Loren Egland
Re: The Future of the Carpet Cleaning Industry is Getting Cl
I have all the bells and whistles on my Powermatic that save me time and are used as back ups in case of failure and that also moniter operation of the truck mount. It is nice to have that luxury, but of course it is not needed to clean as well as another machine might that is simple but lacking these things.
I understand the draw of only one fuel and the promise of 'free heat', though that is an illusion when you consider the bigger more expensive engines and fuel consumption, the restricting of the vacuum to make the engine work harder to produce more heat but less vacuum, the warm up time, the complexity and associated costs, maintenance & repair, etc.
Unless you have a heat exchange that can keep up with the higher flows, you also lose cleaning performance, so more time is spent for less results. Better results is better for repeat and referral and for higher pricing.
As simple as Judson is, it should still out perform most modern heat exchange systems, cost less, be more easily maintained, last as long or longer, and be every bit as reliable as what some might refer to as newer technology.
Newer doesn't necessarily mean an improvement in cleaning performance at the carpet/wand interface.
But what do I know. I know nothing but a Powermatic that hasn't changed much from the 1970's. Anyone want to challenge its cleaning performance on the carpet with a new technology heat exchanger?
Most cleaners will choose HX TMs. A large manufacturer of truck mounts would seem to be missing the boat if they were not offering this technology to carpet cleaners.
I have all the bells and whistles on my Powermatic that save me time and are used as back ups in case of failure and that also moniter operation of the truck mount. It is nice to have that luxury, but of course it is not needed to clean as well as another machine might that is simple but lacking these things.
I understand the draw of only one fuel and the promise of 'free heat', though that is an illusion when you consider the bigger more expensive engines and fuel consumption, the restricting of the vacuum to make the engine work harder to produce more heat but less vacuum, the warm up time, the complexity and associated costs, maintenance & repair, etc.
Unless you have a heat exchange that can keep up with the higher flows, you also lose cleaning performance, so more time is spent for less results. Better results is better for repeat and referral and for higher pricing.
As simple as Judson is, it should still out perform most modern heat exchange systems, cost less, be more easily maintained, last as long or longer, and be every bit as reliable as what some might refer to as newer technology.
Newer doesn't necessarily mean an improvement in cleaning performance at the carpet/wand interface.
But what do I know. I know nothing but a Powermatic that hasn't changed much from the 1970's. Anyone want to challenge its cleaning performance on the carpet with a new technology heat exchanger?
Most cleaners will choose HX TMs. A large manufacturer of truck mounts would seem to be missing the boat if they were not offering this technology to carpet cleaners.