy ass off of here.

my days of tolerance for retards are OVER :!:

dont test me Pal.


Oct 19, 2006
I wasn't in one of HER threads. She invited herself into the fight because she commented In a thread between you and I.......with an opinion that had no facts......and an ugly, mean, personal attack on myself. I can handle things when you start calling guys dicks and I know you can take it when guys call you a dick.

But when a new big mouth comes on here and starts stroking your ego because she loves attention, AND starts attacking someone in a very personal way, then she deserves what she gets. She had no reason to butt into a thread between you and me except to be a jerk.....and you let her. You could have said something but you love drama, that is why you posted that they have probably helped out here more than me. You wanted to keep it going for your own pleasure. You know that's the truth because it has happened with some other people before.

She is so compelled to tell everyone her opinion that she stuck her nose where it didn't belong. Have I written a post about or against her She was writing about personal stuff in the bird room just like that room was set up to do. Did I attack her personally over there.....NO. Did I stop writing posts on the thread about her and her husband.....YES Did I write a post following her post in another thread.....NO

You let her do what she did because you have a huge ego and she stroked it.....also you love to read anything bad about *** and Trey. That has been proven on this board many times.

Don't blame me for retorting to a personal attack when you let it happen and even kicked in a post just so you can get more fun out of it. You do have fun when other people suffer...that's a fact. I am just the wrong person to do that too because I will stand up for myself and I do have a brain and a good memory.

Insult me being an auto detailer, i couldn't care less. Its just shallowness on your part and hers. Make fun of me because i don't make as much money as you do....BFD People who use money and status as their measuring stick for judgeing what kind of character someone has are ASSHOLES. So go ahead I won't go down to your's or her's level of stupidy and ignorance.

"Don't test me" what a bunch of crap. I am speaking the truth. You know it and she knows it. The truth hurts when you'er a jerk and everybody can see it so easily. Go ahead, play your games just like you did when you were on ICS.....but you weren't god then, were you?

This all started today when I saw what she wrote about me. Did you pm her and tell her that wasn't necessary.....I bet not. You egged her on. That is the truth. Everything is a big joke with you, especially other people's feelings. You love to peck away and find something to make fun of. So don't play god with me. Face the truth. I would have not posted anything today in the thread but then I saw what she had written and I defended myself. That is the truth.

Don't ask for my suggestions i don't care. I gave you my opinion and then you preceded to knock me down with a personal attack because that is the person you are.....that's the truth. You just hate it when someone calls you out about your own deeds. Thats your problem not mine. Make your choices any way you like, but be a man and don't run away behind inssults and personal attacks.


Oct 19, 2006
I'm sorry Cu. I was pushed way, way too far. She brought it on herself by the post saying i was Trey. Woman have equal rights.....they can be equally jerks and idiots just like men can.

She went to far because thats all she has to say. I was done with dealing with her except when I read her post. I had to draw the line.

Sorry again.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
Nothing more nauseating than some insecure girly man bitching and whining on some BB that his feeling have been hurt.
Don't you have some seats to sniff?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
yeah Fred, that's it. :roll:

until you come clean and post under your real name and show your company profile, you're just another loud mouf that no one takes seriously.

call me out, yeah, his attempt to peg we mas almost as off as your last tantrum. :lol: :lol: :lol:

George V


She rubs me the wrong way too so I used my "Foe" button for the first time ever.

What a relief!

I still have mixed feelings but think after a brief settling in period she will be cool and I can un-foe her.

You have to admit that female posters who run their mouth have an unfair advantage here. What makes it worse is she brings up her husband to further intimidate. Very uncool.

I understand Lance's frustration and hope when he returns the Greens show him understanding and forgiveness.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
it's always been an issue "Fred", everyone just dances around it out of fear you'll hack their site or leave f'd up reviews on google.

you're the new Connor.

War Monger

That's a shame. I was really looking forward to meeting Fred. I think we would really hit it off.
May 12, 2007
Our members are expected to conduct themselves with kindness and respect. This expectation is reinforced and clarified in the chapel services and cleaner assemblies held during the week and on Sunday mornings.


Our goal is to provide carpet cleaners a framework within which they may apply themselves toward achieving their carpet cleaning potential while growing as men and women of character and integrity.

While Mikey’s Baord is proud of our affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention of South Carolina, our board members reflect the broad diversity of religious belief found in our world.

About 20% of our members are Baptist, another 20% are Catholic, approximately 20% are of another Christian denomination, nearly 20% are of another religious faith such as Jewish, Buddhist, or Muslim, and about 20% spend most of their time hating God and trying to deny his existence in a special room called the Rubber Room.


War Monger

I'm serious.....I'll bet Fred is really a good guy. I just have a feeling about him. I think he has a really big heart. We've just had a big misunderstanding here on Mikey's Board.

It's probably the environment here.
May 12, 2007
The mission of Mikey’s Board is to provide young men an IICRC preparatory education in a Christian environment. Using the best aspects of the military system, Mikey’s Board teaches its members responsibility, leadership, discipline, and pride by providing an atmosphere in which spiritual, mental, and physical growth can flourish.


The Commandant of Cleaners oversees the daily operation of the Mikey’s Board and the proper enforcement of regulations through the demerit system. A cleaner who receives demerits during a given month (in excess of the number allowed without penalty) must serve a penalty tour for each demerit received. This usually means a period of time spent marching during what would otherwise be his free time.
In contrast, cleaners who maintain their demerit count below specific levels enjoy certain privileges, and are able to take full benefit of their free time on Mikey’s Board for activities, rest, or recreation.



is it the same fred thats ugly and dont answear his phone....or am i mistaken..AGAIN

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