Water Filtration/Softeners

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Been running this softner for 9 years. I just put new resin in it. Now I run a chlorine, carbon and fine sediment filter. I should never have to replace the resin now that I'm filtering chlorine. During my busy months I regenerate about 1x month. So easy, 3 min to hook up and the timer turns off when done.


Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
The second dealer said I could buy a tank (new - $700.00; used - $350.00) that will get me about 2700 gals before regeneration, which is electronic and does it on my schedule. She said the Kenetico could decide to regenerate during a job if it needs to.

The problem with her tank is that it's porcelain and might break too easily for my application. I'm thinking about buying one and wrapping it in thick rubber for protection. She said I could also check with companies that supply water softeners to restaurants, but she's sure they'd be fairly expensive.

It can absolutely recycle during use. It doesn't matter because you still get soft water. It's a two tank system. It also regenerates with soft water so does a better job with less. It measures the water coming in and regenerates when necessary. I'm not sure why they charge so much. It's a very reliable system with almost nothing to break down. All you have to do is filter the incoming water so it doesn't clog it.
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