Mikey P

green gurl said:[quote="Harps Best Friend":2lgrryy2]Would you like to buy some Mary Kay skin care products? You would make a great consultant. !gotcha!
I was talking to Green Gurl.
Mikey P said:
Harps Best Friend said:You can never know too much about anything.
And fighting with helmets on is like fighting on Mikey's Board.
Mikey P said:lied to me about what Dave?quote]
Still banned.
When I was there before I had around 180 thank yous for helping others.
Then I was banned for stating how much work I was getting from Google Places for Free.
It was a product conflict.
I think much of the bannings are to control info as to not limit TMF sales.
If you go there beware of these things that can be considered a conflict.
For instance, you don't see posts about other webpage provider options.(more that once)
It's not as open as you have been used to at Mikey land.
I do like helping the newbies that are drawn to that forum in masses.
They are in vast need a lot of real life wisdom that the old salts of this forum could provide.
As long as you come with her!!! The four of us could all get together!!Harps Best Friend said:Yes she does...she is the best consultant in the entire world. Customer service is everything.
Shoot me your email and I'll give it to her.
Better yet, I'll PM hers to you.
Jen is a great person...not a smart ass at all like me....we're like yin and yang.
I'll let her know......She's driving to OK today for a debut for a new consultant.
She might fly or drive to NC if you decide. lol...no pressure. lol
They are in vast need a lot of real life wisdom that the old salts of this forum could provide.
As long as you come with her!!! The four of us could all get together!![/quote:be79wk98]green gurl said:[quote="Harps Best Friend":be79wk98]Yes she does...she is the best consultant in the entire world. Customer service is everything.
Shoot me your email and I'll give it to her.
Better yet, I'll PM hers to you.
Jen is a great person...not a smart ass at all like me....we're like yin and yang.
I'll let her know......She's driving to OK today for a debut for a new consultant.
She might fly or drive to NC if you decide. lol...no pressure. lol
Mikey P said:They are in vast need a lot of real life wisdom that the old salts of this forum could provide.
I keep hearing that..
As long as you come with her!!! The four of us could all get together!![/quote:25l7ln66]Harps Best Friend said:[quote="green gurl":25l7ln66][quote="Harps Best Friend":25l7ln66]Yes she does...she is the best consultant in the entire world. Customer service is everything.
Shoot me your email and I'll give it to her.
Better yet, I'll PM hers to you.
Jen is a great person...not a smart ass at all like me....we're like yin and yang.
I'll let her know......She's driving to OK today for a debut for a new consultant.
She might fly or drive to NC if you decide. lol...no pressure. lol
you shoulda known me before Joan neutered me....... 8) shiteatinggrinHarps Best Friend said:Shame Bawb......Shame. :|
ya ...but whad about my Jen......?Harps Best Friend said:I'm just happy to know you now....sorta. :mrgreen:
CapeCleaner said:Mikey P said:They are in vast need a lot of real life wisdom that the old salts of this forum could provide.
I keep hearing that..
And as soon as an "old salt" begins taking a position or provides advice contrary to that of the Allens, the banning will begin.
bob vawter said:YAAAAAAA....you wanna know if there is a truce......
ask 'em if I can log in.......
cuz right NOW i can't!
Harps Best Friend said:If you can't take a shitty comment now and then...you have no place on any internet board.
It's all fun and games mixed in with a little help and knowledge.
If someone is going to be a Nancy pants they need to get over themselves.
Oh good grief.
bob vawter said:YAAAAAAA....you wanna know if there is a truce......
ask 'em if I can log in.......
cuz right NOW i can't!
harryhides said:Harps Best Friend said:If you can't take a shitty comment now and then...you have no place on any internet board.
It's all fun and games mixed in with a little help and knowledge.
If someone is going to be a Nancy pants they need to get over themselves.
Oh good grief.
Does Mary Kay have any skin thickening products ?
Bawb, I am really disappointed in you.......................that you'd even try to log on, over there.