Desk Jockey
Send me a friend request Ralph!Terry don't like me just like you pig man he or you won't accept my friends request but no hard feelings you
I'd like to deny you also!
Send me a friend request Ralph!Terry don't like me just like you pig man he or you won't accept my friends request but no hard feelings you
No I still have them (15) 50ft sections.Richard, what did you do with all that hose soaked in cooking oil or whatever. Did you chuck it?
Not worth my time doing a Facebook search for you! haSend me a friend request Ralph!
I'd like to deny you also!
No I still have them (15) 50ft sections.
After several months out in the weather you can't smell the oil unless you sniff inside the cuff.
I'm saving them for some nasty work so I don't ruin all the new hoses we bought.
Saiger's Steam Clean Blue on Red right here BabyBlue is what's in, just ask Saiger.
We're referring to hoses, not to Mark's winter mood.