Thinking Outside The Boxtruck

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I care because he gets guys thinking that his way is the what they should strive for. Overspending for no reason...bigger is better...etc...etc...etc..

Those guys might get caught holding that big bag and then it's "oh well" from Harper.

You see Harper used to project his true feelings as he was getting on to me about "taking advantage of other cleaners". He is actually promoting these things to other cleaners and is the one really screwing them over.
That's why he tried to accuse me of I've said...he is text book.

I just have to call BS on him because he tried to call BS on me when he is doing tht exact same thing he was accusing me of.

That bugs me more than almost anything.

Hence the name "Harpocrite"

PS. The same thing has happened with a few Ex-Vortex cleaners if you haven't noticed.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
MaRy...can't you READ.... :roll:
Sorry life, isn't being fair to you... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Why don't you just .."get a Job"...?
You are ..ReaLlY.."starting to EmBaRRasS yourSelF".... :oops: :oops:

Let me give you guys a little history how this unit came into existence...

We ran Butler units for over 20 years..."great units"
I was looking for a "back-up" unit ...I found a cleaner in Spring Hill fl. that was retiring.
He had a 1992 Prochem 405...&...a Ford van. I was able to purchase the unit @ a really
good price.

After I spent about a month...refurbishing the TM & the van. We put it in service.
I noticed that the crews were fighting of WHO got to run the 405.! the Heat & power was much better than the Butlers.

We were so impressed in the performance of the "slide-in"...that we decided to purchase
a Prochem 650 HP and put it into a box truck. This new truck was unbelievable in it's ability
to clean & fast dry-times...!

There was such a difference..that our client's were demanding the "Big Truck"...they NO
longer wanted us to send a "van" to their homes... So....I started to look for another
used box truck..!

I found this box truck in Utah..."I loved the box design"..So I made a deal, to trade one of our Butler's + some Cash..!
The Utah unit was a 2003 Isuzu with a Prochem 805..We operated that Unit for 6 month's..!

Our business continued to grow & we were still having an issue..with our client's ..NOT
wanting a van..! So our 405 in the ford van, was just sitting in the yard.. So we added
the "third "employee to the box keep up our production....

Later that year we added wood & laminate floor polishing to our services..! So the 405 in the Ford van was just taking up space..! So rather than have that "back-up" unit just sit...! I
decided to install the 405 into the 2003 Isuzu with the PC 805..resulting in the "TWO" TM's in
one box truck..

I wasn't trying to be a "BIG SHOT"..or a innovative TM designer.. It was just a practical
idea to utilize all the equipment to it's capacity..! We were experiencing a couple of "glitches"
with the PC 805..&.. It made sense to have the PC 405 on board for a "back-up" to avoid any
interruption in production, if the PC 805 had a failure.

So the initial purpose for the TWO units was just as a "back-up" if the PC 805 did NOT "pan-
out".."remember it was bought USED" I didn't have a lot of confidence in it's reliability..!
I soon noticed that the men were starting to run about 2 hours ahead after their 2nd job .."EVERYDAY"..

I got on my sons ASS...and told him he had BETTER slow down... he informed me that
they were NOT rushing the jobs.. "THEY WERE RUNNING BOTH TM's"...
So there, you ...."fInAllY"....have the TRUE story of the way this unit was BORN...!!!!!
It was "strictly" out of ADDAPTING to the flow on the business growth, & giving our client's
what they wanted....

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
HARPER said:
MaRy...can't you READ.... :roll:
Sorry life, isn't being fair to you... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Why don't you just .."get a Job"...?
You are ..ReaLlY.."starting to EmBaRRasS yourSelF".... :oops: :oops:

Let me give you guys a little history how this unit came into existence...

We ran Butler units for over 20 years..."great units"
I was looking for a "back-up" unit ...I found a cleaner in Spring Hill fl. that was retiring.
He had a 1992 Prochem 405...&...a Ford van. I was able to purchase the unit @ a really
good price.

After I spent about a month...refurbishing the TM & the van. We put it in service.
I noticed that the crews were fighting of WHO got to run the 405.! the Heat & power was much better than the Butlers.

We were so impressed in the performance of the "slide-in"...that we decided to purchase
a Prochem 650 HP and put it into a box truck. This new truck was unbelievable in it's ability
to clean & fast dry-times...!

There was such a difference..that our client's were demanding the "Big Truck"...they NO
longer wanted us to send a "van" to their homes... So....I started to look for another
used box truck..!

I found this box truck in Utah..."I loved the box design"..So I made a deal, to trade one of our Butler's + some Cash..!
The Utah unit was a 2003 Isuzu with a Prochem 805..We operated that Unit for 6 month's..!

