This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hacks.


Oct 11, 2006
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

Thanks for pointing that out on my website. That quote is for my referral only "Potential Mercedes Clients" that might stumble upon my website. For those clients I will become a magical consultant and help them through their cleaning experience. My special 20 step cleaning process will go way beyond simply doing carpet audits and pre-vacuuming for 3 hours. I will actually disengage the carpet and actually take it to my shop and badger it then pit wash it. Then after returning I will reinstall and do a white towel test. If the towel shows any dirt I will do all the 20 steps again. How is that for thorough? Now I haven't had anyone ask about the secret 20 step package, but I never know when they might so I will leave that on my website for now. !gotcha!

Ron Werner said:
From Tracy's Home page
If you're looking for the highest quality and most thorough carpet cleaning ever than look no further.Our mission at Walker's Carpet Care is to provide our clients with the most outstanding service experience possible. We make it our passion to constantly educate ourselves and learn all we can about our profession. This means that our clients carpets are always serviced with the latest techniques and equipment.

Now I understand you can clean a carpet pretty decently with "just the basics" of HWE, but that's not what you're promoting Tracy. You're promoting the HIGHEST quality and the MOST thorough. Are you really providing that?

See, I went into a house today with 8rooms myself. I had a helper that vacuumed for 3 hrs (he's new and does a little overkill, even by me. I would have been about 2.) Presprayed it, scrubbed it in with a Whittaker, gave it a thorough rinse. In at 1230, out at 530. I KNOW I gave him the MOST thorough cleaning and the HIGHEST quality. Hec, it looked significantly better after just the prep.
But from what I'm reading on here its being implied there is NO difference between the cleaning I provided, taking 5hrs with 2 techs, and Tracy's (using you for an example only because we both happened to do the similar jobs sizes) done in 2 hrs. Could I have done the same job with the same result in 2hrs? Don't think so.
Oh, I didn't charge $200 either and my client said:
"I hired you because you do a great job. When you stop doing a great job then I won't call"

This make no since what so ever? If you didn't vac this job for 3 hours (which is plum crazy) your time to clean 8 rooms is the same as mine to clean 7? I also said that only 1 room had any spots. I also did not MOVE a single piece of furniture. After the client vac'd and moved what they wanted before I arrived I am almost positive my cleaning job would satisfy 95% of homeowners out there as much as your 5hour HIGHEST quality job. Seriously where is the big difference besides dog and pony? I think how you and Daniel price and do things is just fine and you won't find me knocking it. My point was each has his own way and just because I don't do it the message board way doesn't mean I am a hack or don't provide the most thorough cleaning. My customers feel they are getting the best cleaning value around, and I do what I can to provide that without screwing them over by charging for 3hours of vacuuming when they can do that step for free. Just my 2 cents.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

HARPER said:
Greg Crowley said:
I didn't read the whole thread so forgive me but I have and I do everything in my power to make sure those carpets are as clean as possible. Maybe that is why you DanielC live in a podunk $60,000 shanty and I have over a million dollars in homes. I don'r judge others businesses as you do, I compete.
Shut you ******* pie hole and go make some money. You are lucky your not in my area because not only would you customers get better service, better cleaner and have a better looking guy doing it. Go under the fake rock you came from because you couldn't afford a real rock living at home with daddy or mommy

I can think of .."ONE THING"...that little DaNNY...doesn't have... :idea:

A WIFE THAT "KnoCks DowN".... SIX FIGURES ...a year... :shock: 8)

"That might make ..."a-little"...Differance".... :roll: :p :mrgreen:


i was gonna say that to

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

tracywalker said:
This make no since what so ever? If you didn't vac this job for 3 hours (which is plum crazy) your time to clean 8 rooms is the same as mine to clean 7? I also said that only 1 room had any spots. I also did not MOVE a single piece of furniture. After the client vac'd and moved what they wanted before I arrived I am almost positive my cleaning job would satisfy 95% of homeowners out there as much as your 5hour HIGHEST quality job. Seriously where is the big difference besides dog and pony? I think how you and Daniel price and do things is just fine and you won't find me knocking it. My point was each has his own way and just because I don't do it the message board way doesn't mean I am a hack or don't provide the most thorough cleaning. My customers feel they are getting the best cleaning value around, and I do what I can to provide that without screwing them over by charging for 3hours of vacuuming when they can do that step for free. Just my 2 cents.

