Trio - Any reviews yet? Randy?

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Time will tell but if the Cimex becomes a warranty issue it is very likely that the Trinity with its patented oscolation will become the new go to machine for commercial. I can not comment any further on how my comment has validity.
I think the Trinity is the top dog right now for OP machines but I think you're delusional if you think it's going to be seen as much a different machine by the manufacturers.

The CRB guys got there first, John will have to spend a ton of money playing politics to get it approved by any of the manufacturers, I just don't see that happening now.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Rug Doctor? :eekk:





Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
I think the Trinity is the top dog right now for OP machines but I think you're delusional if you think it's going to be seen as much a different machine by the manufacturers.

The CRB guys got there first, John will have to spend a ton of money playing politics to get it approved by any of the manufacturers, I just don't see that happening now.

I believe Shaw has seen the light.:biggrin:


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
I believe Shaw has seen the light.:biggrin:

they have but doesn't CRI need to as well?

yeah Richard, i am going to be placing my demo order next week when my 0% card arrives :clap: i'll let y'all know how it goes, hopefully i'll have enough jobs to test it out on. now i need to figure out which brushes i want them to send with the machine...medium or stiff. i am thinking stiff to get the best idea of how the machine cleans dirtier carpet. what do y'all think?


Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
If true, that is great....but how are you going to know which installations are Shaw's fibers or not?

Well you got to look at it like was the first game of the season, first batter up and he hit it out of the park. Many more pitches and many more games to play. Behold you are witnessing the evolution of O/P :rockon: :clap:


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
they should be shipping a Trio out tomorrow for me to demo. hopefully have it for a CGD project on Friday or Saturday.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Should have got the medium brushes.
They should be your all purpose ones.
My aggressive brushes for my GLS are way too stiff and aggressive to use on most things outside of grease packed restauarant carpet.

Med are blue
Heavy are green for me
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Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
i can still call them in the a.m. and change the brush type. i give them the card number tomorrow then they ship by 2:30 p.m.

so medium brush not stiff you say James? sounds good. tx for the advice!


Feb 2, 2007
i take it you have an issue with Cimex from a couple of your posts. why is that? you almost seem to have the venom for it that you have for the trinty.

i don't see how you can mock it's ability in the field. Host, sure. Cimex, nah.
Not at all I have used the cimex and its a fine machine, the warranty issue and the over use of solution is the issues I have with the cimex. Yes I believe it is being over sold as the be all end all of commercial carpet care and its not. Some contracts require HWE for example. The trio is put out by a company that is honest in their dealings and totally reasonable to deal with, I can't say the same of the Trinity. For example years ago carpet care systems took a general comment I made about low moisture cleaning and turned it into a testimonial about their equipment. It was in their brochure and I never even knew until someone mentioned it to me. The post wasn't equipment specific and was used deceptively by the makers of the Trinity. Add in how my buddy Todd has been treated and the lies John G is telling to sell the trinity, and yes I don't recommend anyone do business with them . For example on Pro cleaners John was claiming that a certain cleaner is replacing his Vortex with a Trinity. On the call the cleaner was asked specifically if he uses the Trinity for residential and he said, " no I don't like it for residential". John is still lying about this claiming the guy is selling his vortex, this too is false. Then finally the Trinity's biggest youtube movie making shill finally admitted to being compensated for "for all he does" promoting the Trinity. He has also indicated that he has a financial interest in their "franchise like plans". I don't have any respect for operations that lie about almost everything to sell their equipment. In the case of the trinity, it wasn't ready for the market place and is made by people poorly equipped and skilled to manufacture. When Clark Lancaster was making their equipment they had a decent unit, now they are selling poorly made junk that looks like a high school shop class threw the thing together while smoking enormous amounts of pot. If you want a Trinity don't waste $4200 on one, guys are dumping them pretty fast in new condition. On vacaways board Rambo has his for sale (it lasted with him what 2 weeks) for $2900. Pretty fast depreciation. It took Gilstrap a long time to liquidate his trinitys and he kept lowering the price just to dump the noisy junk.

