I don't kick the price of cleaning up on a 20K rug and I don't drop the price on 8x10 109.00 Costco special my price is
relative to what we need to charge to run a business. Are you going guarantee urine removal at a price competitive to it's low, low retail?
That said, many rugs being made will not last long enough to see a cleaning or where cleaning at any price makes sense. Recently my personal record was broken the previous record was brand new rug about 5 months old eco silk on a living room floor toast! last month the rug didn't make it to the clients home sprouting and unraveling it was rejected.
This is the part you want to listen to it came to use for shearing but shearing made it fuzz and unravel even more even Vacuuming the rug causes to the shed, sprout and unravel, the rug was unserviceable. I'd love to see what a
CRB, Cimex or wand would do to one of these