I really feel for the seasoned pros like Gary who have spent a life time and boat loads of cash to become a "Stone Pro" and now every Mikey, Marty and Waldo will be able to do 80% of what he does for next to nothing.
Mikey That is the least of my worries. I compete with that on a daily basis. It is the edumacation that really sets me apart from all the janitors, tile guys, carpet guys, out there attempting stone work. 90% of the seasoned pros working on the hotels and casinos are janitors who can spray some crystallizer. It is guys like me who get the call to fix these things after they look like hell.
Even if these pads work as advertised, they sure don't come bundled with the education and experience necessary to understand stone and how it reacts under your machine and the process you apply to it. I see it already in this thread with the questions about weighted machines or not. That is some very basic knowledge that is needed in this field. Which stone needs weight, how much, how little, how fast do you move. You'll get away with it for awhile, till you hit a floor that doesn't react like the last one or two did. Then I suspect there will be a lot of head scratching. How will you all know even what the hell stone you are working on, when the idiots who sold the crap don't know what it was.
All I'm saying is be CAREFUL. Don't buy into all the hype. These things may work great on some marbles, but I guarantee they will not work on everything equally, NOTHING DOES. Equipment is only part of the equation, no matter how expensive or easy to use it may be.
I hope you guys do great with these things and they work every bit as well as advertised. I am not worried a bit about these things on the market even if all of you buy them and become 80% of a stone pro, it will have no adverse effect on my business.
Even if Dana will not honor a money back guarantee (as he did not respond to my post), I am ordering a set to test and will post an honest report. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain if they work as hyped.
Also, if anyone here runs into problems while working on stone, feel free to call, email, pm, I'll try to help ya out even if you're right next door.