An amazing ability to charm. Yep, that is the truth. If not for that I would be living in a cardboard box.
Here is my daily challenge when giving quotes or cleaning: To get that person to talk about something other than cleaning...and then let the conversation go.
I just got done giving a quote to a lady about 45 minutes ago. Very finnicky on the phone. Very very stuck up in person. Her husband was a secret service agent and this women was TOUGH, super detail orientated.
At first we did not mix, but I kept my cool and was determined to find something to "connect" with her. Well, it was CANCER. She had mentioned something in the earlier conversation and I remembered it and simply asked her a question about it.
By the time I left that house she was as friendly and nice as could be and the job is mine.
We mostly deal with women, and we all know most women want to talk. So if you have the gift for gab, and are sincere, that will take you a long ways.