The Flash Cuff is almost here :) Check out the .pdf

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Joe Bristor said:
" the truth is joe's own behavior caused this"

Steve, wadr you've never talked to me about any of this, thus you don't know both sides of the story therefore you couldn't possibly know the truth because. Not that you're4 lieing but to say you kjnow the "truth" is way wrong.
Being that you're a cleaner's cleaner I bet you 100 bucks right here that if you did here both sides you wouldn't be saying it's "Joe's behavior that caused this." Wanna bet?

And you would be so kind, please state specifically what you're referring to when you say, " If joe would have been a better partner... "

I don't want to get into a pissing match, but I will tell you john Olson is a trusted supplier. I trust the guy. the fact is joe you up and one day essentially told john to f himself after he had a bunch of product sold, no prior warning, no problems with lack of payment, just said no more cuffs. it kinda sounds like a similar scenario played out with the hanks brothers, although on that I admit having no knowledge of. ok one might think this is an isolated event, ok I am good with that, but its not, others complain about odd behavior.

maybe this will change now that there is some competition on the cuffs. like I said this is the word on the street, to be fair I also mentioned I got my product very quickly and was treated very well when I ordered some hose with cuffs.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
So Steve, when you said 'partner' you were referring to the relationship between me & John Olson?

I just need to know how strtongly you really believe this thing about it being my personality that caused a competitive cuff to be made or whether it was my personality that got Olson cut off (if anybody doesn't recall why I cut him off search "pirate").

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
steve g said:
[quote="Jim Martin":3kguef7a]
floorguy said:
as we all know....there is alot of shit "devolped" on a comp and put out...that just plain suck....because its not user friendly

that is because when some makes something that is worth having others will stand on there shoulders and take there ideas and push it out there for everything it is worth..they will change it a bit to cover there ass and not take the time to put it threw real life testing..most will find out that the knock offs are nothing more then crap but by then the copiers will have made there money and the one that will pay for everything is us..............welcome to the real world............

jim, once again like the vortex subject, you are not following the politics behind the scenes. there is much to the story of the hanks deciding to make their own cuffs, just like there is a whole lot more to the story of why you can't buy a vortex anymore. sometimes it helps to know the real story. the hanks have been guilty of past transgressions but this is not one of them. If joe would have been a better partner to them none of this would have happened. the truth is joe's own behavior caused this, there I said it, the truth.

I bought some hose the other day from joe, he was pleasant to talk to and got my stuff to me as quick as anyone could have, he is also one of the few you can get amflex hose from, which works awesome IF YOU DON'T DO SEWER FLOODS. I am not going to run out and change out my cuffs, however I wouldn't mind trying some out. so take it all in for what its worth[/quote:3kguef7a]

I double check my post and sure enough I did not single any one or any product out.....but take it for what it is worth....just because (unlike yourself) I don't feel the need to jump on my soap box and let the whole board see me make an ass out of myself every time a subject comes up ..I am well aware....of what goes on behind closed doors......I just don't feel the need to waste my time feeding off board drama....


Oct 6, 2006
O'Fallon, MO
Vincent Sapp
Joe's cuffs are tried and proven and the price is right along with the warrenty. I want Joe to stay in business.

I've had joe's products since they came out and will continue to do so.

There's alot to be said about loyalty, no matter what.

People talk about Joe's attitude from time to time, but we're all assholes at one time or another, so who cares.

Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
vincent said:
Joe's cuffs are tried and proven and the price is right along with the warrenty. I want Joe to stay in business.

I've had joe's products since they came out and will continue to do so.

There's alot to be said about loyalty, no matter what.

People talk about Joe's attitude from time to time, but we're all assholes at one time or another, so who cares.


I agree too. Joe cares about the little guy. Cuffs are only the beginning of his genius. His new shear kits are brilliant. Remind me again who is making the Flash Cuffs? Hmmm, yeah, like they inspire confidence. 1 year warranty versus 2.5 years with Joe. That says a lot.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I'll stick with the cool cuffs.... Joe has taken time to talk with me (like greenie use ta) and that is what makes people loyal. Not always about the money like the Hanks seem to believe. Wait till that botton breaks and they tell you... "well thats not our product that was actually made by a third party", sorry.... tough shit.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Bill Soukoreff said:
vincent said:
Joe's cuffs are tried and proven and the price is right along with the warrenty. I want Joe to stay in business.

I've had joe's products since they came out and will continue to do so.

There's alot to be said about loyalty, no matter what.

People talk about Joe's attitude from time to time, but we're all assholes at one time or another, so who cares.


I agree too. Joe cares about the little guy. Cuffs are only the beginning of his genius. His new shear kits are brilliant. Remind me again who is making the Flash Cuffs? Hmmm, yeah, like they inspire confidence. 1 year warranty versus 2.5 years with Joe. That says a lot.

yeah didnt they come up with some new marketing thing???

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
vincent said:
Joe's cuffs are tried and proven and the price is right along with the warrenty. I want Joe to stay in business.

I've had joe's products since they came out and will continue to do so.

