The Ole MikeFestival of lights.........

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Really is no button we can push.

More like exercise, spend 20-30 minutes a day learning and practicing what you learn.
You will be amazed where you end up after 3 months, 6 and a year later.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Scott if your dream is to stay owner operating in every regard you should be talking to Steve Marsh and not wasting your time with the guys I had up there in the AM, who by the way had nothing to sell and couldn't be any more current with the way they operate.

Sorry you didn't find the answers you were looking for.
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Scott, what you just posted is about as general, non specific as you accuse some of the speakers of being

So I will ask you the question you wanted to fire back with...

" wait a minute Scott, what you just said needs a little more clarification... What exactly are a few questions you wanted answered ? "

Please list them here

There were over a hundred cleaners outside after the sessions to run over ideas with

I had great conversations with Jim Martin, Ofer, Cu, Vawter, Hale, Foresythe, Mikey, Eckman, Hale, Russ T, Chavez, Tom Monahan, etc... All who shared " nuggets" with me and hopefully I was able to contibute something in return . And keep in mind, I spent less than one full day at t he event due to my desire to explore that amazing , gorgeous land of paradise Mikey gets to call home

It's pay to play in this world, there was plenty of guys to share with, and I so often find I receive way more in return.
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Forget my first post... My inner. Phred says

Dude if you need to be spoon fed , then ask the speakers to change your diapers too


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas

Me too.


P.S. My business is now primarily a supply business. We're presently more focused on developing cleaning products and in growing an excellent supply business than in growing our 30 plus year old cleaning business (it's just where we're at right now). And even though the discussions were largely geared toward cleaners - I still felt there was plenty of dynamic content - stuff that could benefit me. I walked away with several great ideas! I also walked away more motivated than ever to keep reaching out to improve our little enterprise. I personally feel that this was the most genuine carpet cleaning event I've ever attended (and I've been to quite a few). It was jam packed with excellent information. Thank you Mike - and a huge thank you to all the presenters who shared their best ideas with all of us. I'm grateful that I got to attend!!!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Your earlier (edited) statements about wishing there was more time spent for owner operators had my thinking about the answer all day...while I worked by myself. (I give my guys Mondays off so they have two days in a row, and today really sucked...$1319 but sucked)

I don't want to encourage guys to be lone wolf O'O's because I think it's a stupid idea if they are the sole provider for their family. It's dangerous, short sided and irresponsible. Get injured and the shit hits the fan. So I wont be giving speeches about how to stay one truck. Want me to talk technical? I suppose but there are far better than me to do that.

You did really surprise me with the owner op statement as I find OO's to fall into a few categories.

1.Wife with job and benefits, O'O is on the hook to bring in some cash but the bills will get paid regardless.

2.O/O is un-hirable, sort of creepy and has no other choice aside a like pool or window gig. No one will work as his helper and repeats are rare. Works himself into the grave with nothing to show for his efforts.

3.Start up O/O, who is on his way to employees and more trucks. Could go in any direction, is all ear and eyes.

4.Bitter O/O, tried the employee and trucks thing and thought he could get over being a #2 and is right back where he started, pissed and hating life and carpet.

I figured you were a 3, please correct me if you are a 1 cause I know you're too smart and presentable to be a 2 or 4.

Anyways glad you came but sorry you were not as happy as everyone else appeared to be.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Short of the personal side of the thread, I know nothing about Scott.
I could not disagree more with the above somewhat patronizing remarks by Mike.

  • Plenty of O/O that are happy with the way things are.
  • Majority of MB members fall into the O/O one truck category.
  • Not all are wanna be multi truckers. And most will not get there anyhow.
  • A smart O/O can be very successful and provide for his family.

So, be less judgmental and if you really care about the poor O/O's well being, add subjects that will be beneficial in that regard. Like how to run a successful one man operation. Financial planning. Staying healthy and in shape. Emphasizing your strength in a world of look alike franchises and formula/ systematized companies. How not to lose sight of who you are while trying to be who you're not :winky:.The right marketing. Etc.

Regardless of that, it was a great fest.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
If you can, try to avoid the bullshit and concentrate on the substance.

It may help you serve the majority of MB'ers and give you some new ideas for the new fest.

My wife and kids and horses and cats and dogs and vegetables i grow in the garden, are not really your business.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
and upon retrospect I'll add a 5th option.

5- Think Art Kelly, Doug Cox types who love what they do, want no help what so ever and are extremely lucky to have good health and wives with jobs.

