those of you that carry firearms....


Oct 6, 2006
O'Fallon, MO
Vincent Sapp
Just to be clear vincent you have no problem carrying a loaded weapon into a customers home[/quote]

Nope. Dont make a mountain out of a mole hill.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
MrSteam said:
Ryan said:
Yeah it would be horrible to exercise your 2nd amendment right. Besides there's nothing dangerous about section 8's right? I mean poor addicted people aren't desperate at all. :roll:

can i get a hell yeah?

besides i'm in utah.... not D.C...... most people here are packin' anyways

There are some really crummy parts of Ogden where I've done flood work. Some of them reminded me of where I grew up, and the only place I would consider wanting to carry.


Sep 8, 2009
thanks to all of those who have responded to the actual question i asked....

as for everyone else, best of luck to you in your businesses.

Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007
MrSteam said:
Ryan said:
Yeah it would be horrible to exercise your 2nd amendment right. Besides there's nothing dangerous about section 8's right? I mean poor addicted people aren't desperate at all. :roll:

can i get a hell yeah?

besides i'm in utah.... not D.C...... most people here are packin' anyways

I carry a .380 Ruger LCP in my purse. Used to carry a .38 special, but it was a little heavy and chunky. I can conceal the LCP much better! shiteatinggrin

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Greg Crowley said:
I would never wear a weapon in custys home. I also would delete the post before your competition starts advertising you carry a loaded gun into homes

its very sad that too many people feel just like you do in your pathetic state, yeah I said pathetic state, Massachusetts is a pathetic state, any state that can elect barney frank to represent them is pitiful. and he is just one of the many liberals who wanna see our country torn down a few notches in that state. businesses are leaving that part of the country in droves. sorry for the rant, but when I see a state or group of people that wanna destroy my country, to me its not political, ITS PERSONAL.

as for concealed carry, you need something that is 12 oz of less if you wanna carry with summer clothes. I own 3 different 380's the LCP, taurus TCP and a kahr p380, the kahr is the nicest. the LCP is the lightest the taurus 1 oz heavier than the kahr 1 oz heavier than the TCP, the kahr needs the right setup in some cargo pants to work but it can be done, the LCP does not have a slide stop is the simplest and lightest, its probably the better way to go. I am a gun nut and horse trade guns and have to try them all out. I am trying to figure out which one I like the best, if you like a 380 and can deal with a few extra ounces, say winter carry in a coat, there isn't any better than the sig 238, man that is a nice gun, very very well put together.

I don't see any 9mm out there that can be done as a CCW, they just weight too much, I wanna be able to carry and forget I even have a gun with me. none of the 9mm will let me do this. so my thinking in handguns is go really big or really really small and light, I don't like the XD's because the trigger pull isn't that great and they are a heavy gun, for heavy guns a CZ 75 can't be beat. I use that for taking out various varmints when I go to my family's cabin, its also likely in my hand should anyone be stupid enough to mess with me and my family. most guns with an exposed hammer will have a much better trigger pull than the glocks and XD;s

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
the Sig 238 has issues.
I had some interest in it cause it's a cool looking "baby" 1911..and I dig 1911's... 8)

"wait another couple years til it's right"
that's the word from a professional Sig armorer I know
he also told me it's a "subbed out" pistol
Sig doesn't make it



Supportive Member
Apr 30, 2007
Ogden, Utah
Tim Magaw
Steven Hoodlebrink said:
MrSteam said:
Ryan said:
Yeah it would be horrible to exercise your 2nd amendment right. Besides there's nothing dangerous about section 8's right? I mean poor addicted people aren't desperate at all. :roll:

can i get a hell yeah?

besides i'm in utah.... not D.C...... most people here are packin' anyways

There are some really crummy parts of Ogden where I've done flood work. Some of them reminded me of where I grew up, and the only place I would consider wanting to carry.
Steve, When were you in my part of town??? And you never called me to have lunch.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
i didn't know you then Tim or I would have. I get back into town in by the end of the month....we'll catch up
May 16, 2010
Noble Carpet Cleaners
May I suggest looking into some quality brands of bear/pepper spray. You can't believe how powerful it is. And wow, you Utah folks get carry permits granted?


