Nate The Great
Think about it. Several of my jobs are 30 plus floors. The only place to get water is the janitors room in the basment. There's is no way you are going to connect 500 ft of hose winding up the staircase. If you want to you use extraction cleaning, you have to fill your portie, clean however many hallways you can and bring it back down to the janitors room to dump and refill. To do the same will a dwell pro, you will have to bring up at least 2 5gal buckets of hot water and have 2-5gal buckets to dump in. Talk about a bucket brigade. The dwell pro is only useable where you have easy access to water
If I had no other choice and wanted the job, I'd use 55gallon rubbermaid trashcans on wheels... 1 for fresh water and 1 for dump... Not sure if you run a helper or not, but you could have them rotate the trashcans with another pair to keep you going.... It's not rocket science...