I have an older Judson TM, in fact it's around 20 years old when I bought it after a factory rebuild. It has around 15,000-20,000 hours on it.
It's on a 900 hour 18 hp Briggs & Stratton (which cost under $1000 to replace and under 2 hours to remove and replace)
The blower is original and not rebuilt
Tha tank is original and not rebuilt - there were not cracks to repair
It's on it's second 3cp Cat
The original Little Giant while still working was resold because I wanted a #4 Little Giant
A Judson TNT is no harder to work on than a lawn mower and a pressure washer because essentially that's all it is, yet it will suck as good or better as the very best of them and there is nothing complicated to fix or break on them. All parts are available locally and if you don't want to work on it yourself then you can take it to any small engine shop to have the work done.
It is very reliable, performs well and this has been proven over and over again.
To my knowledge the Judson TNT has earned its long standing reputation as the most reliable and bullet proof truckmount in the whole industry while remaining very affordable in comparison to the bling on the market today.
If you want to find the real story about Judson TNT's just ask anyone who has owned one for 5 or more years.
Vortex is a top end tool designed for a person that has the financial means, the high profit customer base who two-man cleans. To my understanding that is a very small percentage of carpet cleaners.
Mike's unit is the Judson C4, which he affectionately has named "The Lunchpail", is essentially a TNT with a bigger tank and a bigger engine and a slightly bigger blower. The Judson TNT or C4 (Lunchpail) is aimed square at the mass of the market yet for a single wanding cleaner. Anyone who has actually tried one it has found that it will meet their critical performance expectations.
Most of the TNT's that have been built over it's
35 years of production are still in use today.
http://truckmount-direct.com/store/inde ... &cPath=1_4