I never considered it a D&P show. I've just been in too many homes where they vacuumed and I pulled a LOT of soil out afterward. Figured my job is to actually remove the soil. No show about it. I never considered it a show to simply perform the cleaning steps, which oddly enough do a fantastic job of cleaning. One thing I found when I leave vacuuming to the home owner is they don't move the furniture so there is all the fluff underneath that I have to deal with if I move something. If I didn't pull so much soil from the carpet I wouldn't bother vacuuming. Once that stuff gets wet it more difficult to remove.

There are hacks and then there are guys that do a very good job for what they do. A buddy here used to say the prespray was the forward stroke with the jet on and I know he would really work on a carpet. I don't think any hacks would survive on this board or would even bother to take the time to be on here.


Supportive Member
Feb 1, 2008
Anderson sc
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

i would like to see what kind of numbers these CRYBABYS are DOIN A WEEK
oh ss charge this SO WHAT LET THEM
my god if i spent as much time typin this crap i would be worried about what bobs spify clean is
chargin also.
You know what i have found out most people do not have a clue what cc costs to get it done
the ones that price shop LET THEM.

i WILL TELL YA THIS when i get a customer they are the kings ya take care of them

done for now RD


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

tell us how you really feel

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

Its usually the guys who are bitching about being undercut that are the ones that are hurting the most. I don't give my competition one minute of thought. I refer one of my competitors regularly when I can't take care of my customers needs.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

i am poor and work for food


Mar 7, 2009
Jamie Cohen
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

You charge what you can get in the areas you service, I'm on the low side in the Detroit metro area lower then Hagopian, but thats fine with me, I still do ok. With the prices some of you guys charge you'd be out of buisness here in Detroit for sure. :mrgreen:

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

I tell the customer what the carpet needs in terms of "steps" and what results to expect and work from there. You want fries and a drink with the burger? It'll cost ya! Jamie, you couldn't make enough to survive here on the prices you get in Motown. Geez, I get $35 a room up to 150SF for empties and I'm on the low side. I do OK, but I haven't bought my NHL franchise. Yet.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

Willy makes good sense. Know your market. Know where you're profitable and give the customer the best you can for what they can afford. It is easy to get arrogant in this business especially when times are good but I learned the hard way not to walk past a nickel to pick up a dime.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

perhaps offering something above and beyond helps as well. Everyone knows what the average cleaner does. What separates you from them. Many times its the little, simple things.
As well as knowing your market you have to know what you need to make to survive in your area. Cost of living in some places is twice that of others. If you can't do enough work at a certain dollar point to survive, need to raise your price, or find a way to decrease your costs.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

The cost of living in my city is very cheap BTW. Except for this weekend. they raised gas prices form$2.32 a gallon to $2.75 a gallon because its corvette homecoming week.


Feb 2, 2007
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

A price point that works for one cleaner will not necessarily work for another as there are many variables:
Market area, Dallas, Chicago, DC , LA , and New York will probably require a higher price point than Green ville , South Carolina, most parts of Florida, Cleveland, Ohio or Albuquerque, New Mexico. It cost way more to operate in most major cities than secondary markets. I have seen cases where cleaners in secondary markets are charging way less and NETTING MORE.

The current economic situation in a specific area. If your area has 19% unemployment chances are you have a much tougher time than a cleaner operating in a area that has 4% unemployment. Some areas of the country are pretty bleak with empty shopping centers littering the landscape.

Your individual overhead structure: Bottom line a guy with a mini-van and a few high-end portables can operate on a lower volume and price structure than a guy with DEBT on a few truck mounts. During the boom I saw tons of guys jumping into $1,200-$1,500 lease payments and moving into nice office parks with little thought of a future market shift. Some of those guys are in serious trouble now. The guy operating out of his basement with no debt will always be around and can do deep discounting if market conditions demand it.

