the 1-2 punch.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
i've been using this duo for quite some time now but yesterday was the clincher.

Nice wall to wall wool in a teen aged girls room. In front of the are where she puts on her face were about 20 serious looking spots/stains that I warned the homeowner to not hold her breath about.

The prespray and rinse did NOTHING but two back to back applications of lubing the areas with 40vol and rubbing with the Fels bar got it all out 100%.

The colors were so bright I really didn't have much hope.

Ive used this combo on uph with great success many times to when all else fails.

just make sure to rinse like mad.

now if only I could melt it down and pour it into Rightgard containers to re-solidify, I'd make a mint selling it to you guys.
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Supportive Member
Feb 9, 2009
West Jordan Utah
Ken Raddon
The 40 volume lube trick is new. I'm going to have to give that a try.

BTW if you go over the spot/area you have applied fels with one or two dry passes it rinses out easier. In fact it it seems to rinse out in about half as many wet passes if I hit it with a couple dry passes first.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Get an empty jar (like powerburst jar). clean it out...

Fill it up with HOT water (on the verge of boiling)

Get a small cheese grater. Someting like this: grater.jpg

You need something to stir the water with, as you slowly grate the Fels down. I use a cordless drill with a paint stir tool. Make sure you stir it sloooowly that way it won't foam up.

As you grate and stir get 2oz of soapfree from masterblend and stir it in as well. Also if you are unsucsessful with the foaming issue, you can sprinkle a small amount (a pinch) of powder defoamer in it every so often. Not too much!

Don't press the chees grater hard because the Fels is soft and the "powder" won't be too fine it the grater is biting into it hard. (its harder to melt it down if the powder is too big grainy)

I recommend 1 bar for one jar full of water. And also to grate it down onto paper first and then as you mix the liquid you can slowly apply the powder and you won't be trying to grate into the jar as you are trying to mix it.

When everything is melted and mixed well, cover it up and let is sit overnight.

Next morning it will be hard can get your drill with the paint mixer and go to town on the jar to mix it/break it up.

In the end you will have a smooth jelly/creamy substance that now will be easy to fill into the quart bottle with a squirt cap on it.
(for some reason it won't turn hard after the inital cooling overnight and will stay pretty consistent in a quart bottle.)

IT IS HANDS DOWN THE BEST SPOT REMOVER OUT THERE! One qt will last you weeks. works incredibly well- with the squirt cap- to apply on stairs bullnose etc.

If its not clear how its done after this, I can take pictures for the slower mind.
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