Ray Burnfield

Supportive Member
Apr 4, 2013
Redwood City, CA
Ray Burnfield
As a distributor, I could not get over the knowledge that was passed around over the timeframe that was available.
Mikeysfest is the real world. (by the cleaners for the cleaners). It's not a trade show where you hear people teach you what to do with your business.
Usually their trying to sell something. (books,cds's products etc.

There was representation of all the different types of business in our industry
I wonder how many years of experience was at the event.
For me personally, I gained a wealth of knowledge from some of the best in the business.
All I had to do is listen to them.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
In extra-retrospect here's a few more:

  • 6) Every o/o should plan so that if he gets sick, he'll be able to provide for his family.
  • 7) It is good to have a working wife. Which, if you have not yet realized, is the most common practice these days. God bless her if she also brings health insurance to the table. God, some of them wives are awesome, aren't they?
  • 8) Staying solo, with smart marketing and financial planning can be very profitable. And lead to financial success.
  • 9) Serve your members, don't try to change them to who you think they should be.

Need I retrospect more?
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
The board serves the members Ofer.

More good info here for the Owner Ops of any age, than anywhere else on the web.

Its not my job, intention or interest to get up on a stage and pull a Steve Marsh for Scott's behalf.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I totally agree.

My beef (funny remark for someone that tries to be vegetarian) was with your long paragraph about the nature of O/O's.

Plenty of knowledge here, plenty of knowledge at the fest, and tons of members that are willing to help and give good advise. All practically a phone call away.

However, imho if you wanted to make the fest even more awesome, you may want to consider the subjects I mentioned or better ones that I may have missed.
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
If you can, try to avoid the bullshit and concentrate on the substance.

It may help you serve the majority of MB'ers and give you some new ideas for the new fest.

My wife and kids and horses and cats and dogs and vegetables i grow in the garden, are not really your business.

Raaaawr he says (giggles)

I love having the ability to intertwine your accent & posts now : )

You are officially some sorta Hillbilly possibly an Oferneck, lol

Sent from da middle of a Trailure park
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
My 02 on O/O

It is what you make of it. Only you have the ability to ask the questions. Heck I drove a few nutz myself yak yak yak : )

Single truck Independent living is a 7/24/365 job. Personality must be Extremely Positive

For a Family man, it for the most part still is but you have a communicating partner and can chillax a little, but you shouldnt !

What is your Goal ?

Mine is;
2 vans the one i have and a brand new one that I will build.

Should keep me entertained : )

Sent from da middle of a Trailure park

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
1.Wife with job and benefits, O'O is on the hook to bring in some cash but the bills will get paid regardless.

2.O/O is un-hirable, sort of creepy and has no other choice aside a like pool or window gig. No one will work as his helper and repeats are rare. Works himself into the grave with nothing to show for his efforts.

3.Start up O/O, who is on his way to employees and more trucks. Could go in any direction, is all ear and eyes.

4.Bitter O/O, tried the employee and trucks thing and thought he could get over being a #2 and is right back where he started, pissed and hating life and carpet.

All right that was funny. Condescending and ignorant, but funny. You're thinking on this matter has obviously evolved to suit your current operation. Your customers and you both know that the best possible work they will receive is when you personally are on the job. There has never been any argument there. That is why I operate in this manner. That, and it is very profitable and efficient most of the time. You have accepted the inevitable dilution of quality delivery to your customers out of either fear of aging or getting weak or hurt; or maybe you're tired or are embarrassed to be considered an unhireable, bitter old janitor by other people. LOL. Sorry couldn't help that. I'm sure you still have a kick ass company and you are doing what's best for you and your family. It just always disappoints me to hear O/Os being slammed by people in this great business who should (and do) know better.

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Actually I believe Scott did contact me yesterday for information on the tarps I was talking about. We had a really nice talk as I was getting ready to board my last plane yesterday. We also talked about music experiences and it was a blast to talk this as well. (I will also be looking for that info too Scott which is going to be a blast to research to see if I can find that info that is new out there!)

If there is anything else I can try to help others, I sure will do my best. My emails, Facebook and other contacts have been awesome with contacts! Keep them coming....I will get to everyone of you. If you don't here from me, please keep trying as I might not have received your message. I promise I will return every correspondence!

Here is also a link to the tarps with canvas on one side and poly attached on the other. I will also put together a separate post for others to see what I am using. We put 7 to 8 units on each van.

Best wishes everyone. Was a great Fest and there has been a lot of contact and calls to me. I will be getting back to everyone ASAP. I am hitting it hard today and might not be able to get to everyone until later today as I am going to be out with the guys working today.

Being gone for 12 days sure creates a lot of work :)

Floor covering link:


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