The guy charging $20 a room is not the problem, how we operate our business, position ourselves and finance operations is what needs to looked at.
Times have changed and I think we are in a new day. How we thrive in this environment will be different for everyone.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

joeynbgky said:
The cost of living in my city is very cheap BTW. Except for this weekend. they raised gas prices form$2.32 a gallon to $2.75 a gallon because its corvette homecoming week.
Cheap gas! Need to bring a tanker down there and fill it up and sell it up here!!
Gas here is $4.23 / gallon CDN
Even Propane is $2.83!!
we pay a premium on every tool, every bottle of solution, because most of it comes from the US. Even if its made here it seems they price it so that I need to charge more just to make the same profit.
I don't know how economists figure our dollar is worth less than yours with your economy in the toilet the way it is.
Sep 7, 2008
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

Will someone please remind me to never start another price thread.

The price you charge all comes down to time and materials. It's that simple.

People that want a cheaper price will force you to spend less time on the job.

You can speed up the time it takes to do a job with better equipment and chems but you better charge more because the cost of your materials just went up. If you use good equipment and operate with a higher cost of doing business with cheap pricing then you are not going to be able to spend the same time on a job as a higher priced cleaner.

At the end of the day it is all about time and materials.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

Ron my propane tank is 11 gallons but as you know it holds 7 gallons.. guess how much on average it cost me to fill it up??? $11.53.. How much does it cost on average to fill yours up there?


Jun 29, 2009
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

The cost of living in my city is very cheap BTW. Except for this weekend. they raised gas prices form$2.32 a gallon to $2.75 a gallon because its corvette homecoming week.

The corvette museum in your town is badass!!!


Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

Daniel you sound like a desperate over priced hack who has not come to terms that Despite economic times people will go for the bargain. And sad but true. the guy making $99 a house will be in business alot longer than you will be. Some of those guys are stealing your custys daily. Will they come back to overpriced great looks or go with the guy willing to prevac, pre scrub, prestain, pretreat. use a tm. blowers and dry pass 4 or more times? probably not. are they hacks ? some are some arent.
I honestly think its great business practice. give a great honest deal with superb cleaning. they tell their frinds/family co-workers, boss, boyfrineds etc etc.. now that one sacrifice has just made $6 grand in retail. in one year. People arent as stupid as you think they should be. Customers arent stupid. they scam and bait and switch more than a hack cc'er.
I know of a local company in medford they offer $45 for any three rooms. can this be done. Hell yeah if your smart and experianced. If you know your stuff it can be done. Is it favorable income. nope. but then again they have nicer box vans than rob allen and a nice home. Are they bait and switch? very possible. but then again who in the heck only has three rooms cleaned? If the bottom line is met who cares. now if they buy chems at interlink they would for sure go belly up in no time at all. I havent "THANK GOD" had to fix their eff up.

Do they use blowers, yep, do they prescrub, yep, do they use commercial chems, yep, do they edge clean, yep, do they stay busy,? hell yeah.

dont get mad at the messenger for being right


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

I have a friend who has a mobile car detail business........... He will make a fortune this week.. He has parked his motorhome and equipment at a fancy smancy hotel. (paid of course) and will clean all kinds of vettes this week.
Sep 7, 2008
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