Our business continued to grow & we were still having an issue..with our client's ..NOT
wanting a van..! So our 405 in the ford van, was just sitting in the yard.. So we added
the "third "employee to the box keep up our production....

Later that year we added wood & laminate floor polishing to our services..! So the 405 in the Ford van was just taking up space..! So rather than have that "back-up" unit just sit...! I
decided to install the 405 into the 2003 Isuzu with the PC 805..resulting in the "TWO" TM's in
one box truck..

I wasn't trying to be a "BIG SHOT"..or a innovative TM designer.. It was just a practical
idea to utilize all the equipment to it's capacity..! We were experiencing a couple of "glitches"
with the PC 805..&.. It made sense to have the PC 405 on board for a "back-up" to avoid any
interruption in production, if the PC 805 had a failure.

So the initial purpose for the TWO units was just as a "back-up" if the PC 805 did NOT "pan-
out".."remember it was bought USED" I didn't have a lot of confidence in it's reliability..!
I soon noticed that the men were starting to run about 2 hours ahead after their 2nd job .."EVERYDAY"..

I got on my sons ASS...and told him he had BETTER slow down... he informed me that
they were NOT rushing the jobs.. "THEY WERE RUNNING BOTH TM's"...
So there, you ...."fInAllY"....have the TRUE story of the way this unit was BORN...!!!!!
It was "strictly" out of ADDAPTING to the flow on the business growth, & giving our client's
what they wanted....

Is there an echo in here?

I think I'm starting to embarrass Yourself.

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I don't know that Harper is really talling anyone to overspend? I mean, you have a 10 year old Prochem, a 20 year old prochem, in an 8 year old box truck. A normal cleaner with access to financing could probably put that rig together for under/around 50k, which is about as much as I have into my (1) tm van. Maybe would be different if he was advocating 2 30k mounts in a 40k truck...

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Chris Adkins said:
I don't know that Harper is really talling anyone to overspend? I mean, you have a 10 year old Prochem, a 20 year old prochem, in an 8 year old box truck. A normal cleaner with access to financing could probably put that rig together for under/around 50k, which is about as much as I have into my (1) tm van. Maybe would be different if he was advocating 2 30k mounts in a 40k truck...

EXACTLY, Chris...

I have LESS than 35K in that unit.... !gotcha!

And it is our "TOP PRODUCER".... :shock:

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
see even better! I'll have about 80k invested in my truck once this fooking lease is done, and I can't even run 2 wands with it...

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Chris Adkins said:
see even better! I'll have about 80k invested in my truck once this fooking lease is done, and I can't even run 2 wands with it...


A box truck would be perfect for you business modle..."with the addition of installs"

Here is the origonal set-up ...the PC 405 is in the back of the truck....


Here is the floor space before adding the PC805..."LOTS OF ROOM"


Here is the PC 405 installed in the Front of the truck....


Here is the final configuration.......



Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
i must of misread/misunderstood something. I thought this was a TM/porty debate. I didn't even realize harp had a box w/ 2 TM's in My initial thought is, kinda weird, having two techs in a home running 2 TM's? How big is the average job? If they're doing 4-5 areas, are they saving that much time?? With one TM (2 man crew) each guy has his role, both moving/working different steps, 2 TM's (2 man crew) are they both going through each step individually on the different rooms?? Sounds weird and a lot of hoses running in someones home. My point is (i think) that if company A cleans 5 rooms with 2 guys 1 TM, and company B cleans 5 rooms with 2 guys 2 TM's, seems that the time spent at the job would be very similar... :?:

Bottom line, if it's working and as harp says, it's the top producer, more power to him. It does sound different, but it's making him $$$. :mrgreen:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
In a nut shell this thread is about not spending too much money to prove you are the best there is to be AND not trying to get other guys to do the same.

Harper wants to "help"? BS.

He just wants to feed his own ego.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
royalkid said:
i must of misread/misunderstood something. I thought this was a TM/porty debate. I didn't even realize harp had a box w/ 2 TM's in My initial thought is, kinda weird, having two techs in a home running 2 TM's? How big is the average job? If they're doing 4-5 areas, are they saving that much time?? With one TM (2 man crew) each guy has his role, both moving/working different steps, 2 TM's (2 man crew) are they both going through each step individually on the different rooms?? Sounds weird and a lot of hoses running in someones home. My point is (i think) that if company A cleans 5 rooms with 2 guys 1 TM, and company B cleans 5 rooms with 2 guys 2 TM's, seems that the time spent at the job would be very similar... :?:

Bottom line, if it's working and as harp says, it's the top producer, more power to him. It does sound different, but it's making him $$$. :mrgreen:

