Just to be clear vincent you have no problem carrying a loaded weapon into a customers home[/quote]
Nope. Dont make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Nope. Dont make a mountain out of a mole hill.
MrSteam said:Ryan said:Yeah it would be horrible to exercise your 2nd amendment right. Besides there's nothing dangerous about section 8's right? I mean poor addicted people aren't desperate at all. :roll:
can i get a hell yeah?
besides i'm in utah.... not D.C...... most people here are packin' anyways
MrSteam said:Ryan said:Yeah it would be horrible to exercise your 2nd amendment right. Besides there's nothing dangerous about section 8's right? I mean poor addicted people aren't desperate at all. :roll:
can i get a hell yeah?
besides i'm in utah.... not D.C...... most people here are packin' anyways
Greg Crowley said:I would never wear a weapon in custys home. I also would delete the post before your competition starts advertising you carry a loaded gun into homes
Steve, When were you in my part of town??? And you never called me to have lunch.Steven Hoodlebrink said:MrSteam said:Ryan said:Yeah it would be horrible to exercise your 2nd amendment right. Besides there's nothing dangerous about section 8's right? I mean poor addicted people aren't desperate at all. :roll:
can i get a hell yeah?
besides i'm in utah.... not D.C...... most people here are packin' anyways
There are some really crummy parts of Ogden where I've done flood work. Some of them reminded me of where I grew up, and the only place I would consider wanting to carry.
its very sad that too many people feel just like you do in your pathetic state, yeah I said pathetic state, Massachusetts is a pathetic state, any state that can elect barney frank to represent them is pitiful. and he is just one of the many liberals who wanna see our country torn down a few notches in that state. businesses are leaving that part of the country in droves. sorry for the rant, but when I see a state or group of people that wanna destroy my country, to me its not political, ITS PERSONAL.
Greg Crowley said:Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?
Greg Crowley said:******* idiot. I am a conservative. Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?
randy said:The funniest thing was when I arrived at my sister's home to take my 2 1/2 year old niece to Diary Queen while my sister went to a dental appointment. My sister starts lecturing me about how it could "go off if someone bumped into me". My niece kind of stares at me, walks over and with her little hand smacks my holster just as hard as that little hand could. She waits maybe 5 seconds and then turns to my sister shaking her head and says, "no mommy".
Greg Crowley said:its very sad that too many people feel just like you do in your pathetic state, yeah I said pathetic state, Massachusetts is a pathetic state, any state that can elect barney frank to represent them is pitiful. and he is just one of the many liberals who wanna see our country torn down a few notches in that state. businesses are leaving that part of the country in droves. sorry for the rant, but when I see a state or group of people that wanna destroy my country, to me its not political, ITS PERSONAL.
******* idiot. I am a conservative. Just because I think it is wrong to bring a loaded gun into Mrs Piffletons house I want to destroy the country?