Speed and maxing out a "big truck"


Oct 11, 2006
admiralclean said:
I can't say if it's any faster then cleaning with an Everest. I have no idea what an Everest has in the way of it's components. All I can tell you is single wanding with my V is much faster than single wanding with a TCS Warrior.

I personally think it is a PTO verses Slide in thing. Can't pin point exactly why, but my WM 1200 is much faster than my Boxxer 421 was too. I think setup and break down of a PTO no matter what kind speeds up the process.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
danielc said:
I don't get it. It takes the same amount of time to set up hoses and reel them up, talk to customer, vacuum, spot, and push and pull a wand with an Everest as it does with a Vortex. How can you really save that much time? I can see cleaning a hotel but not 4 residential homes.

I could sit here and type all day and debate with half this board on how it can help you ..but past experience with this subject has always told me that I am just wasting my time.....

Both of you.(or anyone else for that matter) are more then welcome to get out of the cold and come down here and spend a day or so with me and see for yourself what it can help you do....That is the best way to answer all your questions.............

you don't have to work and I will even buy lunch.......all you have to do is hide and watch........

Jim Martin

see I told ya........
Sep 7, 2008
I am a hard worker and a change of scenery would be pretty cool. I may take you up on that offer in the future. Did Marty ever sell his V by the way?

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
No one answered my intital question about if there are any companies using the VAT for low price production cleaning? Looks like with 2 man crews dual wanding you could fly through a day squriting and sucking just curious.

I am not sure if this will answer you question completely but....

I am not low price company.. but I am not the highest price company either...
this equipment is great for dual wanding when needed but most the time you will be only tripping over each other..When I first started this company I did it with a van and a CDS...I got to the point where it was time to hire someone and add another van because the CDS and me just could not keep up with the jobs..at best 2 or 3 jobs and then worrying about dumping filling all the time..hooking hoses..getting home real late....just working myself to death trying to keep up....and I was loosing more then I was making because people did not want to wait...I did not want to go down the road of hiring some one and adding another van....( and at this point in time I still don't)..So I looked into the equipment I have now and took the company another direction...No matter how busy I am I can not max out this machine...at best when real busy..I may rack up a 2 week waiting period for a short time and most are good with that....I can do 5 to 6 jobs a day and still be home for dinner not all worn out....so production wise this was the smartest move I have ever made.....production and time is where you will make your money...you just don't want to sacrifice quality for quantity
I did not really change that much.....I still clean the same as always..there are just things that make it so much easier and more productive..once again...you really got to work with one to appreciate what it can do......I hope this kinda helps answer your question......

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
danielc said:
I am a hard worker and a change of scenery would be pretty cool. I may take you up on that offer in the future. Did Marty ever sell his V by the way?

any time just let me know......I think Marty is still running his.........


Jan 20, 2010
[attachment=0:2kwuodmp]SFCwm1200.jpg[/attachment:2kwuodmp]I would have to agree with just about everything Jim is saying. I have a Vortex 777 and a WM 1200. Let me say firstly that I love my WM and that or a Butler would be the only van mounted system I would choose. And me, with my experience, can sometimes clean almost as fast as I can independently with my Vortex. I've tried to convince my tech's that the WM running one wand and shorter lengths of hose is just as powerful as when you run dual wands and longer lengths with the Vortex. The aint buying it. If one of them go out alone they are going to get the job done faster with the V and feel better about their work. It seems the plain truth is the Vortex is just the best and cleans effectively faster. Notice I said "effectively" faster. The additional vacuum power, lack of reoccurring stains, faster dry times and customer satisfaction lets you know that once your hooked up and inside the home or facility you can roll with it with out worrying. You only have to slow down if there is a spot you know could reoccur or if a spot or traffic area obviously left soil after one pass. I rarely have to do dedicated dry strokes. In fairness my WM doesn't have electric vac reel, but that has nothing to do with actual in the door clean time. Now, I haven't took the time to test at the wand temperatures, but my vortex running two wands is obviously hotter at the wand than the WM running one. This is running the machine at 1750 rpms with dual wands. I have done this for nearly three years on a used Vortex with virtually no mechanical issues. I replaced a broken belt, put in a new pump and I need a new lovejoy coupler that hooks to the heat transfer pump and that's it besides routine maintenance. Same with the WM, very little mechanical issues. Although I now need a new heat exchanger for the WM cause, like a dummy, I let it get to cold in the van and it busted. For that reason alone, give me the oil heat exchanger and save me well over a $1000 in case I don't turn the heat high enough one night. Some extended wait to get up to working heat is either none existing or a no issue with me if at the end of the day I'm home faster and I and the clients feel better about the work. I've got this feeling that the WM hV is a beast though! Give me a newer Vortex and one of those and I'm happy! [attachment=1:2kwuodmp]CroppedSFCBigTruck.jpg[/attachment:2kwuodmp]


Jun 29, 2009
Don't both the white magic and the 777 have the same size blower? Is wm spinning theirs slower or something?


Jan 20, 2010
Ryan said:
Don't both the white magic and the 777 have the same size blower? Is wm spinning theirs slower or something?
WM says the 56 blower is rated 517 cfm with the engine speed of 1500 rpm. The 5009 on the V is larger and rated about 770 max. Just found out the spec's is supposed to be at 1500 rpm on the V as well producing 700 cfm. The higher rpm I've been running is putting the blower at its max rpm of 2850 and creating the 770 cfm along with higher and faster heat. This also puts the pump at it's max rpm rating of 1645 & potentially 4.5gal/minute. This, quoted from the V website is what makes a huge difference: "The Vortex machine always uses tubing that matches the exact size of the inlet of the blower, and is never installed with sharp angles that decrease airflow. We have no need to do this because we have no need of making the machine “compact” for space considerations that arise when trying to install a machine in a smaller cargo van". Before one can even think about 2.5" hose the potential cfm is already greatly reduced with the smaller than inlet/outlet piping setup hooked directly to the blower. This seems to be true on many systems including WM. So these factors along with the higher rpm I run the V while DWing makes it operate like two WM put together and still looses less effectiveness with 2 long hose runs than 1 long run on the WM.

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