John G

Oct 16, 2006
The trio is put out by a company that is honest in their dealings and totally reasonable to deal with, I can't say the same of the Trinity. For example years ago carpet care systems took a general comment I made about low moisture cleaning and turned it into a testimonial about their equipment. It was in their brochure and I never even knew until someone mentioned it to me. The post wasn't equipment specific and was used deceptively by the makers of the Trinity.

written TO ME on the PADDERLAND BBS
My net has skyrocketed
I must admit I still do feel the need to defend my decision to purchase 2 truckmounts,even though The LAST ONE I will ever own was recently sold. The money I "invested" in truckmounts would have easily purchased a summer home, a used FERRARI, or made a heck of a contribution to my retirement program. Since going low moisture my costs have dropped, referrals have gone up, the amount of time I spend doing Non-revenue producing equipment maintenance has disappeared, the training time for new hires has dropped by more than half, and most important my net (Randy gets to keep Money) has skyrocketed. John, if you had to live with the nightmares of being a truckmount operation for just a couple of years, you would understand why Truckmounters sometimes seem defensive. Getting beyond the emotional issues can be tough LOL.They have made the decision to allow their operation to become a fixed cost, high overhead, and complicated business. They are locked into a "in the box, I am trapped" mentality. There is no healing that until one admits THERE IS A BETTER WAY, that happens to be more profitable. With respect to low moisture cleaning taking longer, that is a joke. Often it takes less time and hardly ever longer. We switched truckmount customers (both commercial & residential ) with no problem, which shocked me. I wish I would have admitted this to my self earlier. The only time we hwe now is for serious urine contamination (where we are using OSR) or restaurants (agitation with counter-rotating brush rinse with steamon demons.
Rehabilitated and profitable for 3 years now, after 11 years of truckmount "issues" and several years of truckmount detachment therapy. For those trying to kick the Habit of truckmount dependancy – take it one day at a time. It does get easier.
P.S. John poking fun at anyone with an addiction is unacceptable, defending op is right up there with defending why you are not an alcholic or don’t shoot heroine.(in some cases,TMDS/Truckmount Dependency Syndrome is more expensive.
by Randy Royer - Reformed truckmount only cleaner
Usage rules on Padderland
7. All messages posted on this bulletin board become the copyrighted property of and CCS and may be republished by CCS or in whole or in part in other print.
So what exactly is your problem?

Add in how my buddy Todd has been treated and the lies John G is telling to sell the trinity, and yes I don't recommend anyone do business with them . For example on Pro cleaners John was claiming that a certain cleaner is replacing his Vortex with a Trinity. On the call the cleaner was asked specifically if he uses the Trinity for residential and he said, " no I don't like it for residential". John is still lying about this claiming the guy is selling his vortex, this too is false.

Todd screwed Todd and NO ONE else, get your head out of his butt and think first.
You know Randy, you are a LIAR, Paul Craig has parked his VORTEX, replaced it with two Trinity Cm's. His other company in Arizona is doing the same with their new Trinity, replacing thier VORTEX, he is also starting two more business in Ill an Fl, with Trinity CM's Only! His name is Paul Craig, Burns Clean team, Lexington, Ky, give him a call and see why I call you a LIAR.

Then finally the Trinity's biggest youtube movie making shill finally admitted to being compensated for "for all he does" promoting the Trinity. He has also indicated that he has a financial interest in their "franchise like plans". I don't have any respect for operations that lie about almost everything to sell their equipment.

Oops, LIAR again, you are not a very trustworthy person to believe, Coby has not and does not make ONE PENNY on anything TRS or TrinityRenewalSystems has done or is doing. Fact Jack...

In the case of the trinity, it wasn't ready for the market place and is made by people poorly equipped and skilled to manufacture.

We had a few problems starting out, we fixed all our customers problems, however we were open and honest about it, which in turn gives liars like you a chance twist crap.

When Clark Lancaster was making their equipment they had a decent unit, now they are selling poorly made junk that looks like a high school shop class threw the thing together while smoking enormous amounts of pot. If you want a Trinity don't waste $4200 on one, guys are dumping them pretty fast in new condition.

Bullcrap Randy, either you are lying or just don't know what you are talking about, the Trinity Cm is the highest ROI by far in the industry. Please visit our clubhouse on monday nights 9pm-11pm EST," " you won't hear any of THIS lying crap from the people who use them, many have 2-3 and 4 machines already, why? Because money it makes them. Crawl out of your buddy Todds butt and try the truth for a change.

On vacaways board Rambo has his for sale (it lasted with him what 2 weeks) for $2900.

Man, you are full of crap aren't you, Ray bought his CM Feb of Last YEAR "2012", two weeks you say? Ray has two machines, he is seling his CM, not becaues of ANY problems. He is going into semi retirement because "he says" he is the oldest cleaner in the south.

. It took Gilstrap a long time to liquidate his trinitys and he kept lowering the price just to dump the noisy junk.