What's-up Peter.. :?:

We run 3 to 4 employees on this unit... :shock:

We don't run both TM's on every job...The third man allows my son to talk to the customer & answer the phones..Our production times are ScArY.. !gotcha! The clients are very happy that the work goes so fast...We can clean 3 br paths & LDH..Plus a sectional in about a hour
& a half... :roll: Not to mention if Joey ..talks the client into doing Tile & wood floors while we are @ the home... 8) the addtional time for conservation with the client really can boost

Ps I hear your wrap looks GREAT... 8)


Jun 29, 2009
Brian R AKA Corky said:
In a nut shell this thread is about not spending too much money to prove you are the best there is to be AND not trying to get other guys to do the same.

Harper wants to "help"? BS.

He just wants to feed his own ego.

It didn't look like Harper spent that much money to me. He bought two used units and a used box truck. I don't know what he gave for the setup total, but I doubt he spent more then a new butler set up cost.

The most appealing part of Harper's set up for me is that if a unit breaks down it doesn't even affect their day. My most stressful days are when something goes wrong with my unit. Its happened three times, and each time I was able to fix something minor within an hour, but it makes you look like such a hack. It would be more then worth the 4k of a used machine for me if I was already running a box truck like Harper was.

Brian you have a distorted sense of labor cost since you use subs (not that theres anything wrong with that). You pay them a % no matter how long it takes them to do the job. I'm guessing Harper pays by the hour. As much time the second TM is cutting off his time will make up for the second unit quickly. Oh and you can do tile & grout and carpet at the same time. I'm guessing there is a lot of tile in Florida.

I think Harpers setup is more about making more money then boosting his ego. Anyways doesn't the most profitable setup give your ego a bigger boost then the "biggest baddest" set up?

If he really wanted a ego boost he could have just bought a 110k Vortex.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
You are correct ..RYAN..35K in the entire UNIT... :!:

I offer to do some SUB-WORK for brian a couple months ago.. :shock:

Back when he was starting his NETWORK."thiNgY-a -mA -JiGGy"...!

I had an extra back-up van sitting around and a employee that needed some extra
money..."baby on the way"..! I was going to let him work.."OUT OF MY AREA" and
make some extra JaCK... 8)

mArY...came up with some lAmE excuse ...then NEVER followed -up...!!!!

I guess he didn't want me to give the "board" a opinion of his BIZ... :roll: "WhAtEvEr"

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
HARPER said:
We run 3 to 4 employees on this unit...


Seems the overhead would be a killer for resi cleaning.

Most techs get 20-30% (X4?)

Or do you only give your guys 15 -20 bucks an hour?

I could see it for large commercial.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Dave Yoakum said:
HARPER said:
We run 3 to 4 employees on this unit...


Seems the overhead would be a killer for resi cleaning.

Most techs get 20-30% (X4?)

Or do you only give your guys 15 -20 bucks an hour?

I could see it for large commercial.

AGAIN...This is like.."waCk-A-mOlE"....Jeeeeeeeeze... :roll:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
HARPER said:
You are correct ..RYAN..35K in the entire UNIT... :!:

I offer to do some SUB-WORK for brian a couple months ago.. :shock:

Back when he was starting his NETWORK."thiNgY-a -mA -JiGGy"...!

I had an extra back-up van sitting around and a employee that needed some extra
money..."baby on the way"..! I was going to let him work.."OUT OF MY AREA" and
make some extra JaCK... 8)

mArY...came up with some lAmE excuse ...then NEVER followed -up...!!!!

I guess he didn't want me to give the "board" a opinion of his BIZ... :roll: "WhAtEvEr"

You've got to be kidding me. I believe you were the one that never followed up on that one.

Your arguements and excuses are getting as thin as our hairlines. :lol:

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Brian R AKA Corky said:
HARPER said:
You are correct ..RYAN..35K in the entire UNIT... :!:

I offer to do some SUB-WORK for brian a couple months ago.. :shock:

Back when he was starting his NETWORK."thiNgY-a -mA -JiGGy"...!

I had an extra back-up van sitting around and a employee that needed some extra
money..."baby on the way"..! I was going to let him work.."OUT OF MY AREA" and
make some extra JaCK... 8)

mArY...came up with some lAmE excuse ...then NEVER followed -up...!!!!

I guess he didn't want me to give the "board" a opinion of his BIZ... :roll: "WhAtEvEr"

You've got to be kidding me. I believe you were the one that never followed up on that one.

Your arguements and excuses are getting as thin as our hairlines. :lol:


I would rather NOT do that...!!!!

