I read your posts and it reminds me of myself 1-2 years ago, justifying my decisions because of this and that. The ultimate reason/excuse was actually because of fear of failure. I can still see Larry's(meAts) words that basically told me to man up, he was right, and Fred's kicked me in the balls in that department as well. Both I respect, and you can always get sound advice from them, even if they bust your balls along the way. It does have a way to motivate you after you get over being butt hurt about it.
When you can put 'the fear' behind you, and allow yourself to embrace it you'll have more success. That goes in business, and personal relationships it works for both. We've all been kicked hard in the nuts one way or another, you can either learn from and move on, or you can dwell into it. There's a saying that goes something like 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing wrong over and over and expecting a different outcome'. Take a step back to look at why you've failed, learn from it, take advice from those who are successful with an open mind. The people here who are making it aren't doing it because of luck. Read more, take notes, talk less, but ask questions.