Noisy junk? After this post I would consider YOU NOISY JUNK, I sold Gilstrap a machine and gave him his total refund immediately when he said he didn't want it, which was right away. Didn't cost him one penny.
So basically you came on here spouted out your advice like you KNEW anything and were HELPING cleaners when in fact you came here to lie about everything. What a moron.
So you tell people " yes I don't recommend anyone do business with them ", well tell me now, who should do business with a guy who lied about nearly everything he posted? And yes I can VERIFy everything I have stated...


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
BTW, there's a review thread in the Hardware forum.
Aug 22, 2012
Nampa, ID
John Why have you refused to accept the 2 certified letters that were sent to you regarding the issue with my defective Trinity machine ?

Just recently the court sent you a certified letter to inform you that a claim has been filed in Idaho and you won't sign for the letter? What kind of business are you running? Your actions seem unethical to me.

Why do you say Todd screwed Todd? I don't understand How I screwed myself when you are the one who sent me a defective machine that you won't stand up for. Instead all you want to do is create excuses and avoid process. That is why a Judge WILL decide this case.

Does this look square too you?
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
John that sounds like a bunch of marketing hype.

Wouldn't the Silver Colloidal (that kills 600 pathogens) being the real reason counts are down when testing for ATP and not necessarily the difference in cleaning or actual soil removal?

If you cleaned using HWE but with an antimicrobial as your rinse agent wouldn't the counts drop also.....maybe even further?

It just seems to me the ATP testing isn't being done on a level paying field if you're comparing a product that has so much killing potential and then claims are made that the process is much better.

Have you tested OP cleaning without a killing product in your solution? If so what were your results then?

The other things is it's negative advertising, why bash methods to the public??? Can't we be "carpet cleaners" and use the best method for what is at hand, instead of getting into petty arguments of which method is better. :neutral:
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Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
i dont see it as bashing, more like an explanation to his Clients and prospective Clients as to why he switched machines. it will be very noticeable to current Clients when he wheels an OP into their home, instead of that monster truck in the driveway.

good point about the colloidal Richard. the ATP stuff doesn't interest me at all. if i read it, it might :razz: i want visual results 1st.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Yes but the switch is built on a premise that OP is actually better for them. When it could be that OP may only be better for the operator, by saving on fuel and fatigue.

I say switch if you want but to do so based on biased testing that isn't exactly being above board with what's going on there. :frown:
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John G

Oct 16, 2006

John that sounds like a bunch of marketing hype.
Marketing hype? How so, it is just what he DID and letting his customers know WHY HE DID.

Wouldn't the Silver Colloidal (that kills 600 pathogens) being the real reason counts are down when testing for ATP and not necessarily the difference in cleaning or actual soil removal?
As to ATP, I guess you didn't READ it, ATP testing reads DEAD atp the same as LIVE.

If you cleaned using HWE but with an antimicrobial as your rinse agent wouldn't the counts drop also.....maybe even further?
No, that makes no difference at all, it is about REMOVAL not about killing.

It just seems to me the ATP testing isn't being done on a level paying field if you're comparing a product that has so much killing potential and then claims are made that the process is much better.
You can study and LEARN what ATP testing is about, the playing field is FINALLY level.

Have you tested OP cleaning without a killing product in your solution? If so what were your results then?
Yes we have and the results are the SAME.

The other things is it's negative advertising, why bash methods to the public??? Can't we be "carpet cleaners" and use the best method for what is at hand, instead of getting into petty arguments of which method is better. :neutral:
Doc Holl
iday Just admit it're a hack! That is bashing....

John G

Oct 16, 2006
Yes but the switch is built on a premise that OP is actually better for them. When it could be that OP may only be better for the operator, by saving on fuel and fatigue.

I say switch if you want but to do so based on biased test isn't exactly being above board with what's going on there. :frown:
Sorry Doc, you need to study a bit before making those false statemets. You are incorrect in your assumptions.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Is there any independent testing results concerning HWE vs OP?

Be what ever it is, it's always going to be difficult to swallow results that are not coming from an independent source. Especially coming from someone that has something to gain financially from the out come.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
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The Green Carpet Cleaning methods contamination number did not rise for two reasons. Reason one is because there was not much of anything left to begin multiplying and secondly the Green Carpet Cleaning agent we use contains colloidal silver which is extremely safe and is known to kill over 600 different pathogens with a 6 minute or less exposure.

If the Colloidal Silver had no effect why was it stated as though it did?
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