Feb 2, 2007
I open carry a Glock 27 everywhere at night, on empty homes /foreclosures and on all commercial night work while cleaning in Virginia (In communist Washington DC & MD carrying a gun is illegal. Maryland can issue permits but pretty much doesn't). I have never had a customer complain. In fact some of the restaurant managers actually appreciate it and on more then one occasion have asked me to walk them to their car.

This whole "people will freak out" is way over blown. Most people could careless or don't even notice. In 10 years of open carrying (holstered carry without concealing) I have had only 3 problems. One Virginia State Trooper that was attempting to mislead me that it's illegal , a couple of Raleigh, North Carolina cops (cops generally suck when it comes to actually knowing State law.) and a weirdo liberal woman in the grocery store. She approached me and started yelling how she felt threatened by me carrying, and then said "what if you just started shooting everyone in here". She was a good 350lbs so I replied, what if you came in here and started eating everything in my cart before I checked out. What was really weird is she follows me to my vehicle and made a obvious effort to write my plate number down. I just looked at her and laughed.

The funniest thing was when I arrived at my sister's home to take my 2 1/2 year old niece to Diary Queen while my sister went to a dental appointment. My sister starts lecturing me about how it could "go off if someone bumped into me". My niece kind of stares at me, walks over and with her little hand smacks my holster just as hard as that little hand could. She waits maybe 5 seconds and then turns to my sister shaking her head and says, "no mommy".


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
its very sad that too many people feel just like you do in your pathetic state, yeah I said pathetic state, Massachusetts is a pathetic state, any state that can elect barney frank to represent them is pitiful. and he is just one of the many liberals who wanna see our country torn down a few notches in that state. businesses are leaving that part of the country in droves. sorry for the rant, but when I see a state or group of people that wanna destroy my country, to me its not political, ITS PERSONAL.

******* idiot. I am a conservative. Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Greg Crowley said:
Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?

I don't want to speak for Steve, but figure he wuz referring to Barney Frank wanting to destroy the country.... not YOU
He probably thinks you're just a plain run of the mill idiot...... :mrgreen:



Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
he would have a point if he thought that but he does reference "like you" when mentioning politics.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
gregg i agree with you on the firing of your employee..
i would fire on the spot any employee that showed anyone their weapon..if i can find it
it is not legally concealed and you are get 3 years no questions asked
here in fla for not hiding your weapon and they dont play around with that.
i also have my cwp in front of my drivers license because if i ever get pulled over
it will go to the cop with my drivers license so there is no problems or questions.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Greg Crowley said:
******* idiot. I am a conservative. Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?

LOL.... I'm a life long NRA member & CCP holder for 18 years and I think carrying a concealed gun into a customers home is a bad idea.


Jun 29, 2009
randy said:
The funniest thing was when I arrived at my sister's home to take my 2 1/2 year old niece to Diary Queen while my sister went to a dental appointment. My sister starts lecturing me about how it could "go off if someone bumped into me". My niece kind of stares at me, walks over and with her little hand smacks my holster just as hard as that little hand could. She waits maybe 5 seconds and then turns to my sister shaking her head and says, "no mommy".

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just about fell out of my office chair laughing!

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Greg Crowley said:
its very sad that too many people feel just like you do in your pathetic state, yeah I said pathetic state, Massachusetts is a pathetic state, any state that can elect barney frank to represent them is pitiful. and he is just one of the many liberals who wanna see our country torn down a few notches in that state. businesses are leaving that part of the country in droves. sorry for the rant, but when I see a state or group of people that wanna destroy my country, to me its not political, ITS PERSONAL.

******* idiot. I am a conservative. Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?

how are you a conservative when you freak out over the thought of someone potentially carrying concealed and you not knowing it?? according to utah law, you can carry in any business that is open to the public or a private residence so long as they don't specifically ask you not to.

the fact is you are a closet gunaphob, I would also like to challenge you to find ONE case of a concealed permit holder called to perform service in someone's home that has ever caused an issue. one case, across the nation. in order to hold a concealed permit I have to be finger printed in ways I never knew was possible, I can't have any felonies. what the people from the commie lib back east states don't seem to know is your typical CC permit holder isn't scum of the earth they are up standing people who are actually proud to be americans as a general rule.

