You can sum up our industry by saying it’s made up of 90% morons, 9% idiots with 1% of us having a basic idea of just what the hell we’re doing.
The last time I worked for anyone else was way back … a friend managed a string of Ambulance companies and asked me to manage the Montgomery location. It was winter, cleaning appointments were low and I had kids to feed. So I took the job. I figured I’d know if I wanted to keep it by the time cleaning calls started picking up. I made it two weeks. EMTs (that work for Ambulance companies) are as stupid as carpet cleaners!
Or I’m like your Dad.
Or Both.
Even true indoor/outdoor fabrics get trashed. I have seen outdoor cushions come in from multi-million dollar homes that you couldn't sit on because they were so heavily soiled and stained.I'm also seeing linen fabric being sold as "Indoor Outdoor Furniture"