There's alot to be said about loyalty, no matter what.

People talk about Joe's attitude from time to time, but we're all assholes at one time or another, so who cares.


I'll take responsibillty for letting this turn into a cuff war :mrgreen: Vincent you said loyalty and Joe in the same breath. I'll go post a timeline of "Joe" and you show me 1 place he has shown ANY LOYALTY and i'll leave Joe alone forever.

Lumber Jack

I have to say that when there is a PROVEN product that works great there is always going to be someone trying to get some of the pie. I think that the ones that don't like Joe for what ever reason are the ones so pumped about the new cuff.
Joe's cool cuffs are without a doubt better than the old school cuff and barb set up we used to have to deal with. 100 % improvement over them, is this new cuff ground breaking,is it going to flow any more air, is it going to last any longer, do you really think that push in button is going to work and if it does is it really going to be any better than a 1/4 or 1/2 turn to seperate the cool cuffs that we have now oooooohh I'm so full of goose bumps looking at the new cuffs.... come on and get real Cool Cuffs are great they do what they say and I have been abusing the crap out of mine for 2 years dragging them on concrete through mud and rain and they still work awesome.
Think about this the new cuffs are raised in the middle how long before that raised center gets all worn out because thats where the cuff is going to take the most abuse, the cool cuffs are flat and the swivel is protected when you drag them across the blacktop,and concrete. and I want to see how easy that push button and pull apart is going to work under vac load. When you guys want to clean your little pool filters how easy is it going to be to seperate when you filter is sucked to the hose when its clogged with debris, maybe have to go turn down the rig just so you can get the filter off the hose....
dont know till we get some reviews, would I go and change out all my Cool Cuffs for these,,Why they are both true 2.0 so why would I need to go to a 1 year guarantee when I have something that has 2 year 2.0 is 2.0 I dont see any advantage worth changing what I have. Great cuff Joe if all of my stuff that I have bought lasted and took the abuse that CCs have I think I would have more money in the bank.

clean one

Mar 7, 2007
Well i have the cool cuffs on my hose, and i cuss almost every time i use them. The damn lock is always on the bottom you have 50 foot of hose coiled up on your arm an trying to twist with one hand to unlock. Just maybe if the new cuffs will swivel i might try them. But i really just prefer the old push on cuffs

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
Somebody pull Ades' head outa Greenie's ass will ya?
Cool Cuffs have swiveled for years genius.
btw, brillance, where do you think that push button is gonna be ? ... that's right on the bottom.
Get the Cool Cuff swivel set. Even a broke dick can afford them here when Olson pulls an Olson and gives the rest of his away at cost.
Else contact me, if you got the balls to be a real person, and I'll give em to you at cost just to get your head on straight again.

Club Greenhorn? Is that a joke?
Get a clue man.
Greenie hadn't been here since he found greener pastures at CMS.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Easy Joe!

Ades is right about that damn latch always being on the wrong side.

It's a damn geographical oddity...


Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
Of course he's right.
But where was Ades when we were discussing improvements to the Cool Cuffs?

The answer is the swivel, no latch, no button to find, just the long-life Garrett grab.
I sure ain't heard you complaining since you got the Cool Cuff swivels.

With da Cool cuffs, you just grab it, screw it & kick it to the curb.

PS for Marty, You're good at that!

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Joe Bristor said:
Of course he's right.
But where was Ades when we were discussing improvements to the Cool Cuffs?

The answer is the swivel, no latch, no button to find, just the long-life Garrett grab.
I sure ain't heard you complaining since you got the Cool Cuff swivels.

With da Cool cuffs, you just grab it, screw it & kick it to the curb.

PS for Marty, You're good at that!

actually the cuffs never need a swivel OR a latch. the first set of cuffs I ever bought, which I am still using BTW never needed a latch. the swivel is also not needed, its just not plain and simple. joe was trying to be too responsive by offering the swivel sometimes you have to ignore what some people are saying this is one of those cases, you shouldn't be having that many twists in your hoses unless you are a rooking or something. my original set of cuffs, have only came apart when I haven't wanted them to only a handful of times in 5 years, and its also been when I am winding them up on the reel. so with that being said you just flat out don't need the latch.

I don't know if these new cuffs are going to be any good. however it sounds like they are going to be cheap enough that if they don't work just pitch them. if there is anyone thinking joe didn't bring this on himself, your up in the night.
May 12, 2007
Bay City, MI
Joe Bristor said:
Club Greenhorn? Is that a joke?
Get a clue man.
Greenie hadn't been here since he found greener pastures at CMS.
Club Greenhorn has nothing to do with Greenie , it's a chat room for New "Greenhorns" carpet cleaners to come and ask questions. I don't think I've ever seen Greenie in there , not say he hasn't been in there , just never seen him in there.


Club Greenhorn absolutely was named after Jeff back when his screename was greenhorn carpet commando, I used to go there when it first started

you were right Joe

and Cool Cuffs are one of the better innovations in this industry, mine have 1000s of hours, don't leak and still work great

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