the point is you should be thankful for the CC permit holder because if something shakes down THEY ARE GOING TO BE THE ONES TO SAVE YOUR ASS the cops can't be everywhere at all times. lets say your a criminal and you want to rob a bank, I damn sure would not do it in a state that has a CC permit law, because who knows the guy standing behind you in line may just be packing. if you ask criminals in prison what they fear the most they will tell you a potentially armed victim. whereas anti gun states like Massachusetts only insure that potential victims are unarmed, like lambs waiting for slaughter. a criminal never stops and think wow if I carry this gun it will be illegal. mass, the home of ted kennedy and barney frank.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Read the thread and you will see what my opinion is. I don't have crayons to draw pictures for you. It isn't about the gun it is about the customers home.
I am not a gun buff but I think everyone should have one in their homes. I like the way Switzerland does it. I also think that if you warn someone to get off your property and they don't I believe in lethal force.
That said there is NO WAY anyone can convince me being strapped in a customers home is a good thing. It has nothing to do with harming them in anyway, I love the way stupid people act like that is the reason.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
yea, the Swiss way is great. Ammo is subsidized by the government. When you get done with your training in the military, you get your rifle converted back to Semi-Auto and then you are given 50 rounds of ammo that is sealed and inspected regularly. If you want to go shooting, you can go to a gun range and purchase ammo there. The ammo has to be used at the gun range. So in other words, if a country decides to invade Switzerland, you have approximately 30 seconds worth of ammo for 1 firearm before you are toast. Kinda defeats the whole purpose. Maybe you cold just throw the damn gun at them.


Jun 29, 2009
I could do a hell of a lot of damage with a Sig 552 and 50 rounds.

Besides if war is imminent I'm sure more ammo is issued.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
my point is, the Swiss don't really have much freedom when it comes to guns. you may think you can do alot of damage with 50 rounds, when it comes to war, the average amount of bullets for 1 kill is around 25-30,000 rounds.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
The government subsidizes the production of military ammunition and then sells the ammunition at cost. Swiss military ammo must be registered if bought at a private store, but need not be registered if bought at a range. Registration consists of entering your name in a log at the time of sale. No serial numbers are present on the individual cartridges of ammunition. Technically, ammunition bought at the range must be used at the range, but according to David Kopel "the rule is barely known and almost never obeyed."[3] Ammunition for long gun hunting is not subsidized by the government and is not subject to any sales control. Non-military non-hunting ammunition more powerful than .22 LR (such as custom handgun ammunition) is registered at the time of sale

To buy a gun from an individual, no permit is needed, but the seller is expected to establish a reasonable certainty that the purchaser will fulfill the above-mentioned conditions (usually done through a Criminal Records Bureau check). The participants in such a transaction are required to prepare a written contract detailing the identities of both vendor and purchaser, the weapon's type, manufacturer, and serial number. The law requires the written contract to be kept for ten years by the buyer and seller. The seller is also required to see some official ID from the purchaser, for such sales are only allowed to Swiss nationals and foreigners with a valid residence permit, with the exception of those foreigners that come from certain countries (Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Albania, Algeria), to whom such sales are not allowed even if they do have a residence permit. Foreigners without a residence permit or from countries on the ban list must ask for a special permit.
After turning 18, any individual can buy singleshot or semiautomatic long arms (breech-loading or muzzle-loading) without a permit (so-called "free arms"). Likewise, members of a recognized rifle association do not need a buying permit for purchasing antique repeaters, and hunters do not need one for buying typical hunting rifles.
Basically, the sale of automatic firearms, selective fire weapons and certain accessoires such as sound suppressors ("silencers") is forbidden (as is the sale of certain disabled automatic firearms which have been identified as easily restored to fully automatic capability). The purchase of such items is however legal with a special permit issued by cantonal police. The issuance of such a permit requires additional requirements to be met, e.g. the possession of a specific gun locker.
Most types of ammunition are available for commercial sale, including full metal jacket bullet calibres for military-issue weapons; hollow point rounds are only permitted for hunters. Ammunition sales are registered only at the point of sale by recording the buyer's name in a bound book.


Oct 6, 2006
O'Fallon, MO
Vincent Sapp
******* idiot. I am a conservative. Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?[/quote

Ah, yeah right.

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