So simply...sAcHe off into the sunset.... :idea:

I am NOT your EnEmY... !gotcha! :mrgreen:


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
Thanx Harp! The GMC (butler van) wrap came out great!! They're working on the 2nd one now, but there were some issues with the wrap(s) not lining up. Sheryl is the bomb :) She's re-printing parts of the pass. side. I'll send you some pics when they're completed. Thanx again!!! :mrgreen:


Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
royalkid said:
Here's a story for you all:

I was a great tech working for company that only used bonnets...SUCKED!!! I wasn't happy using them, i knew this was not the "superior cleaning" that was being advertised. I found the red board and the rest is history.

After 7 years of working for the above mentioned company (ONLY stayed because they gave me a TM). I decided to start my own company. Thought i'd start out with the basics, couple buffers, mytee porty (heat/500psi) a used RX-20 and all the other things we need. Anywayz, I've used porty's in the past and knew the job(s) could be done well, pre-vac, pre-treat, pre-aggitate with 175, RX-20, Post bonnet, groom....good stuff. After doing 3 jobs with that set-up....i went out and bought my 1st TM (BUTLER) and it rocks!! BTW, Thanx for all the tips/advice harper, you're awesome!!

The point I'm trying to make, if all you know is a porty, ok, you can get good results, but once you've tried a TM and see how much more you can do and less headaches....not too mention (let's face it)'s gonna clean better (more heat, better extraction).

Brian is an intelligent guy, he's trying to make money, but come on bro, you can't try to act as if your subs w/ portys (OR JUST BUFFERS) are cutting the mustard. The ONLY way you can get a custy (to think they're) satified is to BS them. When I worked for CD, as a newbie, I knew NOTHING about carpet cleaning and drank the Kool-aid myself, but then the logical part of my brain came in and said, "WTF man, THIS IS BS" That's when I told my employers i wanted the TM, NONE of the other hacks wanted to do the extra work the TM came with...they were content with pre-vac, pre-spray, buff and run....I've known guys spray-n-buff 8 areas in 1 hour...come on!! That's when you can tell who "CARES" and who is the rip-off hack!

Just my .2


After 7 years you decided to leave Chem Lie? How can you clean carpet now knowing that you will never be as BIG and SUCCESSFUL and them? Remember, they are the biggest in the world and you will never compare to them. Heres a quote from you
That's funny Mr. DILL....our CTS-450 is made by hydramaster...and so is our powerhead (RX-20)....keep pushing that mop and out cleaning the worlds largest cc company...fookin' twizotch ;)


May 19, 2007
Box trucks are great for what we do. Of course we don't all need a box truck but those who want one and can benefit from them let them, nobody should sit there and tell them they over spend. It's their business and they may have a different business model.

In my business I don't see a need for a box truck. A sprinter van is what I want, but it has to be the long wheel base. As long as I can walk in the van I'll be happy. You don't need all the space to dual wand with a true dual wand machine. You just need to be able to carry the hose you need and the extraction tools (I'd say 4-500' of hose). Chemicals don't take up much space. Probably a year or so after my truck is paid for I might purchase a used sprinter and put a dual wand capable machine in it. But only if I'm still doing my school jobs. I have no need for dual wanding for residential. I don't have so much business that I can't ever get to it all myself.

Now what Corky is getting at. Is that it's better to have 2 trucks working. And that depends on your business model. Me personally, I just can't see sending out another person unless they were a really good employee. They would have to be super honest and I'd have to make them have an interest in doing good work. But if you lost that employee then you might as well sell your truck. It can take months to train and get confidence in a new employee. I'd personally would rather have them on a truck I can be there all the time and maintain quality when I have the extra work.


May 19, 2007
Brian R AKA Corky said:
You have to be able to let go in order to grow.

Not everyone wants to grow. When I started I knew it would only ever be 1 truck.

If you don't want to grow then you have license to up the price to lower your work load. It's that simple.

If you want to grow you're right you have to learn to let go. But for those who want to grow but keep it to one truck then a dual wand truck is the way to go. Not everyone has the same business model. If dual wand was the way to go and grow don't you think Ken would have dual wand trucks?

But for high quality owner operators who want to tackle large jobs and they need help, supervision will keep the quality of the job to the level of an owner operator. It then makes sense. Quality isn't the same for unsupervised employees..... And box trucks are for those who do many different services, have strict dumping rules (larger fresh & waste tanks), and for those who like to have them for show (and it does work, clients like to see a big truck).

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I lost a ~$1200 rug order a couple weeks ago to an impulsive client because we couldn't take 12 full size rugs at once when we were there cleaning carpet. Would have loved some sort of a box truck then...

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