NuTech Carpet Care said:
Daniel you sound like a desperate over priced hack who has not come to terms that Despite economic times people will go for the bargain. And sad but true. the guy making $99 a house will be in business alot longer than you will be. Some of those guys are stealing your custys daily. Will they come back to overpriced great looks or go with the guy willing to prevac, pre scrub, prestain, pretreat. use a tm. blowers and dry pass 4 or more times? probably not. are they hacks ? some are some arent.
I honestly think its great business practice. give a great honest deal with superb cleaning. they tell their frinds/family co-workers, boss, boyfrineds etc etc.. now that one sacrifice has just made $6 grand in retail. in one year. People arent as stupid as you think they should be. Customers arent stupid. they scam and bait and switch more than a hack cc'er.
I know of a local company in medford they offer $45 for any three rooms. can this be done. Hell yeah if your smart and experianced. If you know your stuff it can be done. Is it favorable income. nope. but then again they have nicer box vans than rob allen and a nice home. Are they bait and switch? very possible. but then again who in the heck only has three rooms cleaned? If the bottom line is met who cares. now if they buy chems at interlink they would for sure go belly up in no time at all. I havent "THANK GOD" had to fix their eff up.

Do they use blowers, yep, do they prescrub, yep, do they use commercial chems, yep, do they edge clean, yep, do they stay busy,? hell yeah.

dont get mad at the messenger for being right

I don't even know where to begin. I'm confused as hell. You made 6 grand last year? What were your expenses for the year?

Read your post and just think about what you said. You said give a great honest deal with superb service. Ok I agree with you. Now tell me how can you do that at 99 dollars a house and stay in business.

That was the dumbest thing I ever read.


I haven't advertised in years and get plenty of new clients through a little thing known as referrals.

My prices aren't high and people feel they are getting value for their money and a better job.

You are right. People aren't stupid. A smart person will know it is impossible to clean a whole house for 99 dollars let alone clean three rooms for 45 dollars.

There is a thing called education based marketing.

You educate the customer and sell a better job at a higher price.

My first job tomorrow morning is 4 room, a hallway, and steps.

I have quoted the job to rotary clean and set a couple fans at 250. If they want protector, the job will be 375. That is not a high price, but high enough to allow me to do a better job and still give the customer value for their money. Could I charge 500 just to clean? Yes I could but I wouldn't get as many referrals and I would have to work really hard to find clients.

How in the hell is a cleaner going to do that job for 99 dollars?

There are people that will pay extra for a better job.


Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

I said that one $99 dollar customer will tell everyone they know and that One person Is an asset that would Equal upto $6. true they may not buy all the goodies. But hey, they have rich family members and they always buy the extras to be better than Marge the bargain hunter cousin. Generally I charge 32. a sf and they get the same quality my other customers get for the $99 whole house ad. Is there a differance? Yeah. one customer does not go to the cheapest option. Like a coupon book, Valpak, Penny saver etc. They get the name from the phone book. so with that being said Its buyer beware. Same qualityl, Same service. One is a tax write off the other is the profit margin. ying and yang of the business world.
I think you seriously have a closed mind on this. I do get where your coming from, and I see what your saying. but a hack rug sucker is better than having the same dickhead stealing your equipment. cuz he cant make money.

In my locale the unemployment rate is well over 40% unofficially, officially they claim its 20% with walmart, welfare, and grocery stores being the majority of income.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

joeynbgky said:
Ron my propane tank is 11 gallons but as you know it holds 7 gallons.. guess how much on average it cost me to fill it up??? $11.53.. How much does it cost on average to fill yours up there?
Filled mine up from almost empty the other day, just over $70. Its a big tank. I have about 15 hrs out of it, engine and 4HT

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: This really chaps my ass. One price spray and suck hack

HARPER said:
Greg Crowley said:
I didn't read the whole thread so forgive me but I have and I do everything in my power to make sure those carpets are as clean as possible. Maybe that is why you DanielC live in a podunk $60,000 shanty and I have over a million dollars in homes. I don'r judge others businesses as you do, I compete.
Shut you ******* pie hole and go make some money. You are lucky your not in my area because not only would you customers get better service, better cleaner and have a better looking guy doing it. Go under the fake rock you came from because you couldn't afford a real rock living at home with daddy or mommy

I can think of .."ONE THING"...that little DaNNY...doesn't have... :idea:

A WIFE THAT "KnoCks DowN".... SIX FIGURES ...a year... :shock: 8)

"That might make ..."a-little"...Differance".... :roll: :p :mrgreen:

Or someone to just give him a company. :mrgreen:
Now that would be nice.

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